JANUARY 9, 2012
9:30 A. M.
“Early Is On Time, On Time Is Late”
NOTICE: The Board of Commissioners complies with ADA. If anyone needs interpretative services while attending a Commissioners meeting, please notify this office 24 hours in advance!
11:00 a.m. Transportation Improvement District meeting – room “b”
#1. Elect the President of the Board for the year 2012
#2. Elect the Vice-President of the Board for the year 2012
#3. Adopt Roberts Rules as Parliamentary Procedures to be followed at all Board meetings during 2012
#4. Provide each Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM as regular Board meeting days for 2012
#5. Provide the 2nd or 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:30 as a regular board meeting days for 2012 for public hearings
#6. Authorize the President, Vice-President or Member to execute all agreements, contracts and documents on behalf of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.
#7. Appoint a Commissioner as 9-1-1 Review Board Chairman for year 2012 and various members
#8. Appoint the President to the Lorain County Data Processing Board, Audit Review Board, Records Commission, Solid Waste Management Policy Committee, Board of Revisions (or alternate), Lorain County Children & Families Council (or designee), Safety Committee (or designee)
#9. Authorize Commissioners Ted Kalo, Lori Kokoski, Tom Williams & and County Administrator James Cordes to utilize the County’s Lormet Visa credit card for the year 2012 in the amount not to exceed $5,000 each. Expenditures are work related to include CCAO and NACO conferences, and for such items as food, lodging, telephone, gas and oil, minor vehicle maintenance and emergency repairs of county owned or leased vehicles
Regular Board Business:
#10. Job and Family Services Bills
#11. Investments
#12. Appropriations
#13. Transfers
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Board agenda cont. 01/09/12
#14. Advances/Repayments
#15. Requisitions
#16. Bills
#17. Authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (at the conclusion of today’s Board meeting, the Commissioners may recess into an Executive Session to discuss: personnel/new hires)
#18. Approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes of December 14 & 21, 2011
#19. Approve payment from Victims of Domestic Violence Fund to Lorain County Safe Harbor, Inc., (DBA Genesis House) for the amount of $31,245 as collected by Lorain County, for the period July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. Collection and payment are pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) Sections 2303.201 and 3113.34 – 3113.39.
#20. Establish compensation for Law Directors Prosecuting violations of State Law in Municipal Courts;
O.R.C. 1901.34 (C) for the year 2012
Lorain, Elyria, Oberlin $ 7,500.00 each
North Ridgeville, Amherst $ 5,625.00 each
Avon Lake, Avon, Sheffield Village, Sheffield Lake $ 3,750.00 each
South Amherst, Wellington $ 1,500.00 each
Kipton, Rochester, Grafton, Vermilion, LaGrange $ 750.00 each
#21. Authorize the salary adjustments for various personnel at Municipal Courts, reflecting the County’s 2/5 share
1) Administrative Judge Mark J. Mihok, effective January 1, 2012 at rate bi-weekly of $973.08
2) Presiding Judge Thomas J. Elwell, effective January 1, 2012 at bi-weekly rate of $950
1) Administrative Judge Gary C. Bennett, effective January 1, 2012 at bi-weekly rate of $973.08
2) Presiding Judge Lisa A. Locke Graves, effective January 1, 2012 at bi-weekly rate of $950
3) Bailiff Michael Gebhardt, effective retroactive to September 11, 2011 at bi-weekly rate of $833.65 and January 4, 2012 will receive longevity pay in total amount of $850.33
4) Magistrate Richard Schwartz, effective retroactive to September 11, 2011 at bi-weekly rate of $1,205.54
Community Development Department:
#22. Publish a notice on January 13 in a non legal section of the Chronicle to fulfill requirements of the environmental review record for FY11 CDBG Formula Program
#23. Authorize 25% freeze-thaw load limit on various township roads in Carlisle Township; the thaw and moisture period in accordance with ORC 5577.07 effective February 1 – May 1, 2012
#24. Advertise for bids for upgrade of traffic signals at North Ridge Rd and Baumhart Rd, Brownhelm Township. Notice to be in Journal on January 12 & 19 & open at 2 pm on January 26 in meeting room d
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Mental Health:
#25. Approve & enter into a MOU with Mental Health (Fiscal Agent) for Integrated Services Partnership (ISP), Commissioners and Juvenile Court in order to receive $308,000 from ISP for the year 2012 to be used for the express and sole purpose of operating Turning Point and will be paid in 2 installments, ½ in January 2012 and second ½ in July 2012. Any balance at end of 2012 will be returned to Mental Health. If due to its own lack of funding resources, or for any other reason as determined in sole discretion, ISP may terminate agreement prior to 2nd payment with a 30 day written cancellation clause
#26. Authorize donation of 18 used computer tables to the Midview School District that were confiscated in a raid several years ago.
#27. Receive and file annual report in accordance with ORC 325.31 on the fees due and unpaid for more than 1 year prior to January 1, 2012 in the amount of $1,890,011.43
C. Mr. James R. Cordes, County Administrator: On Vacation
D. Mr. Jerry Innes, Assistant County Prosecutor:
E. Commissioner’s Report:
F. Clerk’s Report:
#1. Commissioner’s next meeting will be Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.
G Board Correspondence:
#1, Lisa Goodwin and Rhonda Smith have resigned from Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services Board
#2. February 24 at 6 pm, LCCC Spitzer – Leadership Lorain County will honor J. Daniel Martin – Exe Dir
Metro Parks with Eric Nord award for Excellence in Leadership; Donald Knechtges, President/Owners, Business Visions award for Excellence in Leadership and Marvin Krislov, President-Oberlin College award for Excellence in Leadership
#3. January 10 at 7 pm, Eaton Township Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a hearing for condition application AB-12-01 Craig Ruth of Ruth Restorations, Inc, for a garage for motor vehicle repair at 35525 Royalton Rd
#4. Grand Jury Report – Judge Ewers & Judge Zaleski
#5. Sheriff in compliance with ORC 311.20 submitted monthly itemized account of actual cost of keeping and feeding prisoners and other persons in charge for November 2011 there was 36,948 meals served at a cost of $1.159 - 1.187
#6. Lorain County Urban League has a new site at www.lcul.org
#7. February 2 at 8 am., 6th Annual Groundhog Day Economic Development Breakfast at LCCC Spitzer. Register at 440-328-2562 by 1/26/12
#8. Local Government Innovation Council 6 regional information session and 1 webinar; January 10-Columbus; January 18-Perrysburg; January 11-Marietta; January 17-Warrensville Hghts.; January 24-Dayton and January 24-Hamilton. More info at 614-728-0989
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#9. Splash Zone, Oberlin 2012 rates and classes available
#10. Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services meeting will be January 4 at 12 pm (Adm Comm); January 18 at 5:30 p m (Board & Executive)
#11. Black River Rap meeting for January 9 has been cancelled, next meeting in April
#12. January 10 from 5-7 pm, Business After Hours at Buderer Drug, Avon, cost $15 for up to 5 people
Register at www.loraincountychamber.com
#13. Sheriff in compliance with ORC 301.27 estimated January gas cards to be $600
#14. January 9 at 10 am, Data Processing Board organizational meeting, Auditor-Treasurer Conference Room
#15. January 9 at 1:30 pm, Board of Revision organizational meeting, Auditor-Treasurer Conference room
#16. Publications: “Public Records Press”; “Auditor of State highlights”; “County News”; “Legal Aid Society”; “Greater Ohio On the Go”; Senator Sherrod Brown Northeast Ohio Quarterly regional newsletter”; “Government Product Guide”; “Government Product news”; “
#17. Community Alliance contract with Commissioners was not extended beyond December 31, 2011. Alliance reviewed current finances and proposed contract with LCCC PSI and believe it is the interest of Alliance to continue services of Virginia Haynes as Administrative Coordinator of Alliance thru PSI until December 31, 2012 but alternate funding sources will need to be secured to continue past 2012
#18. Commissioner Kalo executed Ohio Neighborhood Stabilization Program Status Reports for: B-Z-05-1BQ-1 and Certification of Exempt Project for CDBG projects (org: LCCDD)
#19. Commissioner Kalo executed amendment for/program budget summary (org: DR)
#20. February 11, Toms Country Place, Avon – 3rd annual Wags to Riches Casino Night to benefit Friendship APL, cost $80
#21. January 17 from 10 -2 pm – “How to Seek & Find Customers” through SBDC Center, 5th Floor Admin Bldg. Rsvp at www.entrepreneurohio.org
H. Public Comment: (Please limit comments to 3 minutes Thank-you)
Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Sat. at Noon & Mon. at 11 p.m. and subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at (440) 326-4868
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