Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 26th February 2014 at 7.00 p.m. at Barlby Library and Community Hub


Present : Councillor B Marshall

Councillor P Welch

Councillor S Duckett

Councillor D Rimmer

Councillor J Cusson

Councillor R Chopping

Councillor K Farndale

Councillor D Dear

Councillor R Speck

District Cllr J Deans

District Cllr K McSherry

County Cllr M Jordan

1. Apologies Councillor A Mason

2. Public Session

The Meeting was advised that it is NOT permitted to use recording devices of any kind

during the Meeting. The issue of planting/screening near Highfield Crescent was raised

and would be discussed with Highways. There was a short break while a system for

moving shelves was demonstrated.

3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Standard Planning items, otherwise as recorded.

4. Reports

Community Police – Ringmaster Emails circulated.


Barlby Woodland and Meadow – the TCV work on the Pond and overgrown area behind

the pond has been completed and a site meeting carried out with the Ouse and Derwent

Drainage Board to discuss adoption of the ditch, an estimate for the work from an IDB

approved contractor was submitted. Proposed (RS)(SD) approve the clearance works,

agreed. Proposed (KF)(SD) get recommendations for removal of selected trees, agreed.

Barlby Ponds – the ground is too wet underfoot to carry out the tree works at present.

Flytipping reported at the footbridge (Osgodby) and Bungalow Road, which is generally

untidy. Proposed (PW)(DR) remove excess vegetation, agreed. The field gate has also

been vandalised, proposed (KF)(SD) replace with a metal gate, agreed. Countryside

equipment – the old bushwacker is in store, proposed (RS)(DR) as no-one is now able to

use it, that it be sold, agreed. The Community Payback Team have done an excellent job

of tidying up Bungalow Road and Church Lane, proposed (SD)(KF) send a letter of

thanks, agreed. Cllr R Chopping and Mr C Chopping were thanked for their extensive

tidy up of Barlby Woodland and for planting wild flowers. A Countryside site meeting has

been arranged with Yorkshire Willdlife Trust for next week.

County and District Councillors

Cllr J Deans advised that SDC had approved a 1.8% increase on Council Tax. A site

meeting will be held at Lynwood on 11th March.

Representatives – Neighbourhood Watch signs approved for Bennymoor Lane/Tune Street

Health and Safety

No reports.

5. Minutes of last Meeting (29.1.2014)

The Minutes were approved and duly signed as a correct record of the Meeting (SD)(KF),


6. Matters Arising/Council Managers Report

1. Community Safety/CEF – a funding meeting will be held on 12th March at which the

Public will be able to vote for projects to received CEF funding, leaflets have been

distributed. Draft plans for a new kitchen and toilet need to be drawn up for the

CEF meeting.

2. Barlby Community Group – no update

3. Local and Regional Groups – no update

7. Finance

Monthly Accounts circulated for payment (DR)(SD), agreed. Bank Statements and

Invoices available for inspection.

A total expenditure of £7,545.86 was approved.


1. SDC S106 Corner Farm 1st Instalment – £2,973.00

2. York & NY PFA Grant – £500.00

Correspondence/other matters

1. Council Tax Support Grant – SLCC/YLCA correspondence read to the Meeting.

2. Parish Requirements/Budget 2014/5 – Options for the forthcoming year were discussed

and there followed a lengthy discussion on the Budget, in particular Countryside and

Play Area expenditure. After due discussion, an increase of 8.45% was proposed

(SD)(RS) to cover this expenditure. A further proposal (KF)(DD) for an increase of

2.2% was approved. It was proposed (BM)(JC) that Osgodby Institute be a separate

Budget heading from next year and that a grant of £1,000 be made. A further proposal

(PW)(KF) for a grant of £1,000 plus an annual review was approved. The grant to be

made when the Precept is received.

3. Requests for funding – SDC Chairman’s Appeal – proposed £75.00 (BM)(SD), agreed.

4. Estimates from last Meeting – see Countryside. A letter of thanks (SD)(KF) to be sent

to A M Services for all the assistance with the Woodland Clearance and providing

wheelbarrows for Church Lane.

8. Barlby Library and Community Hub

For consideration and action

1. Library – costs obtained for a storage container, proposed (RS)(SD) source a larger

container which could work out less expensive, agreed. Proposed (DR)(SD) approve

the estimate to produce plans for an extension, agreed. Proposed (SD)(KF) approve the

estimate for a structural survey, agreed. The moving equipment demonstrated earlier

was discussed. There were concerns that the old shelves are too heavy to be safely

moved and that moveable units would be a benefit. Other issues included : better use of

wall space and the layout of the building. Proposed (KF)(PW) that the moving

equipment be discounted on safety grounds, agreed. The Meeting was advised that most

of the re-arranging of furniture was carried out by the Council Manager. After due

discussion on the number of units that would be required it was proposed (KF)(RC) that

an informal meeting be set up with the Volunteers to agree a strategy, agreed.

2. CCTV and dog fouling – estimates were discussed. Proposed (SD)(RS) install a

temporary camera and put an article in the Magazine, agreed. Stencils to be used on

Church Lane when the work is complete.

9.. Correspondence

For consideration and action

1. Co-option – Vacancy for Councillor, the matter to be deferred until an article has been

put in the next Magazine. 1 application has been received to date.

2. Tower Mint – World War 1 Medal/Memorial. Defer to next meeting.

3. Crombie Wilkinson Transfer of Amenity land. Proposed (SD)(KF) approve registration,


For distribution – circulated

4. YLCA Advice Notes

5. SLCC/YLCA Training events

6. SDC Media Releases

7. SD AVS Advice Notes

8. NY Public Health – Fuel Poverty Needs

9. PHHHS update

10.NYCC Family History Day 15.3.2014

11.Northern Powergrid

Newsletters – circulated


13.AMT Newsletter/Seminars

14.CPRE/CABE/Keep Britain Tidy

15.RAY/Rural Services


17.Rural Housing

10. Correspondence since agenda

For information only

11. Planning

Proposed (SD)(DR) the following comments be sent to SDC, agreed.


2014/0094/HPA 98/16701/PA) – Proposed single storey extension to rear of 15 Barlby

Crescent, Barlby (Mr and Mrs B Dunn)

Comments : No objections

2014/0061/FUL (8/16/13AF/PA) – Proposed new security lodge (inc demolition of

existing) at Greencore Grocery, Barlby (Greencore Grocery)

Comments : No objections


2014/0066/HPA (8/16/700/PA – Double storey side extension at Woodlea, 3 Bennymoor

Lane, Osgodby (Mr and Mrs Lee)

Comments : No objections, concerns that there is no access to the rear garden

Applications Granted

1. Installation of a combined heat and power plant at Greencore Grocery

Applications Refused


Correspondence/Other Matters

1. Old York Road (David Wilson Homes) – no updates

2. Olympia Park – the Meeting was advised that the Internal Drainage Board and the

Environment Agency have concerns about drainage matters. Other matters raised

included the height of the road near the proposed roundabout, sewage disposal at

Ousebank and the private rights of way.

3. Lynwood – a site meeting is planned for 11th March. There are still concerns about the

width of the vehicle access, sight lines, collection of wheelie bins and the flawed traffic

survey. Other issues discussed included a one way system on Howden Road which

could be paid for by developer contributions. There are also concerns about the double

parking in the Library layby which causes problems with entering and exiting the car

park. Cllr B Marshall agreed to raise issues including lowering of the speed limit and

pedestrian crossing signs on the A19.

4. SDC – Improvements to Planning Services. Queries and consultation on planning

applications will be charged at £25 per application.

12. Play Areas/Amenity Open Space

For consideration and action

1. Play Area/Open Space – the costs of the timber trail at South Duffield Road have been

adjusted – storage costs have been offset against an improved surface under the tyre

hopscotch. All Play Area minor repairs including safety surface have been completed.

Community Payback removed 30 bags of rubbish and vegetation from Church Lane.

2. Recreation Open Space suggestions for projects – suggestions included a shelter by

Wainhomes rocks and goalposts at Sycamore Road. To be put on a future agenda. The

boundary hedge at Hilltop School field is overgrown, pass to NYCC.

3. Equipment leaflets – noted

13. Street lights & Furniture, Roads & Paths

For consideration and action

1. Street Lights – the light at South Duffield Road Play Area has had further attention.

The lights at the A19/A63 roundabout were reported several times and repairs delayed

due to there being no column numbers. Lights still out from Recreation Road to

Ousebank plus one column appearing to lean. Neighbourhood Watch signs approved.

2. Highways – a Parish Pilot for reporting and tracking issues is being implemented.

Speed limit reductions on the A19 do not meet ACPO guidance. The road name sign at

Hawthorn Drive has been reported as damaged. Report of damaged structures along

the riverbank have been passed to the Environment Agency. Hedge planting – see

Public session. Estimates for the bridge at Barlby Woodland to be chased up.

3. Dog bins – the bin at Church Lane has been damaged, proposed (SD)(JC) replace it if it

cannot be repaired, agreed. Dog fouling is horrendous on Barlby Woodland and Church

Lane, the Dog Warden has been out to inspect. Proposed (JC)(KF) spray warnings on

the pavements and put an article on the first page of the next Magazine, agreed. A letter

from a local resident read to the Meeting.

4. NYCC Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Consultation – noted

5. NYCC Bus Subsidy Reduction – circulated

6. PROW – Public Inquiry on 18th February. Cllr P Welch and the Council Manager

attended. The Inspector noted that the width of the path near the flood defences was

incorrect. Cllr P Welch gave a report and noted that the hearing was fair although the

need for use by horses had not been proved.

7. Xmas Lights 2014 – proposed (SD)(DR) same number/locations as last year, agreed.

8. Equipment leaflets/notices – noted.

9. Barlby Ponds – it was recognised that Eric Stockdale had been passionate about the

Ponds and, as a testament to his work, it was proposed (RS)(DR) that the path be

named ‘Stockdale Way’. Agreed unanimously.

14. Community Cohesion

1. Community Group – the Scarecrow festival has been agreed for 22nd June, judges

appointed and sponsors found for the website. The colouring competition and entry

form to go in the next Magazine. Stalls to be arranged.

15. Matters for Councillors Attention and Information

1. FOI requests – none

16. Next Meeting Wednesday 26th March 2014 at BLCH at 7.00 p.m.

17. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

Requests for items for inclusion to be sent to the Chairman 7 days before the date of the

next Meeting.

18. Items of Expenditure over £500

On Notice Boards.

The Meeting was closed at 10.30 p.m.

The Parish Council may, by resolution, exclude the public whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the nature of the confidential business to be transacted. Extract Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960.