OFFICIAL RULEBOOK – Copyright 2017-2018
Updated Feb 12, 2017!
P.O. Box 2385
California City, CA 93504
Table of contents
1.) Part 1 - Forward Page 5
2.) Rules and Regulations Section 1.0 - 9.00 Page 14
3.) Technical Rules Section 9.0 – 10.10 Page 31
4.) Part 2 - Class limitations Section 11.0 Page 36
5.) Bone Stock Class Rules Section 12.0 Page 39
6.) Production Turbo 1000 Section 13.0 Page 52
7.) Production 850 Section 14.0 Page 66
8.) Production 900 Section 15.0 Page 79
9.) Production 1000 Section 16.0 Page 93
10.) Unlimited 4 Section 17.0 Page 107
11.) Unlimited 2 Section 18.0 Page 120
11.) Part 3 - Glossary of Terms
Acronyms & Abbreviations Appendix A Page 121
The purpose of this rulebook is to be used as a guideline to what is accepted as racing formats, protocols and class definitions. FORMULA UTV INT’L (FUTVI) or its sanctioned promoter or affiliate, do warrant that this rule book will address most of the circumstance regarding rules for competition but not all.
To that extent, FORMULA UTV INT’L & its Sanctioned Promoters officially state that “Unless you see a specific rule and regulation addressing your specific concerns, you MUST ASSUME THAT IT IS NOT PERMITTED FOR COMPETITION.
However, we wish to accommodate every racer to their needs if at all possible. To this end, we ask that if any portion of this rulebook does not answer your specific questions or concerns, that you contact FUTVI or sanctioned promoter immediately and try to resolve the matter BEFORE you enter a specific event.
At no time you are to assume that any discussion you’ve had with a sanctioned promoter or FORMULA UTV INT’L officials or exchange of e-mails, that your concerns have been met and approved.
In all cases, you are required to ask for specific clarification from the sanctioned promoter or FORMULA UTV INT’L (technical or otherwise), in writing and carry such document with you when you enter the next sanctioned event. Then, when you are officially “tech’ed” you may be asked to provide such documentation.
Remember these key words if you plan to race:
Now, let’s go racing and have fun…
Formula UTV International, LLC. (FUTVI)
This is the Competition Rulebook Version 12.0, Apr 16, 2014 with updates through December 2016.
Competition Rule Book.
This rulebook is the property of the Formula UTV Int’l (FUTVI), and its use all or in part, is granted by license to authorized membership and FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned event promoters. In no way is this Rulebook intended to replace common sense. It is intended as a guideline only.
Please read all requirements of this document. It is suggested you consult a professional fabricator before modification of factory supplied roll cages, suspension, or drivetrain of your machine. In no way does the FORMULA UTV INT’L accept responsibility for damage or injury that may result from your participation in racing activities.
For best results please identify the class that applies and utilize that section as it applies to your vehicle.
Class identifications are covered in section 11.0
• Bone Stock up to 900cc & up to 1000cc (Showroom Stock) Sportsman Only
• PRO or Sportsman TURBO 1000
• PRO or Sportsman up to 1000cc
• PRO or Sports Unlimited 2 & 4 1001cc+ (BITD/SCORE equivalent
o Unlimited 2 & 4 are combined.
This Formula UTV International, LLC (FUTVI) Competitive Rulebook is issued on the authority of the Formula UTV Int’l (FUTVI), and is effective upon receipt unless otherwise directed.
The FORMULA UTV INT’L Competitive Rulebook contains the rules, regulations, specifications, and guidelines (hereafter collectively known as the “rules”) that govern the conduct of, and participation in, FORMULA UTV INT’L competitive Sanctioned motorsports events.
The FORMULA UTV INT’L Rulebook is intended to provide approved standardized regulations and procedures to ensure the safest, fairest, highest quality competitive motorsports experience for competitors, fans, and sponsors of FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned events.
Although this rulebook is directive in nature, no instruction, however comprehensive, can apply in all conceivable circumstances. Nothing in this rulebook, therefore, is intended to replace the requirement for all participants at all times to exercise sound judgment and embody a high level of sportsmanship; nor is it intended to replace the requirement for participants to be responsible for their own safety and conduct.
Individual Event Promoters must consider applicable safety standards beyond this Rulebook guideline when planning each individual event, and at no times should this rule book circumvent a promoter’s responsibility to ensure safety of event participants. Environmental or other unique situations may require an event promoter to change a rule at any time to ensure a safe and fair event without the approval of the FORMULA UTV INT’L.
Interpretation of the following words is provided to clearly define their meanings as used in this rulebook:
a. The words “shall” and “must” has been used to indicate that compliance with, or application of, a rule or procedure is mandatory.
b. The word “should” has been used to indicate that compliance with, or application of, a rule or procedure is preferred or recommended, but not mandatory.
c. The word “may” has been used to indicate an acceptable or suggested means of accomplishment or that compliance with, or application of, a rule or procedure is optional.
d. The word “will” has been used only to indicate futurity; not to indicate any degree of requirement.
Special attention has been given to enhancing and clarifying the vocabulary used throughout this rulebook. Specifically defined terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in this rulebook are defined in the FORMULA UTV INT’L Rulebook - Glossary of Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. This glossary is appended to the FORMULA UTV INT’L Rulebook as Appendix A.
In the event of any inconsistency within this rulebook, FORMULA UTV INT’L shall be contacted for clarification prior to the start of an event.
In the case of a discrepancy noted, or clarification required, after the start of an event, FORMULA UTV INT’L will use the post-race Competition Review Board (CRB), if appointed prior to the start of an event or appointed as needed, post event, to determine the appropriate response. Such response may include, but need not be limited to: making a ruling, issuing a clarification, taking disciplinary action, or taking some other action deemed necessary by the CRB.
In the event of conflict between any documents referenced herein and the contents of this rulebook, or Promoter’s final instructions, the latter shall prevail.
In the event of any inconsistencies between the contents of this rulebook (including any documents referred herein) and any applicable United States federal, state, or local laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail.
In the event of conflict between the contents of this rulebook and the rules or specifications of any outside sanctioning body or promoter with whom an event is co-promoted, the stricter or more stringent rule or specification shall prevail.
FORMULA UTV INT’L reserves the right to change this rulebook, at any time, at their sole discretion.
A competitor who believes they have been aggrieved by an item in the rulebook, by the action or inaction of a director, volunteer, or other participant (including other competitors) has the right to file a grievance with the CRB. Such a grievance must be filed with the Race Director no later than 30 minutes after the completion of the event and pay the filing fee of $500.00 cash per occurrence or as deemed by the Promoter.
If the person protesting is found to be correct he/she will be refunded the entire sum posted for the protest.
If the person protesting is found to be wrong, the $500.00 protest fee may go directly to the sanctioned promoter or may be split by promoter with the person(s) being protested.
Equipment standards and specifications set forth in this rulebook, particularly safety standards, are to be considered minimum requirements. This rulebook or any particular individual rule, specification, or standard set forth herein should not be construed as constraining teams or participants from employing greater safety mechanisms or adhering to stricter safety standards than the minimums required, providing that doing so does not cause a conflict with other rules published in this rulebook.
All participants in any FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned event must comply fully with all applicable rules as published in this rulebook and in applicable Special Rules and Supplementary Regulations provided by individual Promoters.
The FORMULA UTV INTERNATIONAL (FUTVI) Competitive Rulebook is the sole property of, and the copyright held by, Formula UTV Int’l (FUTVI) LLC. (FORMULA UTV INT’L).
The FUTVI Rulebook may not be used by any person or entity, in part or in whole, for any reason whatsoever, without the express written permission of Formula UTV Int’l (FUTVI) LLC.
The following are the designated FORMULA UTV INT’L officials:
Chairman of the Board/ CEO/President: The Chief Executive Officer of FORMULA UTV INT’L is responsible for the conduct of all business transactions and events of the FORMULA UTV INT’L. All other officials are responsible to the Chairman of the Board/ CEO/President. The Chairman, in partnership with the Executive Directors, has the final decision on all issues involving any FORMULA UTV INT’L matters. The Chairman has full discretion to make any final determinations of, judgments on, or assess penalties with respect to all FORMULA UTV INT’L rules. The Chairman position is filled by majority vote by the Executive Directors.
Event Director: The FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned event Promoter is responsible for all aspects of any given FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned event. The Promoter may assign the following positions to execute during a particular event:
Executive Directors: A term to refer collectively to the FORMULA UTV INT’L Board of Directors. Five (5) positions will make up the FORMULA UTV INT’L Executive Directors Board, with each Director holding a sub or subs Committee chair. Racing, Environmental Affairs, Recreational events, Industry, Vice President/ Treasurer, Media Relations and the Chairman of the Board /CEO/President Vice President/ Treasurer (VP): An Agent of FORMULA UTV INT’L representing the Executive Directors and Membership for the financial duties of the FORMULA UTV INT’L. In the Absents of the President the Vice President will be responsible for conducting the business of the FORMULA UTV INT’L. The VP also executes other duties and responsibilities in partnership with the Executive Directors. Media Director: An Agent of FORMULA UTV INT’L representing the Executive Directors and Membership to the media. The Media Director also executes other duties and responsibilities in partnership with the Executive Directors.
Race Director: An Agent of FORMULA UTV INT’L representing the Executive Directors and Membership for the on-course conduct of all FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned events. The Race Director also executes other duties and responsibilities in partnership with the Executive Directors.
Environmental Affairs (EA) Director: An Agent of FORMULA UTV INT’L representing the Executive Directors and Membership for the protection of the use of Public lands by the OHV community. The EA Director also executes other duties and responsibilities in partnership with the Executive Directors.
Industry Director: An Agent of FORMULA UTV INT’L representing the Executive Directors and membership relationships FORMULA UTV INT’L Industry members. The Industry Director also executes other duties and responsibilities in partnership with the Executive Directors.
Recreation Director: An Agent of FORMULA UTV INT’L representing the Executive Directors and membership for the promotion of FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned recreational events. The Recreation Director also executes other duties and responsibilities in partnership with the Executive Directors.
Officials: A term to refer collectively to the Event Director, the Race Director and/or Race Official and the CRB Director.
Race Official: Is an individual(s) designated by the Race Director to officiate at a FORMULA UTV INT’L-sanctioned event. There may be several Race Officials for any given event. As a collective group, the term “officials” may include the Executive Directors, the following list of officials, and any other person designated an event official by FORMULA UTV INT’L for a given event.
Course Marshall: The race official appointed by the Event Director to assist the Race Official in the on-course conduct of an event.
Chief Technical Inspector: The race official appointed by the Event Director to direct the inspection of entrants' vehicles before and after each event, for compliance with the applicable portions of the FORMULA UTV INT’L Rulebook.
Assistant Chief Technical Inspector: The race official appointed by the Chief Technical Inspector to assist the Chief Technical Inspector. The Assistant Chief Technical Inspector shall perform all duties of the Chief Technical Inspector in the event the Chief Technical Inspector is not available. The Assistant Chief Technical Inspector shall carry out all other duties assigned by the Event Director, and/or Chief Technical Inspector.
Scoring Director: The race official appointed by the event Director to direct the timing and scoring operations of an event.
Emergency Rescue & Assist Team – These officials have the right-away on the racecourse at any time; pre-race, during the race and post-race to access any portion of the race course and/or access points. If there is a “code red” or if there is an emergency, at no time is a racer allowed to pass an emergency vehicle on course, while the emergency lights are flashing. Only upon notification by the Emergency Official is a race vehicle allowed to pass. Failure to adhere to this rule will disqualify or ban the racer from participation in future FUTVI-sanctioned events.
Communications Director: The race official appointed by the Event Director to direct the radio communications network operations of an event.
Check Point Captain: A race official appointed by the Event Director to direct the operations of a particular checkpoint and the immediate area around that checkpoint.