Anatomy & Physiology: Essential Skills - Fall Semester 2010

Chapter 1 – Introduction - Essential Skills

1.  Be able to explain Homeostasis and Metabolism and give examples of both in humans.

2.  Understand and use examples of negative feedback regulation in humans.

3.  Know the general functions and basic organs of the 12 systems of the body.

4.  Understand why the human body can be studies at all 9 levels of organization.

5.  Be able to identify the following regions on the human body: anterior, posterior, abdominal, brachial, cephalic, cervical, femoral, lumbar, oral, orbital, pelvic, sacral.

Chapter 2,3,4, - Biology Review – Essential Skills

1.  Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic chemistry principles of bonding, chemical formulas and pH.

2.  Students will be able to identify the 4 macromolecules, their function in living things, and common monomers and polymers of each.

3.  Students will be able to identify and explain functions of common organelles of a eukaryote cell, including the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, golgi apparatus, ribosomes and lysosomes.

4.  Students will be able to explain the difference between active and passive transport, and be able to state examples of both types of transport.

5.  Students will know the role of enzymes in all living things and be able to identify 3 factors that affect enzyme action.

6.  Students will know the reactants and products of aerobic respiration and be able to identify when anaerobic respiration will occur in human cells.

7.  Students will understand the difference between DNA Replication, Transcription and Translation

Chapter 5 – Tissues - Essential Skills

1.  List and describe the general function of 4 types of tissue (Epithelial, Connective, Muscle & Nervous) found in the human body.

2.  Understand the naming system for all epithelial tissues (squamous, cuboidal, columnar – simple, stratified, psuedostratified).

3.  Know the 3 types of muscle tissue (skeletal, cardiac & smooth) and where each is located in the human body.

4.  Identify the general structure and function of a neuron (including the dendrite, cell body and axon).

5.  Be able to give an example of a preventable human disease that begins at the tissue level. Name the disease, the cause and the specific tissue affected.

Chapter 6 - Skin – Essential Skills

1.  Be able to list 5 functions of the skin.

2.  Be able to explain how the skin functions to maintain body temperature.

3.  Identify the difference between a sebaceous gland versus a sweat gland, in terms of function and location.

4.  Identify differences between the epidermis versus the dermis, in terms of function and location.

5.  Be able to explain how lifestyle choices can lead to premature aging of the skin.

Chapter 7 – Skeletal System – Essential Skills

1.  Be able to list and explain 4 functions of the skeletal system.

2.  Identify at least 4 different tissues that you would find in a living bone.

3.  Be able to explain how endochondral bones elongate. Use the terms chondrocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and epiphiseal plate in your explanation.

4.  Correctly identify the location of the following bones: Cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sternum, clavicle, humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, fibula, carpals, metacarpals, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges.

5.  Be able to explain how lifestyle choices can lead to osteoporosis. Identify 2 ways that a person can prevent osteoporosis.