Servant Ship Class
1) TOUCH Family – Transforming Others Under Christ’s Headship
2) What are God’s plan and purpose for your life?
a. Created for a special plan & purpose (Jer 29:11), to glorify Him (Ps 86:9)
b. Satan vs. Jesus’ plans (John 10:10)
c. There’s much more…
i. What is the greatest thing that God want us to do? (Mat 22:37-39)
ii. What about His last will and testament (Mat 28:18-20)? Why?
1. Advance His kingdom / Setting captives free (Luke 4:18)
3) TF Vision & Missions – How it ties in to what God plan/purpose for our lives?
a. Be Set Free (CTP, Spiritual Deliverance, Financial & Relationship restoration, etc.)
b. To Passionately Love God
i. Life discipleship
ii. Bible Reading, Prayer, Obey (application -> transformation)
iii. Walk in His Presence
iv. Cell community – Love the body of Christ
c. To Love others
i. Servantship – Gal 5:13-14 – set free to serve others in love
ii. Cell evangelism
iii. 1Cor 9:20 – Breaking down the walls to win as many as possible for Christ
d. To Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to set others free
i. How to walk in the Spiritual Gifts (1Cor 12)
ii. How to live with the attitude from the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5;22)
iii. How to find the man of peace (Luke 10)
e. Advance His Kingdom by making disciples and equipping them to do the same
i. Mat 28:18-20
ii. Church on the offense not defense: Gates of Hell shall not prevail (Mat 16:18)
iii. Servant Team, Servant Equipping Team, Cell leadership, Wed/Sun, Cells
iv. Retreats (1Jn 2)
1. Spiritual Formation (Little Child) – Grow in passion for Jesus, one another, and in purpose
2. Overcoming (Young adult) – Overcome the evil one
3. Spiritual Maturity (Father) – Cell leadership
4. Advancing His Kingdom (Making Disciples) – Evangelism & discipleship
4) Why a Cell Church? What are the Values of a Cell Church?
a. The church is the people (body of Christ) not the building
b. Every Christian is a disciple (or priest) (Acts 11:26)
c. Leaders are servant equippers (Eph 4:11)
5) Why Servant Ship vs. membership in joining TF
- Membership is ok
- Servantship b/c Jesus modeled it for us (came to serve not to be served) also 1Tim 1:12
- All TF leaders are servants. Why?
- Remember it’s servantship based on foundation of love (Gal 5:13-14, 1Cor 13:1-3)
- Servant Team (ST) – church membership vs. Modeling and passing life of Jesus (1Cor 11:1)
- Consists of Cell Leaders & Assistants
- Worship team
- Member of ministry servant teams (i.e. children, kitchen, finance, setup, A/V, etc.)
- Servant Equipping Team (SET)
- Begins as part of ST
- Oversees spiritual growth of the church (Eph 4:11-12)
6) Requirements of Servant Team
- Requirements to be part of servant team
- Manifest Character of FAiTH acronym
- Faithful, Available, little I, Teachable, Humble
- Faithful member of a homecell & ST meetings
- Faithful in serving (ie. cell leader, assistant, children, finance, worship, A/V, kitchen, etc.)
- Receive CTP (at least 2 sessions)
- Requirements to be part of the Servant Equipping Team
- Faithful in stewardship
- Faithful as homecell leader
- Faithful and depth in prayer including half-night prayer
- A spiritual ‘father/mother’ in Christ
- Committed to vision of TF
- Special Leadership Conference - World Mandate (Sept 20-21, 2013) – All Servant Team members invited & paid by TF
7) Breakout Ministry Service Sessions
- What are your spiritual gifts?
- Where do you fit in?
- Children, Kitchen, A/V, Facility Setup/Teardown, Admin, Finance, Hospitality, Worship, etc.