Extra Credit Safety Poster Assignment
We have review labs safety rules all year and now, you will have the opportunity to focus on just ONE rule by creating a poster that effectively teaches that rule. Posters will be displayed throughout the classroom to serve as reminders during laboratory experiments.
1. Pick one Safety Rule
2. 12” X 18” (This is half of a standard poster board) will be used for your drawing.
3. Think about your safety rule and summarize it into the least number of words or make it into a slogan then use a sketch or cartoon to effectively teach your rule.
4. Make sure the poster is colorful and interesting by using pencil crayons, markers, magazine cutouts or computer graphics.
5. Your poster may be serious or humorous, but it must focus on the key message of your assigned rule.
6. Posters done in pencil or pen will not be accepted.
Communication _____
-neatness/attractiveness 25
-effectively teaches the rule
-graphic is large and easily viewed from a distance
-the graphic/drawing is appropriate
-Poster is original not copied from the internet
-all directions for the assignment have been followed
DUE DATE: Monday April 13, 2015 (No Late Extra Credit Poster Will Be Excepted)