R e g u l a r M e e t i n g
Saint Louis, Missouri –February 17, 2015
The Board met at 1:45 p.m.
Present: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
Request of the Directors of Health and Hospitals to be excused from the Regular Meeting of February 17, 2015 was read and leave of absence granted by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Runde, Hayes, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
Motion of the Director of Public Utilities that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 10, 2015 be and hereby are approved, as they appear of record in the Minute Book, seconded by the Director of Public Safety.
The foregoing motion ordered approved by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
287241 Recommendation that the Findingss of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Ddecision and Order
pertaining to Hearing Number 8160, concerning the revocation of Permit No. 84777, New
Life Evangelistic Center Inc., 1411 Locust, operating a Rooming House or Hotel that is
detrimental to the neighborhood pursuant to Ordinance 61971, as codified by Chapter
11.72 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis be approved.
The foregoing recommendation ordered approved by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
287242 Motion of the Director of Public Utilities thatConsideration of Permit No. 119265, Broadway Sales Group LLC c/o Shabbir Bayat, to occupy 4214 South Broadway, Ste A as a convenience store (no liquor and no cooking), be tabled until February 24, 2015. ordered approved seconded by the Director of Human Services.
The foregoing recommendation ordered approved by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
Communications, reports, recommendations and documents were submitted
by Board Members and action thereon taken as follows:
287243 Recommendation that the Board declare as an emergency action to restore and
rebuild link belt truck crane to extend its service life be approved.
287244 Recommendation that the Board declare as an emergency action to replace Chain
of Rocks Transformer #4 Primary Bushings and Lighting Arresters be approved.
Joint recommendation that (9) nine permits for AT and T be approved, subject to
certain conditions as follows:
287245 121160, AT and T, bore and place a 300 pair cable from an existing manhole at front
of 1037 So. Taylor 40’ east to front of 1040 So. Taylor from this point bore 65’ north to
intersection of So. Taylor and Gibson from this point bore 60’ east etc.
287246 12161, AT and T Missouri, start at existing manhole at intersection of Natural
Bridge and Euclid (4901 Natural Bridge) bore 15’ north onto AT and T 10 x 10 easement
placing two AT and T cables and one conduit, dig two pits, saw cut and restore sidewalk
as necessary,
287247 121163, Charter Communications, start behind 5311 Pershing from the pole on
north side of alley and parking lot to pole on south side of parking lot behind a CBN
customer where the coax has to be relocated underground in the alley,
287248 121148, Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri, to install conduit and
remove overhead lines on the east and west side of Vandeventer, north and south side of
Forest Park in alley and north and south side of Duncan,
287249 121158, Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri, to directional bore work on
east side of Nebraska, north and south of Allen,
287250 121159, Union Electric Company d/b/a Ameren Missouri, to reroute conduit to new
pole at Newstead and Clayton.
287251 121126, Regional Justice Information Service, to directional bore underneath a Ccity
owned street west of 4255 West Pine, then leaving the parking lot and pass under North
Boyle to enter the REJIS facility to install a security perimeter fencing which includes one
main gate and two auto gate openers.
287252 121150, Geo Drill, for installation of one temporary 1” soil boring/piezometer at
approximately at approximately 30’ bgs. The boring will abandoned with bentonite chips
and sealed with concrete.
287253 121151, South Side Property LLC, to install first monitoring well, south of 6424
Southland in north right of way of Loughborough and the second one, west of 6902
Hampton in the east right of way of Hampton. Both wells in the grassy area between the
street and the sidewalk.
Joint recommendation that (2) two permits be approved, subject to certain conditions as follows:
287254 121200, Jason Torress and Alexander Rodriguez, to consolidate land at 5237 and
5241 Elizabeth in C.B. 4073.
287255 121201, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, to subdivide land at 1 West Penrose
in C.B. 2503.
287256 Recommendation that Permit No. 121212, The French School Market Day, to
declare a festival zone at 1881 Pine at the French School be approved.
287257 Motion of the Director of Public Safety that (10) ten Conditional Use Permits be
approved (10 approved with conditions) as recommended by the Hearing Officer, per
Board Order No. 766, seconded by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestryublic Utilities.
10 approved with conditions:
121213, 5434 Reber, electrical contracting business (office use only) home
occupancy wavier,
121214, 1811 So. Broadway, school,
121215, 7420 Michigan, daycare, 140 children, 34 infants, 106 children 2 ½ to 14
years, 5 a.m. t o 12 a.m., Monday-Sunday, no cooking,
121216, 2101-27 So. Jefferson, daycare, 148 children, 48 infants, 100 children 2 ½
to 5 years, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Friday, Cooking,
121217, 2212 So. Jefferson, sit-down, carryout café, outside seating, no liquor with
121218, 2700 Cherokee, thrift store, used household items and clothing,
121219, 2700-06 Cherokee, interior alterations (per plans) for commercial building,
121220, 2701-47 Delmar, construct parking lot and 8’ chain link fence (per plan) for
auto repair,
121221, 4400 C D Banks, structural foundation construction (per plans) for
classroom and lab addition,
121222, 5104 Hampton, retail, resale and repair of cell phones and accessories.
The foregoing motion ordered approved by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
287258 Motion of the Director of Public Utilities that Aagenda Items for February 17, 2015 be approved, with the Consideration of Permit No. 119265, Broadway Sales Group LLC c/o Shabbir Bayat, to occupy 4214 South Broadway, Ste A as a convenience store tabled until February 24, 2015, seconded by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry.
The foregoing motion recommendation ordered approved by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
Motion of the Director of Public Safety that Board Adjourn to meet Tuesday, February 24, 2015, seconded by the Director of Parks, Recreation and Forestry.
The foregoing motion ordered approved by the following vote:
Ayes: Directors Skouby, Hayes, Runde, Roth, Gray and President Bradley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Director Rice-Walker. (excused)
Secretary President