Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focus
Science / Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.
Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
Describe the changes as humans develop from birth to old age. /
  • I can explain the life cycle of a mammal.
  • I can explain the life cycle of a bird.
  • I can explain the life cycle of an amphibian.
  • I can explain the life cycle of an insect.
  • I can describe the life process of reproduction in animals.
  • I can describe the life process of reproduction in plants.
  • I can describe the changes as humans develop from birth to old age.

History / NO HISTORY
Geography / Locations of different living things.
How are living things adapted to live in different parts of the world? /
  • Consider the environment best suited to a living thing.
  • Discuss how a living thing has adapted to survive in a particular part of the world.

Art / Observational pencil drawings of living things.
Use of
  • Observing the techniques of different sketching.
  • Consider the importance of looking closely at a subject.
  • Use of pencil to add light and shadow and texture.

Music / Working with Peter Cook on activities related to Living Things topic.
Digital photography
Image library management
Photo editing / Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish give goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data.
Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. /
  • I can use search technologies responsibly, securely and safely.
  • I can select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices.
  • I can design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information. (themed photography)


Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)
1 / Science / To explore the life cycle of an amphibian (frog) / Can explain the life cycle of a frog
Knows what an amphibian is
Understands the meaning of the term life cycle / Explain the term amphibian to the ch. that it is an animal that begins its life in water. Watch some of the suggested video clips from the Kent Scheme of work p. 14. and compare homework about the life cycle of a frog.
Understand the meaning of the term life cycle.
Exploring the life cycle of a frog and how they change from birth to adulthood as a class. Explain the term metamorphosis.
EAL support – word mat on the life cycle of a frog and Newt
Independent work – ch. to draw a poster of the life cycle of a newt. (egg, tadpole and newt).
2 / Science / TBAT explain what an amphibian is / Can explain what an amphibian is.
Can use key vocabulary
Can use ICT / Share read the information booklet on what an amphibian is. Ch. to take notes on whiteboards.
Explain key vocabulary – metamorphosis, vertebrate, cold-blooded
Ch. to work in pairs to create an information sheet about amphibians using information booklet and books from the library. Ch. to record the different stages of the life cycles of amphibians. Ch. to use Purple Mash to complete their information sheet on amphibians.
3 / Art / TBAT look closely at a subject when sketching it / Can use a pencil to add light and shadow and texture.
Can look closely at a subject. / Practising in sketchbooks looking closely at small areas of animals using a viewfinder. Ch. only to use pencils. Model how to use a pencil to add light, shadow and texture.
4 / Science / To explore the life cycle of an insect (butterfly) / Can explain the life cycle of an insect
Can use key scientific vocabulary
Can identify different insects / Read the lifecycle of a butterfly to the children. Explain that many insects go through a complete metamorphosis. Discuss the key vocabulary – egg, caterpillar, larval stage, pupal stage, chrysalis, butterfly, moulting,
EAL support – word mat of the life cycle of a butterfly
Ch. to write a diary entry as if they were the butterfly explaining the 4 different stages. Butterflies undergo a complete metamorphosis.
SEN - Use Purple Mash to record the lifecycle of a butterfly.
5 / Science / To explore the life cycle of a bird. / Can explain the life cycle of a bird
Can use key scientific vocabulary
Can identify different birds / Share read the lifecycle of a hen using the information book from the library. Discuss how birds like mammals have very simple life cycles. There are three stages egg, chick, adult chicken. Explain that a male chicken is a cockerel and a female chicken is a hen.
Ch. to draw a poster of the life cycle a bird (chicken). Challenge the ch. to add more facts about chickens, e.g. a hen lays between 100-300 eggs a year.
EAL support – word mat on the life cycle of a hen
Extension – lifecycle of a penguin using information from the Internet.
6 / Science / TBAT explain the life cycle of a British mammal. / Can identify mammals
Can explain the life cycle of a mammal
Can use the Internet / Explain to the children that mammals (including humans) have very simple life cycles (before birth, young, adult). Explain that the young are born and very similar to adults.
Split the children into three groups – each group will research the life cycle of a mammal (bat, European Hare and Grey squirrel)

7 / Geography / TBAT understand adaptation / Can explain adaptation of animals
Can use technical vocabulary
Can name different types of habitats / How have living things adapted to their environment?
Focusing on adaptation to the desert climate (cactus).
Focusing on adaptation to a tundra climate (polar bear).
Use Purple Mash to write an information sheet on adaptation.
8 / Art / TBAT create an observational sketch of a plant. / Can use a pencil to add light and shadow and texture.
Can look closely at a subject. / Sketching a living thing (plant), looking closely at the shapes and details, using only pencil. CT to model how to do this.
10 / Science / TBAT describe the life process of reproduction in some plants / Can name parts of a flower
Can explain the function of each flower part
Can describe the life process of reproduction in some plants / Show ch. the PowerPoint on plant reproduction. Model how to dissect parts of a lily, get the ch. to identify stamen, stigma, ovary, anther, filament, carpel, sepal, pollen.
Ch. to dissect lilies and stick them on a sheet, label and explain the functions of the different parts.
11 / Science / TBAT explain how seeds are dispersed / Can identify the different ways seeds are dispersed
Can explain how seeds are dispersed / Share the PowerPoint on seed dispersal. Discuss the different ways seeds can be dispersed – by explosion, by animal, by wind and by sea.
Give ch. examples of different seeds to sort into the different ways that they are dispersed.
12 / Art
Observational sketching of an animal. / TBAT create an observational sketch of an animal. / Can use a pencil to add light and shadow and texture.
Can look closely at a subject. / Sketching a living thing (animal), looking closely at the shapes and details, using only pencil. CT to model how to do this.
13 / Science / TBAT describe the changes as humans develop from birth to old age. / Can explain the life cycle of a human
Can put human development in chronological order
Can use key vocabulary effectively / Show ch. the explanation text on the human life cycle. Discuss the different vocabulary – foetus, baby, child, adolescent, adult, elderly.
Ch. could draw and label the main stages of human growth using a timeline. They could use this recording to help explain to the ‘aliens’ the main stages.
14 / Computing / TBAT design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals / Can program the fish to move left and right
Can make a simple program / CT to sign in to Purple Mash and click on 2code tutorials. Show ch. the tutorial ‘quick start’ then fun with fish. CT to model how to program the trout to move left using the
Teaching points
-Explain how the command should go in the orange box.
- Explain that if the command is wrong it can be dragged into the bin.
-Explain that some commands have different options.
- Explain that the console block will tell you if there is an error when you need to debug your program.
15 / Computing / TBAT design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals / Can program the monkey to move up and down
Can program the monkey to catch the banana and make a sound
Can make a simple program / CT to model how to use 2code, jumping monkey to make a simple program. Use tutorial .
Ch. to print off their commands