Acct2220 Zeigler: Capsim Round Summary (for Industry #F705 __)

H/W#6: Round 1Individual Summary Evaluation(Due Tues, 3/31 in lab)

Name: ______Company: ______Class Period: 11:30 1:00

Note: Complete this evaluation grid AFTER reviewing Round 1 Results.

Individually rate your team performance for this round in the following areas: / Very Good / Good, but improvement needed / Significant
Improvement needed
Overall Company Performance:
(FastTrack, Balanced Scorecard, Analyst Report, Star Ratings)
Research & Development:
(Product counts, Customer needs, MTBF Quality levels)
(Price, Awareness, Accessibility, Market Placement)
Sales Forecast:
(December Customer Survey, Market Share Report, Competition)
(Investment in Capacity, Inventory levels, Automation levels)
(Liquidity, Leverage/Debt level, Bond Rating, Stock Price, Dividend policy)
Human Resources:(starts Round 2)
See Capsim Website for more information / N/A / N/A / N/A
Total Quality Mgmt:(starts Round 4)
See Capsim Website for more information / N/A / N/A / N/A

a) What is your Company Strategy?

b) Did you achieve your goals this round (circle)? YES NO

c) For next round, youwill be more (circle): Aggressive Conservative No Change

d) What one change do you consider to be most important for next round? Why?

“Balanced Scorecard” Questions (Complete using Round One Results):

NOTE: Two approaches exist to obtain information about your Balanced Scorecard:

a) For Actualresults of completed rounds, login and choose “Reports” on the left hand side of your “Dashboard” screen. Select“Balanced Scorecard”.

b) For Pro-forma(projected) Balance Scorecard results relating to next-rounddecisions, enter your decisions and then go to “Proformas”. Select “Balanced Scorecard”.

Required: Use whatever approachis necessary to address the following questions:

1) List the four “criteria” areas of the “Balanced Scorecard” (in the order shown in Capsim).

2) Under which of the four criteria is the “Customer Awareness” metric listed? What is your Round One Customer Awareness percentage? How much “awareness” is required to earn full credit?

3) Under which of the four criteria areas is the “Leverage” metric listed? What is your Round Oneleverage, show how is it computed and what “range” earns full credit for Leverage? Explain.

4) When you have a “Plant Utilization” of 200%, this means you are operating at maximum capacity over both (two) shifts and using the maximum capabilities of your production facility. What is your Round Oneplant utilization and what “range” of Plant Utilization is required to earn full credit?

Next, whydo you believe full credit isnot awarded for a plant utilization percentage of 200%?