Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaP. O. Box 3151
Department of TransportationHarrisburg, PA 17105-3151
Bureau of Public TransportationPhone:(717) 783-8025
FAX:(717) 772-2985
Fax No.
Federal I.D. No. / Telephone No.
Fax No.
E-Mail Address:
B.Total Project Budget$(From Exhibit H)
- The Applicant hereby applies to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through its Department of Transportation for a Rural Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Grant. The Applicant submits herewith the required resolutions, documents and exhibits in support of this grant request as set forth herein which documentation is hereby considered to be a part of the application. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS ARE POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS (COUNTY/MUNICIPALITY), TRANSPORTATION ORGANIZATIONS/AUTHORITIES AND PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION PROVIDERS (PUC CERTIFICATED COMMON CARRIERS). APPLICANTS WHO ARE POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS MUST SUBMIT A GOVERNING BOARD RESOLUTION WHICH AUTHORIZES THE FILING OF THE APPLICATION FOR FUNDING.
D. Local Advisory Committee – p. 2 / G. Implementation Proposal – p. 11
D-1 Core Local Advocacy Network – p. 3 / H. Project Budget – p. 12
E. Administrative/Operational Analysis – p. 4-8 / I. Project Implementation Schedule – p. 13
F. Passenger Trips, Revenue and Operating Data – p. 9-10 / J. Certification of Adherence to the Maintenance of Effort Requirement – p. 14
The Applicant has caused this application to be executed in its name on the basis of the information provided herein and in the supporting documents incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, subject to the above conditions,
this day of , 2007.
Attest: / Applicant:By: / By:
Title: / Title:
Date: / Date:
Exhibit D
Local Advisory Committee
This project requires an active local advisory committee organized by the shared-ride transportation provider with representation from the various user/passenger segments, including the disability community and its local advocacy network.
In addition to the information provided in the FY 2007-08 Shared-Ride Application, please answer the following questions:
1. Are local elected officials involved with the local advisory committee?
If YES, in what capacity? (Do they attend and vote at meetings? Have they appointed a staff person to attend on their behalf? Do they participate in or chair a subcommittee(s)?)
- Describe the commitment that local elected officials have made or are willing to make to support the new program. For example, have they designated staff, time and/or funding for planning, publicity and promotion, financial assistance, the availability of GIS technology, involving the county human service department, requiring documentation of current transportation funding for persons with disabilities from county offices, other in-kind services, direct funding, etc.
- Provide a letter from local elected officials indicating their level of support for the PwD program.
Exhibit D-1
Core Local Advocacy Network
The following is a list of the types of organizations that typically form the core of the local advocacy network for the disability community. Please provide the name and contact person for the comparable local agency in applicant’s service area. Also, place an asterisk next to those agencies that are involved with your local advisory committee.
List of Core Organizations within the Disability Community
Advocacy Organizations / Local Agency Name / Contact PersonUnited Cerebral Palsy
Center for Independent Living
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Mental Health/Mental Retardation
Bureau of Vocational Services
Association for Retarded Citizens
PA Transportation Alliance
Mental Health Consumers Group
Base Service Units
Veterans’ Association
Other ______
Other ______
Identify the primary advocacy organization ______
Exhibit E
The following questions in Exhibit E are intended to determine whether additional funding/personnel/resources are required for successful implementation of the PwD Program
1.General Public Shared-Ride Fare Structure
a.ADA Complementary Paratransit Fares
Compare current ADA complementary paratransit fares to the senior citizen share—15% of current Shared-Ride fares. (If 15% of the current shared-ride fare structure is less than the ADA complementary paratransit fare, it could make Rural Transportation for Persons with Disability fares more attractive to persons who are ADA eligible. The PwD may not be used in lieu of ADA complementary paratransit service.)
b.Is the current fare structure adequate to fully offset operating expenses?
If NO, what actions do you plan?
c. Do you anticipate requiring a fare increase during fiscal year 2007-08
If YES, please estimate the percentage increase
Why is a fare increase necessary?
2.At what times or under what circumstances has the system established and applied trip prioritization?
Do you have a written policy on trip prioritization? YESNO
If YES, attach the written document.
3.Provide a copy of the system’s current brochure(s) which provides information to potential passengers.
Exhibit E (cont’d.)
4.Shared-Ride Driver complement
Regular / Overtime
b.Average time in days (based on FY 2006-07) to fill a driver vacancy.
5.Do you use sub-contractors to deliver all or any of your service?
a.YES _____ NO ______If NO, skip to #6. If YES, complete following table.
Weekly Hrs.
Of Service / No. of
Drivers / No. of
Accessible / Non-
b.Define trips you assign to your subcontractor(s).
c.Compare the performance of sub-contracted service to directly provided service basedon timeliness, dependability, driver performance, customer satisfaction, etc.
d.Assess subcontractor(s) available capacity.
6.Does the system (including the direct provider of service and any subcontractors) currently have waiting lists for passengers to use the system or to make a particular trip?
If NO, skip to question 7. If YES, explain why and under what circumstances this condition exists.
7.Does the system experience service denials?
If NO, skip to question 8. If YES, explain the reasons for service denials.
8.How is the shared-ride service integrated with other transit service? (Explain with respect to coordination with fixed route services, ADA complementary paratransit services, etc.)
Exhibit E (cont’d.)
Management and Staffing
1.Administrative Staffing - Complete the following chart and indicate the average weekly hours of
overtime worked by administrative staff to meet current system demands.
*Identify vacancies as full-time or part-time.
2. Average time in days (based on FY 2006-07) to fill an administrative vacancy.
3.Does the system have reference materials for staff—reservationists, dispatchers, etc.—to use when answering questions and making decisions with regard to passenger eligibility, trip eligibility, general information, etc. If YES, please provide a copy.
4.Marketing/Public Outreach - Describe current outreach efforts—Do staff conduct sessions at residential facilities andother locations to advise potential passengers of shared-ride services and to determine eligibility? Identify sites visited within the past three months. Identify other outreach mechanisms used.
5.Complaint Procedure
a.Describe the complaint procedure:
-Who takes complaints?
-Are the complaints documented in writing? If YES, please provide an example.
-Who investigates complaint allegations and how?
-Who responds to the person making the complaint?
-Are complaints recorded and summarized to identify trends or opportunities for
adjustment? If YES, please provide a copy of a complaint summary report.
6.Cancellation/No-Show Policy
a.Do you have a cancellation/no-show policy?
If YES, provide a copy and continue with this question. If NO, skip to question #7.
b.Describe requirements for trip cancellation.
c.Describe passenger incentives for cancellation/passenger disincentives for no-shows.
d.Describe the procedures drivers are required to follow in the case of an apparent no-show.
Exhibit E (cont’d.)
7.Has the system conducted a customer satisfaction survey on shared-ride services?
If YES, when? If NO, skip to question #8.
a.Please provide a summary of the results, including the actual questions and the distribution methodology for the survey.
b.Describe actions taken as a result of the survey.
8.Office Communications
a.Describe the adequacy of the telephone system to handle client registration,
reservations, service questions, etc.
b.Describe the adequacy of the current system of communications between office and
- What alternative forms of communication (TTD, LEP, Spanish, etc.) do you offer to customers?
- Please identify improvements that would enhance the system for office staff and for customers.
- What plans are there to purchase and/or update computer software during fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09?
Exhibit E (cont’d.)
Operating Standards
- Describe your system’s standard pick-up window (that is, a passenger must be ready 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time and the vehicle is not considered late until 15 minutes after the scheduled pick up time)?
What is the system’s on-time performance with regard to pick ups (that is, the percentage of trips when passengers are picked up within the system’s standard pick up window)? - Define your system’s standards for on-time performance with regard to destinations.
What is the system’s on-time performance with regard to destinations (that is, the percentage of trips when passengers reach their destination with the standards)?
What is the standard maximum length of scheduled time on board a vehicle?
Analysis of Operational Capacity
Provide an analysis of the shared-ride transit system’s operational capacity to address additional service needs due to the expanded demands of this discounted fare program.
1.Describe the essential operational changes that must be implemented to increase capacity and accommodate the expanded demand generated by discounted fares. If appropriate, specify the projected number of vehicles or drivers needed.
- Discuss peak hours of service and those portions of service (time and locations) that are underserved.
Exhibit F
Passenger Trips, Revenue and Operating Data
1.Passenger Trips - Persons With Disabilities (PwD) Under 65
Table 1 reflects one way trips provided to persons with disabilities during fiscal year 2006-07, prior to implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Program.
Table 1 – Fiscal Year 2006-07
A / B / CPassenger trip information for provision of service prior to PwD Program / Full-Fare Self-Paid Passenger Trips for persons with disabilities under age 65* / 3rd Party Funded Passenger Trips for persons with disabilities under age 65** / Total Passenger Trips for persons with disabilities under age 65
(columns A+B)
* Estimated, may be based upon the number of passenger trips for persons under age 65 needing specially equipped vehicle and/or any other relevant assumption
** Estimated (as in Column A) for agency-funded trips, e.g. MH/MR
2.Demonstration / confirmation of Maintenance of Effort. Agencies currently sponsoring trips for persons with disabilities must continue to do so. Those trips are not eligible for PwD discount.
Table 2 – Agency Trips Fiscal Year 2006-07
Sponsors / No. of Persons Served / No. of One-Way Trips / Revenue /Average Trip Reimbursement
Mental Health/Mental Retardation / $Medical Assistance Trans. Program / $
Human Services Development Fund / $
Other / $
Other / $
Total* / $
* Total number of one-way trips should equal Column B in Table 1 on page 9.
- Operating Statistics
- Summarize one day (recent) of driver logs. Indicate the date of the driver logs ______
- Based on the summarized driver logs for that one day, calculate:
Total Passenger Trips
65+ Trips
MATP Trips
Persons With Disabilities Trips
Paid Driver Hours
Live Driver Hours
Total Passenger Miles
65+ Passenger Miles
MATP Passenger Miles
Persons with Disabilities Miles
Live Vehicle Miles
Total Vehicle Miles
Exhibit G
Enclosed with this application is a copy of the Rural Transportation for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Implementation and Administrative Guidance. This document explains the program goals/requirements and emphasizes the importance of the maintenance of effort/payer of last resort provision. If there are no service concerns or fare issues within your transportation system, the Implementation and Administrative Guidance can serve as a basic tool for designing, implementing, and integrating the PwD Program into your current service. If otherwise, you will need to identify limitations, and funding needs to address the limitations, such as:
Operating/fleet capacity
Administrative capacity
- Office staff responsible for eligibility/registration, marketing, reservations, data collection
- Telephone/communications system
- Software System for client registration, reservations, scheduling/dispatching
Sufficiency of current fare structure
Sufficiency of level of service (daily hours of operation, number of driver hours, service area) to address specific needs of persons with disabilities.
Funding Timeline for PwD
Program Activity / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3Additional personnel and/or administrative hours / 100% / 100% / 50%
Marketing / 100% / 100% / N/A
Capital Purchases / 100% / 100% / N/A
Software Upgrades / 100% / 100% / N/A
Trip Reimbursement / Up to 85% of fare / Up to 85% of fare / Up to 85% of fare
Project Budget
- An implementation budget for the project during 2007-08 must be submitted as part of this application. This budget/plan must include each type of expenditure/line item to be funded with a budgeted amount for each expense. Assume anOctober 2007 award and calculate expenditures from November 2007 through June 2008, and a full year during FY 2008-09. Use your best estimate for the fiscal year in which you believe you would receive vehicles/major capital items.
Expenditure line item / Budget Request FY 2007-08 / Budget Request FY 2008-09
Administrative staff and functions
–salaries, fringes
Public Outreach/Marketing
–design and production of printed materials,
supplies, media production, postage
expense for direct mail
Capital Equipment - Vehicles
Capital Equipment - Other
–telephone, radios, computer equipment
–and software
Trip Reimbursement
- Estimated PwD trips times average
reimbursement per trip
Software Upgrades
Other – Identify
Total Project Budget
This program will reimburse only for direct PwD costs. Administrative costs that are currently funded through the fare structure are NOT eligible for reimbursement. PwD WILL reimburse administrative costs if current staff is required to work overtime or if staff is added to support shared-ride service functions.
For example, a grantee may hire staff to conduct eligibility/registration or data collection and charge that time to PwD. Or, a grantee may hire staff to assist with reservation taking—freeing a more experienced staff person to process eligibility/registration applications. The expenses associated with the new staff are eligible administrative expenses.
Exhibit I
Project Implementation Schedule
Provide a 2007-08 schedule for the service implementation plan with specific activities, dates and milestones.
Implementation ActivitiesTime Frame (months) from Award of Grant
Capital Equipment
Local Advisory Committee
Initiation of Discounted Fares
Exhibit J
Certification of Adherence to the
Maintenance of Effort Requirement
Funding resources for the Rural Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Program are not to displace existing human service transportation funding resources. A detailed clarification of this policy is provided in the program’s Guidelines for Interagency Coordination and Maintenance of Effort Obligations.
This agreement certifies that the provider understands that PENNDOT is only to be billed for those trips which are not eligible for reimbursement through a human service funding source such as MATP, MH/MR, and HSDF.
Signature of Authorized OfficialDate