Service Response to Environment Scrutiny Panel’s Final Report - Recycling and Packaging Reduction

Executive Member for Streetscene & Transport: Councillor Paul Thompson

Director of Environment: Mike Robinson

Date 25th May 2010


  1. The purpose of this report is to seek Executive approval for the Service response to the Environment Scrutiny Panel’s report on Recycling and Packaging Reduction
  1. It is recommended that the Executive adopt the action plan in response to the scrutiny panel’s recommendations


It is over the financial threshold (£75,000)
It has a significant impact on 2 or more wards
Non Key / x


  1. For the purposes of the scrutiny call in procedure this report is

Non-urgent / x
Urgent report

If urgent please give full reasons


  1. The Scrutiny Panel’s investigation covered a wide scope of issues, including the Council’s recycling policies, performance and waste education programmes, as well as examining the broad scope of packaging reduction at the local and national level.

6. The panel outlined seven conclusions, those being:

  • The significant increase in recycling levels in Middlesbrough in recent years (albeit from a low starting point) - although national targets still remain aspirational.
  • The opportunity presented by the Council’s new recycling contract (operational from April 2010) to increase recycling levels further.
  • The fact that recycled materials from the energy from waste plant still cannot be included in recycling targets.
  • The Council being well placed to lead on waste reduction and recycling.
  • The weak powers available to enforce on packaging reduction - local authority action alone cannot address this issue.
  • The important role of consumers in packaging reduction.
  • The fact that over 90% of waste produced nationally is from sources other than households.

7.Based upon these conclusions the panel made the following recommendations:

  • That, following the introduction of the Council’s new recycling contract in April 2010, the Environment Scrutiny Panel monitors recycling levels and, considers what action, if any, is needed to further increase levels.
  • That the Council continues to press, at a national level, for the inclusion of recyclable materials from the energy from waste plant in recycling levels.
  • That the Environment Scrutiny Panel’s 2006 recommendation relating to recycling from Council buildings is revisited, with such recycling being further developed and encouraged.
  • That the Environment Scrutiny Panel is consulted in respect of the exercise to review Middlesbrough’s recycling “bring sites.”
  • That an awareness campaign is undertaken in relation to the issue of packaging reduction. This should highlight the importance of this issue in reducing overall waste levels and the part that the public can play in bringing pressure to bear on producers to use less packaging.
  • That the Council lobbies relevant national bodies in pressing producers and retailers to reduce the amount of packaging that they produce and in pressing the Government to consider how sources of waste other than household/domestic can be reduced.
  • That representations are also made to Government to strengthen the powers available to trading standards authorities to take action in respect of excessive packaging.
  1. The department acknowledges the work of the scrutiny panel and agrees with the recommendations that it has made. As such it has produced an action plan outlined in Appendix A in response to those recommendations.


  1. There are no equality implications as a result of the introduction of the action plan.

10.Financial -None at this time

11. Ward Implications - All Wards are affected

12.Legal Implications - None


13.That the Executive agrees the action plan in response to the Scrutiny Panel’s report.


14.The Council need to respond to the Scrutiny Panel’s Report.


15.Environment Scrutiny Panel’s report Recycling and Packaging Reduction

AUTHOR: Geoff Field

TEL NO: 728513




Appendix A

  1. That, following the introduction of the Council’s new recycling contract in April 2010, the Environment Scrutiny Panel monitors recycling levels and, considers what action, if any, is needed to further increase levels.
/ A six month review of the new recycling contract will take place and the results be reported to the Environment Scrutiny Panel. / Ken Sherwood / N/A / October 2010
  1. That the Council continues to press, at a national level, for the inclusion of recyclable materials from the energy from waste plant in recycling levels.
/ Continued pressure will be put to Government through the Tees Valley Joint Waste Management Group. / Ken Sherwood / N/A / Ongoing
  1. That the Environment Scrutiny Panel’s 2006 recommendation relating to recycling from Council buildings is revisited, with such recycling being further developed and encouraged.
/ Expand the role of Ayresome Industries in the Council’s recycling operation, which is currently restricted to a limited number of buildings
Progress the alignment of the Mouchel and Council trade waste contracts into a single operation, with a requirement for increased recycling performance from Council offices and public buildings / Ken Sherwood / No Known at this point. / October 2010
  1. That the Environment Scrutiny Panel is consulted in respect of the exercise to review Middlesbrough’s recycling “bring sites.”
/ The Environment Scrutiny Panel will be consulted on the proposals for Bring sites along with the six monthly review of the recycling contract. / Ken Sherwood / N/A / October 2010
  1. That an awareness campaign is undertaken in relation to the issue of packaging reduction. This should highlight the importance of this issue in reducing overall waste levels and the part that the public can play in bringing pressure to bear on producers to use less packaging.
/ Using the results of the survey of packaging and the investigations currently underway, a pre-Christmas campaign will be launched. This will aim to educate consumers to turn away from over-packaged gift products. / John Wells / N/A / December 2010
  1. That the Council lobbies relevant national bodies in pressing producers and retailers to reduce the amount of packaging that they produce and in pressing the Government to consider how sources of waste other than household/domestic can be reduced.
/ Representation will be made via Local Authorities Co-ordination on Regulatory Services (LACoRS) to use the results of current investigations to inform national debate and contact producers representatives e.g. INCPEN. (Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment) / John Wells / N/A / Jan 2011
  1. That representations are also made to Government to strengthen the powers available to trading standards authorities to take action in respect of excessive packaging.
/ When the current investigations are concluded an Executive report will be produced summarising the findings and highlighting any legislative deficiencies. Members will be asked to approve suggestions to Government to remove these deficiencies. / John Wells / N/A / Jan 2011