DI-fusion - Institutional repository @ ULB
Mapping of DIDL/MODS in RIS
· Vanessa Themans (Université Libre de Bruxelles – Libraries – RDIB)
· Benoit Pauwels (Université Libre de Bruxelles – Libraries – RDIB)
Date / VersionDecember 2009 / 1.0 / Initial document
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Belgium License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/be/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
book 3
bookitem 5
article 8
proceedings 10
conferencelecture 12
npubcommunication 15
npubthesesdissert 16
researchreport 19
partofresearchreport 21
workingpaper 24
patent 26
articleinpress 28
interviewemission 30
website 32
bibliography 33
course 34
others 36
book (bookOneAuthor, bookCollaboration, bookEditor, bookTranslation)
DIDL/MODS elements / DIDL/MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<didl:Descriptor> / didl:Statement mimeType=”application/xml”>
<dii:Identifier> / <didl:Descriptor>
<didl:Statement mimeType=”application/xml”>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/bookOneAuthor”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/bookCollaboration”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/bookEditor”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/bookTranslation”/> / TY / TY - BOOK
<titleInfo> / <title>
<partName> / <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 ou TI / T1 – maintitle : subtitle: Vol. volnumber. voltitle
<originInfo> / <edition> / <originInfo<edition>edition (editionstatement)</edition</originInfo> / N1 / N1 - edition (editionstatement)
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[1]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>aut</roleTerm</role>[2]
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – authorlastname, authorfistname initials
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai” / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<originInfo> / <publisher>
<place<placeTerm type=”text”> / <originInfo>
<placeTerm type=”text”>publisherlocation</placeTerm>
</originInfo> / CY
PB / CY - publisherlocation
PB - publishername
<originInfo> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”> / <originInfo>
<dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>pubdate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / Y1 ou PY / Y1 – pubdate (YYYY/MM/DD)
Rem.: que faire pour à paraître ou s.d. ?
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> / if pubstatus=’ULB2BPUB”
note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> info:eu-repo/semantics/inPress</note>
<physicalDescription> / <extent> / <physicalDescription>
<extent> volumes v. (numberofpages p.)</extent>
</physicalDescription> / N1 / N1 - volumes v. (numberofpages p.)
<relatedItem type=”series”> / <titleInfo>
<number> / <relatedItem type=”series”>
</relatedItem> / T3 / T3 – seriesname, No. seriesnumber
<titleInfo> / <title type=”uniform”>
<subTitle> / <titleInfo>
<title type=”uniform”>originaltitle</title>
</titleInfo> / N1 / N1 – originaltitle: subtitle
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<identifier type=”uri”> / <identifier type=”uri”>urn:isbn:identifier</identifier> / SN / SN - identifier
<identifier type=”local”> / <identifier type=”local”>identifier</identifier>
<classification> / <classification authority=”info:eu-repo/semantics/cref”cref</classification> / KW / KW - cref
<subject> / <topic> / <subject>
</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note> / <note>otherdescription</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
<didl:Component> / <didl:Resource mimeType=”application/html” ref=”URL”/ / <didl:Component>
<didl:Resource mimeType=”application/html” ref=”URL”/>
bookitem (bookPart)
MODS elements / MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<typeOfResource>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/bookPart”/> / TY / TY - CHAP
<titleInfo> / <title>
/ <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 / T1 – maintitle : subtitle
name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[3]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>aut</roleTerm</role>
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – authorlastname, authorfistname initials
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”> / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<originInfo> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”> / <originInfo>
<dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>pubdate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / Y1 ou PY / Y1 – pubdate (YYYY/MM/DD)
Rem.: que faire pour à paraître ou s.d. ?
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> / if pubstatus=’ULB2BPUB”
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> info:eu-repo/semantics/inPress</note>
<titleInfo> / <title type=”uniform”>
<subTitle> / <titleInfo>
<title type=”uniform”>originaltitle</title>
</titleInfo> / N1 / N1 – originaltitle: subtitle
<relatedItem type=”host”> / <titleInfo>
<partName> / <relatedItem type=”host>
<name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[4]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>edt</roleTerm</role>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<placeTerm type=”text”>place</placeTerm>
<detail type=”volume”>
<extent unit=”pages”>
<start>beginpage of pages</start
<end>endpage of pages</end>
<relatedItem type=”series”>
<identifier type=”urn:isbn”>isbn</identifier>
</relatedItem> / T2
A2 ou ED
SN / T2 – maintitle : subtitle. voltitle
A2 – authorlastname, authorfirstname initials
N1 - edition
CY - place
PB – publisher
VL – volnumber
SP - beginpage of pages
EP - endpage of pages
T3 – collection, No. collectionnumber
SN - isbn
<name type=”personal”>
<namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>
<placeTerm type=”text”>
<detail type=”volume”>
<extent unit=”pages”>
<relatedItem type=”series”>
<identifier type=”urn:isbn”>
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<classification> / <classification authority=”info:eu-repo/semantics/cref”cref</classification> / KW / KW - cref
<subject> / <topic> / <subject>
</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note> / <note>otherdescription</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
article (articlePeerReview, articleNonPeerReview, bookReview, articleLetterToEditor)
MODS elements / MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<typeOfResource>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/articlePeerReview”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/articleNonPeerReview”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/bookReview”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/articleLetterToEditor”/> / TY / TY - JOUR
<titleInfo> / <title>
/ <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 / T1 – maintitle : subtitle
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[5]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>aut</roleTerm</role>
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – authorlastname, authorfistname initials
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”> / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<originInfo> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”> / <originInfo>
<dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>pubdate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / Y1 ou PY / Y1 – pubdate (YYYY/MM/DD)
Rem.: que faire pour à paraître ou s.d. ?
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> / if pubstatus=’ULB2BPUB”
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> info:eu-repo/semantics/inPress</note>
<titleInfo> / <title type=”uniform”>
<subTitle> / <titleInfo>
<title type=”uniform”>originaltitle</title>
</titleInfo> / N1 / N1 – originaltitle: subtitle
<relatedItem type=”host”> / <titleInfo>
<title> / <relatedItem type=”host>
<detail type=”volume”>
<detail type=”issue>
<extent unit=”pages”>
<start>beginpage of pages</start>
<end>endpage of pages</end>
<identifier type=”issn”>issn</identifier>
</relatedItem> / JF / JF - journaltitle
<detail type=”volume”>
<detail type=”issue”>
<extent unit=”pages”>
<end> / VL
SN / VL – volnumber
IS – issue
SP – beginpage of pages
EP – endpage of pages
SN - issn
<identifier type=”issn”>
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<identifier type=”uri”> / <identifier type=”uri”>info:doi:identifier</identifier> / N1 / N1 – DOI: identifier
<identifier type=”local”> / <identifier type=”local”>identifier</identifier>
<subject> / <topic> / <classification authority=”info:eu-repo/semantics/cref”cref</classification> / KW / KW - cref
<subject> / <topic> / <subject>
</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note> / <note>otherdescription</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
<note type=”local/reviewedtitle”> / <note type=”local/reviewedtitle”>reviewedtitle</note> / N1 / N1 - reviewedtitle
<note type=”local/specissuetitle”> / <note type=”local/specissuetitle”>specissuetitle</note> / N1 / N1 - specissuetitle
proceedings (conferenceProceedings)
MODS elements / MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<typeOfResource>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/conferenceProceedings”/> / TY / TY - BOOK
<titleInfo> / <title>
<partNumber> / <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 / T1 – maintitle : subtitle: Vol. volnumber
<originInfo / <edition> / <originInfo<edition>edition (editionstatement)</edition</originInfo> / N1 / N1 – edition (editionstatement)
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[6]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>edt</roleTerm</role>
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – authorlastname, authorfistname initials
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”> / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<name type=”conference”> / <namePart> / <name type=”conference”>
<namePart>conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)</namePart>
</name> / N1 / N1 - conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)
<originInfo> / <publisher>
<place<placeTerm type=”text”> / <originInfo>
<placeTerm type=”text”>publisherlocation</placeTerm>
<publisher>publishername</publisher> / CY
PB / CY - publisherlocation
PB - publishername
<originInfo> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>pubdate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / Y1 ou PY / Y1 – pubdate (YYYY/MM/DD)
Rem.: que faire pour à paraître ou s.d. ?
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> / if pubstatus=’ULB2BPUB”
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> info:eu-repo/semantics/inPress</note>
<physicalDescription> / <extent> / <physicalDescription>
<extent>numberofpages p.</extent>
</physicalDescription> / N1 / N1 - volumes v. (numberofpages p.)
<physicalDescription> / <extent> / <physicalDescription>
<extent>volumes v.</extent>
<titleInfo> / <title type=”uniform”>
<subTitle> / <titleInfo>
<title type=”uniform”>originaltitle</title>
</titleInfo> / N1 / N1 – originaltitle: subtitle
<relatedItem type=”series”> / <titleInfo>
<number> / <relatedItem type=”series”>
</relatedItem> / T3 / T3 – seriesname, No. seriesnumber
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<identifier type=”uri”> / <identifier type=”uri”> urn:isbn:identifier</identifier> / SN / SN - identifier
<identifier type=”local”> / <identifier type=”local”>identifier</identifier>
<classification> / <classification authority=”info:eu-repo/semantics/cref”cref</classification> / KW / KW - cref
<subject> / <topic> / <subject>
</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note> / <note>otherdescription</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
conferencelecture (conferencePaper, conferenceAbstract)
MODS elements / MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<typeOfResource>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/conferencePaper”/>
<genre type=”info:ulb-repo/semantics/conferenceAbstract”/> / TY / TY - CONF
<titleInfo> / <title>
/ <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 / T1 – maintitle : subtitle
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[7]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>aut</roleTerm</role>
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – authorlastname, authorfistname initials
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”> / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<originInfo> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”> / <originInfo>
<dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>pubdate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / Y1 ou PY / Y1 – pubdate (YYYY/MM/DD)
Rem.: que faire pour à paraître ou s.d. ?
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> / if pubstatus=’ULB2BPUB”
<note type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/pubstatus”> info:eu-repo/semantics/inPress</note>
<titleInfo> / <title type=”uniform”>
<subTitle> / <titleInfo>
<title type=”uniform”>originaltitle</title>
</titleInfo> / N1 / N1 – originaltitle: subtitle
<relatedItem type=”host”> / <titleInfo>
<subtitle> / <relatedItem type=”host>
<name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[8]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>edt</roleTerm</role>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”»>uniqueid</indentifier>
<name type=”conference”
<namePart>conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)</namePart>
<placeTerm type=”text”>place</placeTerm>
<detail type=”volume”>
<extent unit=”pages”>
<start>beginpage of pages</start>
<end>endpage of pages</end>
<relatedItem type=”series”>
<identifier type=”urn:isbn”>isbn</identifier>
</relatedItem> / T2
A2 ou ED
SN / T2 – proceedingstitle : subtitle
A2 – authorlastname, authorfirstname initials
N1- conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)
CY – place
PB – publisher
N1 - edition
VL - volnumber
SP – beginpage of pages
EP – endpage of pages
T3 – collection, No. collectionnumber
SN - isbn
<name type=”personal”>
<namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>
<name type=”conference”
<placeTerm type=”text”>
<detail type=”volume”>
<extent unit=”pages”>
<relatedItem type=”series”>
<identifier type=”urn:isbn”>
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<classification> / <classification authority=”info:eu-repo/semantics/cref”cref</classification> / KW / KW - cref
<subject> / <topic> / <subject>
</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note> / <note>otherdescription</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
npubcommunication (conferenceContribution, conferencePoster)
MODS elements / MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<typeOfResource>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceContribution”/>
if type-level2 = “Poster de conférence”
<genre type=”info:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePoster”/> / TY / TY - PCOMM
<titleInfo> / <title>
/ <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 / T1 – maintitle : subtitle
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[9]
<namePart type=”family”>authorlastname</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>authorfirstname initials</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>aut</roleTerm</role>
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – authorlastname, authorfistname initials
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”> / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-fusion.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<originInfo> / <dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”> / <originInfo>
<dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>pubdate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / Y1 ou PY / Y1 – pubdate (YYYY/MM/DD)
Rem.: que faire pour s.d. ?
<name type=”conference” / <namePart> / <name type=”conference”>
<namePart>conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)</namePart>
</name> / N1 / N1 - conferencename (conferencenumber : conferencedate : conferenceplace)
<titleInfo> / <title type=”uniform”>
<subTitle> / <titleInfo>
<title type=”uniform”>originaltitle</title>
</titleInfo> / N1 / N1 – originaltitle: subtitle
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type=”code”>language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<classification> / <classification authority=”info:eu-repo/semantics/cref”cref</classification> / KW / KW - cref
<subject> / <topic> / <subject>
</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note> / <note>otherdescription</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
npubthesesdissert (bictel)
We maintain our theses and dissertations in a separate database on a different platform, namely ETD-DB (an open source software suite developed at Virginia Tech University). The mapping underneath shows how to map from ETD-DB into MODS
MODS elements / MODS subelements / Values / RIS elements / Values<typeOfResource>
<genre> / <typeOfResource>text</typeOfResource>
<genre type=“info:ulb-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis“ /> / TY / TY - THES
<titleInfo> / <title> / <titleInfo>
</titleInfo> / T1 / T1 – title
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[10]
<namePart type=”family”>last_name</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>first_name middle_name suffix</namePart>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>aut</roleTerm>
</name> / A1 ou AU / A1 – last_name, first_name middle_name
<extension> / <daiList>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-pot.ulb.ac.be/dai”> / <extension>
<identifier IDref=”n1” authority=”http://di-pot.ulb.ac.be/dai”>uniqueid</identifier>
<name type=”corporate”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[11]
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>dgg</roleTerm</role>
<name type=”personal”> / <namePart type=”family”>
<namePart type=”given”>
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”> / <name type=”personal” ID=”n1”>[12]
<namePart type=”family”>advisor_last_name</namePart>
<namePart type=”given”>advisor_first_name </namePart>
if advisor_title = chair
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>mod</roleTerm</role>
if advisor_title = director
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>ths</roleTerm</role>
other value for advisor_title
<roleTerm authority=”marcrelator” type=”code”>rev</roleTerm</role>
<originInfo> / <publisher>
<placeTerm type=”text”>
<dateIssued> / <originInfo>
<placeTerm type=”text”>publisherlocation</placeTerm>
<dateIssued encoding=”iso8601”>ddate</dateIssued>
</originInfo> / CY
Y1 / CY – publisherlocation
PB - publisher
Y1 – ddate (YYYY/MM/DD)
<language> / <languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066"> / <language>
<languageTerm type="code" authority="rfc3066">language</languageTerm>
</language> / N1 / N1 - language
<subject> / <topic> / <subject<topic>keyword</topic</subject> / KW / KW - keyword
<abstract> / <abstract>abstract</abstract> / N2 ou AB / N2 - abstract
<note type=”thesis” / <note type=”thesis”degree</note> / N1 / N1 - otherdescription
npubthesesdissert (DI-fusion)