Buck Brannaman

Horsemanship I and Ranch Roping Clinics

Date:March 11-March 14, 2011 (Friday through Monday)

Location:Christensen Field

710 W. 16th Street

Fremont, NE68025 (West end of Fremont just South of Hwy 30)

The arena is large, well lit and heated with plenty of seating for spectators. There is an adjacent stall barn. Stalls are $11 per night. Bedding will be available for $4 per bag.

Classes: Horsemanship I -- $600 9:00 to Noon, Friday – Monday

We have several riders interested in advancing to the bridle in the vaquero tradition. All horses and riders will be helped along in this process whether in the snaffle, hackamore, two rein or bridle.

Ranch Roping -- $600 1:30 to 4:30, Friday – Monday

This style of roping emphasizes handling horses and cattle in a smooth, quiet and humane manner, accomplishing the task at hand efficiently. All ropers from beginners to advanced are encouraged to participate.


Spectators:Seniors and kids under twelve may attend all sessions free. Other spectators will be charged $25 per day

Sponsor:Scott Wehrmann

Double Diamond Ranch

16002 County Road 21

Blair, NE68008

Home Phone (402) 456-7505

Cell Phone (402) 201-8573

Hotels: Sleep Inn, Fremont, NE (North of town on Hwy 77-275 (877) 828-8400)

Holiday Inn Express, Fremont, NE (East Hwy 30, (402) 753-8350)

Feel free to call or email Scott if you have any questions about the clinics.

To reserve your place in the clinics send deposit and registration to Scott at the above address.

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(Check all that apply)

__Horsemanship I -- $600

9:00 to Noon, Friday through Monday

We have several riders interested in advancing to the bridle in the vaquero tradition. All horses and riders will be helped along in this process whether in the snaffle, hackamore, two rein or bridle.

__Ranch Roping -- $600

1:30 to 4:30, Friday through monday

This style of roping emphasizes handling horses and cattle in a smooth, quiet and humane manner, accomplishing the task at hand efficiently. All ropers from beginners to advanced are encouraged to participate.

A deposit of $100 will reserve your spot in either class. Your deposit check should be made payable to Scott Wehrmann and mailed to 16002 County Road 21, Blair, NE68008. The remaining balance will be due at the beginning of the clinic.

Sponsor:Scott Wehrmann

Double Diamond Ranch

16002 County Road 21

Blair, NE68008

Phone 402-709-7439

Feel free to call or email Scott if you have any questions about the clinics.