Board of Education – Work Session

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 – 7:00 PM

Troy High School Library

The Work Session of the Troy Area School District Board of Education, held on Tuesday, November 13, 2012, in the Troy High School Library, was called to order by President, Todd Curren at 7:04 PM. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken:

Present:Mr. CurrenMrs. Harer Mr. Olsyn Mr. Grace Mr. Martin Mr. Roy

Mr. HansellMrs. Nauta

Absent:Mrs. Fox

Others Present: Mr. Young, Superintendent; Mrs. Gilliland, Business Administrator; Mr. Blair, Maintenance Director;Mr. Regina, Troy Intermediate School & Troy Primary School Assistant Vice Principal, Athletic Director; Mr. Schrader, Director of Technology; Mrs. Shipman, Junior/Senior High School Principal; Mrs. Stanfield, Troy Intermediate School Principal;Solicitor Williams III; Visitor Jerry May & Cheryl Angove

Mr. Curren announced that an Executive Session was held on October 15, 2012 for personnel discussion.

Mr. Curren announced that an Executive Session was held just prior to the start of tonight’s Work Session for personnel discussion.

Presentations:Brianne Carpenter, Troy Intermediate School Choir Director announced to the Board that the 5th & 6th grade Troy Intermediate School Choir had been selected to perform in Harrisburg on March 27, 2013 as part of the Music in our Schools celebration that occurs each year in March.

Visitors’ Comments on Agenda Items: None.


Financial Reports:

Reports: A) Northern Tier Career Center Report: B) Intermediate Unit Report: C) Pennsylvania School Boards Association: D) Federal Programs Report: E) Primary School Report: F) Intermediate School Report: G) Junior/Senior High School Report: H) Superintendents Report: No reports were provided.

Selection of Items for Removal from Consent Agenda:None

Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda as Follows:

A) Budget, Finance and Transportation:1) Budget: a) Approve the Resolution opposing the Budget Control Act of 2011;Mr. Olsyn requested Mr. Curren, BoardPresident also write a letter opposing federal revenue subsidy reductions and send to legislature;2) Finance: a)Approve the 2013-2014 E-Rate Consulting Letter of Agreement with the BLaST Intermediate Unit 17;3)Transportation: None

B) Personnel: 1) Retirements: None;2) Resignations:a)Mary Weaver, Speech Therapist, effective October 18, 2012; b) Ryan Wood, Boys’ Baseball Head Coach, effective November 7, 2012; c)John Pollock, Boys’ Baseball Assistant Coach, effective November 7, 2012; 3) Employment: a) Act 93: 1)None; Mr. Olsyn made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Harer, to approve the following: b) Professional Contract Employees; 1)Stefanie Williams, Speech Therapist, effective November 14, 2012, salary as per contract; 2) Shaina Slocum, Learning Support Teacher, change effective date from September 19, 2012 to August 22, 2012, salary as per contract Roll Call Vote: Mr. Roy, yes; Mr. Grace, yes; Mr. Hansell, yes; Mrs. Harer, yes; Mr. Martin, yes; Mrs. Nauta, yes; Mr. Olsyn, yes, Mr. Curren, yes. Motion passed 8-0-0-1. c) Support Staff Employments:1)4-hr Casual Custodian at JSHS 4-8, effective November 21, 2012; 2) Personal Care Aide, effective November 21, 2012;d)Substitutes – Professional Staff:1) Marjorie Ulkins, Elementary: Reading Specialist, Ment and/or Phys Handicapped, effective October 24, 2012;2) Jaimie Purdy, Mathematics 7-12, effective November 6, 2012;e) Substitutes – Support Staff: 1) Christine Varner, Nurse, effective October 16, 2012;2) Corey Mesko, Security, effective October 17, 2012; 3) Dolly Jones, PCA/TA/Sec/Caf/Cust, effective October 25, 2012; 4) Brandy Bellows, PCA/TA/Sec/Caf/Cust, effective November 6, 2012; f) Supplemental Contracts: 1)None;g) Winter Coaching Contracts: 1) Matt Allen,Asst. Boys’ Basketball Coach, salary as per contract, no additional benefits; 2)Stacy Rogers, 7th & 8th Grade Asst.Girls’ Basketball Coach, salary as per contact, no additional benefits;3)Yancey Snyder, 7th & 8th Grade Asst. Wrestling Coach, salary as per contact, no additional benefits;4) Position Eliminations:a) None. 5) Create New Positions:a) Assistant Athletic Director, effective November 21, 2012, annual $7,000 stipend; b) Director of Development, effective November 21, 2012, annual $13,000 stipend; 6) Permission to Advertise; a) None;7) Contracts:a)Appoint ______as special counsel for matters determined by the Superintendent , Board and Solicitor (or whomever you wish to control this) in accordance with their fee agreement;8)Transfers; a) Support; 1) Jeanine Martin, WRC Personal Care Aide to WRC Health Room Aide, effective January 1, 2013;2) Evelyn Gee, JSHS 4-hr Cas Cust 4-8 to WRC 4-hr Cas Cust 6-10, effective November 21, 2012; 3) Karlene Shimko, TIS Cafeteria Manager to WRC Cafeteria Manager, effective January 8, 2013; 4) Jodi Landis, WRC Cafeteria Worker to TIS Cafeteria Manager, effective January 8, 2013; 9)Leave Requests:a) None; 10) Certification: a) Kristin White, Special Education, Remove from Teaching Certificate, effective November 21, 2012; 11)Job Description:a) Approve revised Athletic Director Job Descriptions; b) Approve new Assistant Athletic Director and Director of Development Job Descriptions.

C) Buildings and Grounds: 1) None

D) Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: 1) None

E) Technology: 1) None

F) Student Affairs:1) Motion to accept a donation of forty (40) track hurdles from Mansfield University; 2) Motion to accept a $1,000 scholarship from Mansfield University to be awarded to a 2012/2013 Troy Area School District graduating senior who is attending Mansfield University in the fall of 2013; Mr. Olsyn made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Harer, to approve the following: 3) Motion to expel a JSHS student for a violation of the student discipline code for the period of time the student has served in suspension; Roll Call Vote: Mr. Grace, yes; Mr. Hansell, yes; Mrs. Harer, yes; Mr. Martin, yes; Mrs. Nauta, yes; Mr. Olsyn, yes; Mr. Roy, yes, Mr. Curren, yes. Motion passed 8-0-0-1.

G) Community Relations: 1)None.

H) Policy: 1)118.1 On-Line Learning; 2) 209.1 Food Allergy Management.

Items Removed from Consent Agenda:None

General Board Discussion: A) Administrative Regulations and Attachments; 1) 122-ATT-1 Student Activities Accounting Manual; 2) 209.1-AR-0 Food AllergyManagement; 3) 209.1-AR-1 Emergency Care Plan Form; 4) 209.1-AR-2 IndividualizedHealth Care Plan (IHP); 5) 209.1-AR-3 Medical Plan of Care for Food Service Form; 6) 209.1-AR-4 Food Allergy Checklist; 7) 209.1-ATT-0 Self-Management of Life-Threatening Allergy Form; 8) 808-AR Guidelines for Food Service; 9) 810-AR-1 BusBehavior of Students.

Mrs. Gilliland reminded the Board that the December Reorganization meeting will be held Monday December 3, 2012. A Budget & Finance Committee meeting will begin at 6:00 pm in the JSHS Library. The Regular Board meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. A meal will be provided following the Board meeting in the JSHS cafeteria.

Mrs. Gilliland asked the Board to review the PSBA Travel Accident insurance information that was provided to them. Anyone interested in purchasing the twenty-four coverage should notify Mrs. Gilliland.

Mr. Blair provided an update on the budgeted 2012/2013 plow truck. The bidding process is expected to begin in December 2012.

Mr. Blair provided an update on the proposed electronic sign. The application is complete and a picture of the proposed sign was distributed to Board members. The next step is to request approval from the Borough.

Mr. Grace commented that both the sidewalk and lighting projects are going well. Both projects are expected to complete on time.

Visitor Comment and Question Period: None.

Adjournment: On a motion by Mr. Olsyn, seconded by Mr. Martin, the directors adjourned at 7:46PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Traci Gilliland

Board Secretary

November 13, 2012