Field Reservation Line:
763-494-6560 -Teams are only allowed 3 one hour time slots at a time. Once you use one, you can call and reserve another time slot.
Weather line:
763-494-5959 - The weather line will have information about games being cancelled after 4pm. If nothing is on the weather line, you must go to the field. At that time, the umpire will make the decision if the game will be cancelled. All coaches are responsible for communicating with their team about game and practice cancellations. The OMGAA website also has a Rain Status tab on the left hand side. It will be updated after 4:00 pm on game days.
We can play through light mist/intermittent rain so long as the fields are playable and the kids will be safe. If there are dangerous winds or other hazardous conditions (ex. hail, etc.) and certainly if there is lightening, the game must stop/not be played. Get the bats out of the kids' hands. The game can be stopped at any time due toweather. A complete game is 3 and 1/2 innings.
Team Website Pages:
All coaches need to email the IT Director Don Myhre at . Please send this information with the email: The league you are coaching in and your team name. He will also need your Ngin username to get you access to the website. If you have a manager that will be maintaining your team page, Don will need his/her username as well.
Target is 16 games/season. If a game is rained out, we will not make it up. If any team does get below 14 games, we will then make those games up to reach a total of 14 games.
Key Dates for the Season:
May 6th- Opening Day; *must start and end games on time*; Coaches (or delegate to parents) must rake fields after the game)
June - Pictures. Online signupto come
June 16th - All Star Game/Homerun Derby
July 7-9 - End of the Season Tournament
65’Basepath; 46’ Pitching Distance;Fields are prepared by Maple Grove Park and Rec. They should have the fields groomed, chalked and the bases should be out for games. Practices, you are on your own. If for some reason the bases are not out, please call Maple Grove Park and Rec at 612-790-7174.
Game Day:
For each regular season game, the home team will supply 1 new baseball. The visiting team will supply 1 good used ball. Both coaches should meet with the umpire at the beginning of the game. You should quickly go over the league rules and determine the starting time for the time limit. Most of the umpires will know our league rules, however please remember that they umpire for many different leagues with different rules.
OMGAA will supply the umpires and they use an outside umpire company. The umpires do the best job possible however they will make mistakes. Please respect the umpires and understand that many calls are judgment calls. You can’t argue those and please don’t argue the umpires judgment. Any complaints from umpires about coaches will be addressed. If the situation warrants, coaches may be dismissed if the board feels it is necessary. If an umpire is inconsistent with balls and strikes, or doesn’t know our league rules, both coaches should meet with the umpire to try to resolve the situation. Sometimes an umpire may be late, or a scheduling conflict will happen. Please continue with the game and call your coordinator and we will try to get an umpire out ASAP. If you are unable to reach your league coordinator, you may call Chuck Triggs at 763-286-1862. Chuck is the owner and the coordinator for the umpiring company we use. I would also recommend checking his website in advance to confirm you have an umpire scheduled. Here is the link to his website: can also be found on the baseball home page on the left hand side under the umpire tab.
Coaches Responsibility:
Coaches are responsible for all communication to the parents. They are also responsible for all their coaches, players and parents at the games. If a parent, player or coach is acting up at a game, please address it. Ask to keep the back stop clear of fans as it will help with a lot of the complaints. Any coach that is kicked out of a game will be asked to step down. Please set a good example for the kids. All coaches are required do a background check and a concussion certification. This must be done prior to your first practice. If this is not done before the first practice, the team will not be able to practice. If the matter does not get resolved, the coach will be asked to step down. This includes all head coaches and their first two assistants.
-Each coach must score to the league coordinator after each game.
-Hollie Wessman –
All Star Teams:
If you are interested in coaching one of the All Star teams that will be playing in the state tournament, please call or email your coordinator.
Game Rules:
- 3 outfielders will be used.
- Leading off and stealing is allowed once the pitched ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
- Stealing home on a passed ball is NOT allowed.
- Stealing home on an overthrow back to the pitcher is NOT allowed.
- No balks
- Infield fly rule is in effect
- No dropped third strike – no player may advance to 1st base on a dropped third strike.
- Strike zone: Knees to shoulders; one ball on either side of plate
- 4 Balls 3 Strikes
- 3 ½ innings will be considered a complete game, provided home team is in the lead. Otherwise, 4 innings is a complete game.
- 6 inning games or 1 ½ hour time limit, hard stop. Do not start another inning after 1 hour 15 minutes. The inning must start by 1 hour 15 minute mark. If you are unable to finish the inning, the score will revert back to the prior inning.
- Rotate kids between infield and outfield – all kids should play all positions during regular season play
- Forfeit: Play with 8 players or more; less than 8 is a forfeit.
- No player should sit a second inning until everyone has sat out once. Equal playing time is expected.
- Pitching:
- This is a development league. While we don’t want to ‘force’ kids to pitch, we certainly want to encourage them to try it. This rule will be adapted to allow “Coaches Discretion”. Those not pitching regularly during regular season gamesshould still be practicing and developing this skill at practices regularly. Those players that can pitch should pitch an equal number of innings over the course of the season.
- Pitch Count Limits:
- 50 pitches/day
- 21-35 pitches = 1 day rest
36-50 pitches = 2 days rest - No player may pitch more than 3 innings per week
- 2 inning pitching limit per pitcher/per game and must be consecutive innings pitched. If a player throws one pitch in an inning, that is considered an inning pitched.
- No pitcher may re-enter. Once a pitcher comes out, he may not re-enter at the pitcher position.
- Continuous batting order. This means that all players should remain in the batting rotation, regardless of whether they are playing in the field or not.
- 10/11 League will use the honor system for innings pitched. They will not be reported after games. All coaches must send the league coordinator the score of each game.
- Batting order may be changed and reset after each game.
- Catchers: 2 inning catcher limit per game.
- No bat limit or regulations for league play.
- Bunting is permitted, but must be used as part of a sound baseball strategy, not just because it's the best chance for a particular kid to make contact with the ball.
- Overthrows: 2 bases max on anoverthrow.
- Home team will take 3rd base bench for all games.
- Courtesy Runners: The last player out is allowed to run for the current catcher at any time. The player that is run for must catch the next inning.
- Courtesy Runners are allowed for an injured player (last player out).
- Besides the specific rules listed, all leagues will follow the rules in the Cal Ripken/ Babe Ruth rule book.
- Time limit - 2 hours. No new inning shall begin after 1 hour 45 minutes.
- Home team will be the higher seed
- Batting order may be reset/changed for each game
- 2 inning pitch limit.
- No pitcher may pitch more than 3 innings over 2 consecutive games
- Pitcher innings must be consecutive. Once a pitcher has been removed from a game, he may not re-enter as a pitcher
- If a game is tied at the time limit: the visiting team will place the last out from the prior inning on 2nd base. Visiting team will have 2 outs. Home team will follow the same for their at-bat. If game is still tied after 1 inning, same process will be repeated with runners on 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs.