Guarantors to the Kennel Club:

Chairman: A.Stone, 143 Douglas Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 1AW

Secretary: A.R.Jeffreys, 22 Hood Road, Rainham, Essex RM13 8AT  01708 521511

Treasurer: C.Luckett, 38 Maylands Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5BB

Show Manager:

Bernie Hanreck, 16 Kestrel Close, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5LS  01708 558877

Show Secretary: C.Luckett, 38 Maylands Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 5BB

Tel: 01708 459874

Entries to:Bretons DTC

c/o Agility Aid, 1 Nursery Close,

Tonbridge, KentTN10 4JH

Entry enquiries only Tel: 0870 7661958 (1pm-6pm)

Entry Fees:£2.60 per dog per class £5.20 per pairs class


Hill Park Veterinary Group: Coronation Drive, ElmPark

Tel: 01708 458424

Show Opens:8.30am Briefing:8.45amJudging:9.00am
RefreshmentsFree Car Parking


Class 1 The Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge 2009 Large Dogs Grades 1 & 2 Combined

Trophies to 1st, 2nd & 3rd Places. Rosettes 1 - 10 by Agility Club.

Remaining to 10% by Bretons. LIN BERGAN

Class 2 The Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge 2009 Medium Dogs Grades 1 & 2 Combined

Trophies & Rosettes as Class 1. LIN BERGAN

Class 3 The Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge 2009 Small Dogs Grades 1 & 2 Combined

Trophies & Rosettes as Class 1. LIN BERGAN

Class 4JUMPING (Graded) Large Dogs Grades 1 & 2AUDREY ROGERS

Class 5JUMPING (Graded) Large Dogs Grades 3 to 5 DAVID COWDEROY / AUDREY ROGERS

Class 6JUMPING (Combined) Large Dogs Grades 6 & 7 DAVID COWDEROY

Class 7 AGILITY (Graded) Large Dogs Grades 3 to 5LIN BERGAN / MARTINE WATES

Class 8AGILITY (Combined) Large Dogs Grades 6 & 7JOHN GILBERT

Class 9 JUMPING (Combined) Medium Dogs Grades 1 to 3AUDREY ROGERS

Class 10JUMPING (Combined) Medium Dogs Grades 4 to 7DAVID COWDEROY

Class 11 AGILITY (Combined) Medium Dogs Grades 3 to 7JOHN GILBERT

Class 12 JUMPING (Combined) Small Dogs Grades 1 to3AUDREY ROGERS

Class 13JUMPING (Combined) Small Dogs Grades 4 & 5DAVID COWDEROY

Class 14JUMPING (Combined) Small Dogs Grades 6 & 7DAVID COWDEROY

Class 15AGILITY (Combined) Small Dogs Grades 3 to 5MARTINE WATES

Class 16AGILITY (Combined) Small Dogs Grades 6 & 7JOHN GILBERT

Class 17AGILITY ABC (Combined Special) Large Dogs Grades 1 to 3 MARTINE WATES

Class 18AGILITY ABC (Combined Special) Large Dogs Grades 4 to 7 JOHN GILBERT

Class 19PAIRS Small/Medium Dogs ( Special )

One dog MUST be Grade 1 to 5 inclusive

Other dog may be Grade 1 to 7 inclusiveIAN HAMMOND

Class 20PAIRS Large Dogs ( Special )

One dog MUST be Grade 1 to 5 inclusive

Other dog may be Grade 1 to 7 inclusive IAN HAMMOND

RESERVE JUDGE: Donna Hurlock

TROPHIES for classes less than 15 dogs will be for first place only, for classes 16 to 60 dogs will be for first & second places, for classes above 60 dogs will be for first, second and third places.

ROSETTES to ten percent of entry for Classes 4 to 20. Clear Round Rosettes for all classes except

6, 8, 14, 19 & 20. Order of Classes and Running Orders will be posted


  1. Dogs entered at Kennel Club Licensed Agility shows must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with the Kennel Club Regulations for classification and Registration B.
  2. The amount of entry fee is £2.60 per dog per class. ( £5.20 for a pairs class )
  3. The Committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries. All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the show can be made. All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the competitor.
  4. Puppies under eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the Show are not eligible for Kennel Club Licensed Agility Tests. Not for competition entries will be accepted for dogs aged 4 calendar months& over. Details of each dog so entered must be recorded on the entry form & they must be Kennel Club Registered.
  5. The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is forbidden.
  6. No bitch in season is allowed to compete.
  7. No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog.
  8. Dogs must not wear any type of slip, half slip collar or lead when under test. A flat, close fitting leather or webbing collar is permitted providing the only attachment is a plain identification panel as an integral part of the collar, ie. not attached by a ring
  9. Should a judge be unable to fulfil the appointment to judge the Committee reserves the right to change/appoint another judge.
  10. No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judge or judges.
  11. The Agility Club is sponsoring Classes 1, 2 & 3 (the Starters Agility Challenge 2009, for grades 1 & 2 combined.) with Trophies for places 1st, 2nd & 3rd & Rosettes from 1st to 10th place. Bretons DTC are sponsoring extra rosettes to make up to 10% of the entry.
  12. The latest time up to which the dog will be received is the time of the running order of the dog in that particular class, except under exceptional and unforeseen circumstances and by special permission of the Show management.
  13. The heights of the jump obstacles will be 650mm for Classes 1,4,5,6,7,8,17,18 & 20 350mm for Classes 3,12,13,14,15,16 & 19 .450mm for classes 2,9,10 & 11. Dogs may be required to provide proof of measurement.
  14. A judge at any Agility Test cannot compete or enter a dog at that event.
  15. Withdrawal of dogs from test: A dog shall be withdrawn from competition and removed from the Test if it is: -
  16. A bitch which is in season.
  17. Suffering from any infectious diseases or contagious disease.
  18. Interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent.
  19. Of such temperament or is so much out of hand as to be a danger to the safety of any person or other animal.
  20. Likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues competing.
  21. In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including 7 days before the date of closing of entries shall be counted when entering for any class and the date of closing of entries is 12th May 2008.
  22. It is the competitors’ responsibility to be available for their class and running order.
  23. Should the entries so dictate, the organisers reserve the right to amend the classes that Judges are shown on the schedule to judge and appoint Reserve/Additional Judges.
  24. A dog must at the time of entry for the competition, be registered as required by the Kennel Club Rules & Regulations in the Competitors, name (or registration or transfer applied for). In the case of a partnership the full name of every partner must be given. In the case of dogs recorded as owned by a limited company, the directors and the secretary of the limited company will jointly be considered for the purposes of the Regulations. A dog acquired subsequent to entry having been made at a competition may compete as the new owners’ property provided that an application for the transfer has been forwarded to the Kennel Club before the competition and the new owner has undertaken to abide by the Regulations and conditions of the original entry form.
  25. No animal other than one officially entered shall be brought into the precincts of the event during its continuance, except a registered guide dog for the blind or hearing dog for the deaf, or dogs required for educational or instructional purposes or by permission of the General Committee.
  26. All dogs will be entered at this Show at their owner’s risk, and whilst every care will be taken the Committee will not accept responsibility for the loss, damage or injury howsoever caused to dogs, people or property whilst at this Show.
  27. In the event of the abandonment of the Show through circumstances beyond our control, the Committee may defray such expenses from the entry fees to cover the cost of Show preparation.
  28. Kennel Club standard marking will apply.
  29. Internet entries will be accepted via
  30. Classes 17 and 18 are for any breed of dog except collie or collie cross . The Judges decision is final
  31. The welfare of your dog is of paramount importance to us . Please remain vigilant to the dangers to dogs locked in hot cars ! WARNING: IF YOUR DOG IS FOUND TO BE AT RISK FORCIBLE ENTRY TO YOUR VEHICLE MAY BE NECESSARY WITHOUT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED.

Anyone whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the need of their dog(s) are met, and should not put a dog's health at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise.

Breach of Kennel Club Regulations in this respect may be referred to the General Committee for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations.

Right to Refuse Entries. Competitors are reminded that show societies have the right under Kennel Club Regulation to refuse any entry.

Eligibility & Schedule of Classes

In accordance with Kennel Club Rules, all dogs must have been officially measured before competing at a Kennel Club licensed agility show for the first time.

First prize wins are those gained at any Kennel Club Open licensed event (i.e. invitation events and special classes excepted). A dog is only eligible for one grade.

Grade 1 (Elementary) For owners, handlers or dogs which have not gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows. N.B. Owners, handlers or dogs previously qualified out of Grade 1 (Elementary) are not eligible for this class.

Grade 2 (Starters) For owners, handlers or dogs which have qualified out of Grade 1 but have not gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 2 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows, or elected to progress on points from Grade 1. N.B. Owners, handlers or dogs previously qualified out of Grade 2 (Starters) are not eligible for this class.

Grade 3 (Graduate) Open to dogs which are not eligible for Grade 1 or 2, or elected to progress on points from Grade 2 which are not eligible for Grade 4,5, 6 or 7.

Grade 4 (Novice) Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 3, or elected to progress on points from Grade 3 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 5, 6 or 7.

Grade 5 (Intermediate) Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 4, or elected to progress on points from Grade 4 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 4, 6 or 7.

Grade 6 (Senior) Open to dogs which have gained a first place in an Agility Class or three first places in Jumping Classes at Grade 5 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows and are not eligible for Grade 3, 4, 5 or 7.

Grade 7 (Advanced) Open to dogs which have gained a minimum of 4 first places at Grade 6 at Kennel Club licensed Agility Shows, 2 first places must be gained in Agility (not Jumping) Classes.

Bretons Dog Training Club would like to thank the following for their assistance at this Show:-


The Agility Club sponsors of the Agility Club Starters Agility Challenge 2009. Rosettes by PRUDHOE.

The Final will be held in JULY 2009 at the Agility Club Show Newbury Showground.

Axstane , Burnham and StourValley Dog Training Clubs for providing Ring Parties .

Bretons Dog Training Club Members St John Ambulance for providing First Aid Cover

Equipment on Hire from:

JDA Agility, 20 House Lane, Arlesey, Bedfordshire. SG15 6XU

Electronic Timing from: K9 Time.

Join the Agility Club

Our show is hosting an Agility Club Starters Challenge Heat. You don’t have to be an Agility Club Member to enter, but you MUST become a Member before attempting to qualify for the Final. That’s only one benefit of Agility Club membership. For just £23.00 per year (single membership) you receive a copy of The Agility Voice magazine each month and qualify for money off discounts from Agility Club shows and their Agility Instructor and Agility Judging Workshops.

To Join, please send a cheque or postal order for £23.00(single membership) or £28.00(family membership), made payable to The Agility Club, Virginia Harry, 6 Fane Way, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 2TL. For more information visit , email or telephone 01628 680823.


From Dartford Tunnel Northbound take the second slip road sign posted A13 DAGENHAM, at the roundabout take the first exit sign posted A13 DAGENHAM, ** on the new A13 follow the sign post to Ferry Lane Ind.Est. turn off the new A13 sign posted Ferry Lane Ind. Est. at the roundabout turn right sign posted Ferry Lane North Ind. Est. and pass under motorway go straight across the second roundabout sign posted Ferry Lane North Ind. Est and follow the road to the next roundabout. Turn left at the roundabout with Tesco Super store on your right, go straight across next roundabout sign posted A125 ROMFORD, straight across traffic lights, at roundabout take second exit sign posted A125 ROMFORD, Just after zebra crossing turn left into show ground.

From M25 southbound leave at Junction 30/31 sign posted A13 DAGENHAM, at the roundabout take the third exit sign posted A13 Dagenham and proceed as above from **.