Art 1 Midterm Study Guide Spring 2016 Instructor Drew Burgess
College of Alameda
Read the textbook, Art a Brief History. Study the thematic sections we have created in class and know the importance of the following concepts and works of art.
The ‘Starter Kit’ and Introduction
What is art--what is art history?
Know about: representation, patronage, the social context of art, beauty, sections on form, content, style, mediums, techniques and architectural terms
Art to know from chapters 1-10:
Prehistoric—chapter 1
Woman of Willendorf
Lion Headed Man
Lascaux Cave art
Ancient Art--chapters 2-4
Sumerian Votive statues
Nanna Ziggurat
Bull Lyre, Cylinder Seal, Stele of Hammurabi
Assurnasipal 11 Killing Lions
Palette of Narmer
Great Pyramids
Menkaure and Khamerernebty
Seated Scribe
Akhenaten and His Family
Torso from Harappa
Great Stupa at Sanchi
Standing Buddha
Fang Ding Vessel
Terracotta Soldiers
Portion of a letter (Calligraphy)
Bodhisattva Seated in Meditation
Main Compound Horyu-ji
Ancient Art--chapters 5-6
Ajax and Achilles playing a game
Cycladic figure of a woman
Minoan Bull Jumping fresco
Elements of Architecture
Peplos Kore
Kritios Boy
Spear Bearer
Greek Theaters
Aphrodite of Melos, Market Woman,
Nike of Samothrace, Dying Gallic Trumpeter
Reclining couple on a sarcophagus
Aulus Metellus
Arch and Vault, Augustus Primaporta
Peristyle Garden Pompeii
Wall painting Villa of Mysteries
Pantheon, Flavian Amphitheater
Constantine the Great
From Ancient to Medieval--chapters 7-8
Menorahs and Ark of the Covenant
Wall with Torah Niche,
Good Shepherd
Longitudinal and Central plan Churches
Oratory of Galla Placidia
Church of Hagia Sophia
Dome of the Rock
Tile Mosaic Mihrab
Shazi Pen Box
Chapter 9
Nataraja Shiva
Travelers among Mountains and Streams
Formats of Chinese Painting
Rock Garden Ryoan-ji
The Great Wave
Chapter 10
Chi Ro Page Book of Kells
St. Gall Plan
Crucifixion with Angels and Mourning Figures
Gero Crucifix
The Romanesque Church Portal
Hildegard of Bingen
Questions to help with your study:
1. What culture strongly influenced Roman art?
2. Mesopotamian writing---what does it look like? What is it called?
3. What is the term for the Greek ‘relaxed’ pose?
4. Name a very early sculpture of a mother figure or fertility goddess.
5. What is the purpose of the pyramids at Giza?
6. An artwork that is a very early code of law.
7. Select art examples from the ‘golden age’ of Greece.
8. Name a significant construction material of Roman origin.
9. Buddhist art of India---name elements of the Stupa at Sanchi.
10. What are some symbols of Buddhism?
11. Why is the Indus River significant?
12. Name a sculpture that portrays an athlete?
13. Consider worship; compare various cultures and their art.
14. Name examples of bull imagery or bull-like art of the ancient world.
15. Archaic smile, what artwork has this?
16. Sculpture----Marital harmony?
17. In what culture(s) is calligraphy especially prominent?
18. What is a beehive tomb?
19. How does style differ in the art of sculpture?
20. Empire known for realistic busts, architectural engineering and law and government?
21. What is a very common building material of Mesopotamia?
22. A Persian complex of the ancient world.
23. A Greek artwork: She is aging.
24. Functional and beautiful these moved water over long distances.
25. An early mausoleum in China.
26. An example of the musical heritage of the Middle East in the form of an ancient instrument.
27. A person who supports art.
28. When something is depicted or made like nature--as observed.
29. A style when related to time is known as.
30. Three ways in architecture to span an opening.
31. Early Christian sculpture—what figure?
32. Christian churches of the Middle Ages---what architectural features?
33. Judaism, Christian and Islamic art---similarities and differences.
34. In the middle ages an art of illustration done in monasteries.
35. Altarpieces of the middle ages; what are they like?
36. Compare examples of figurative art—how are they similar and different?
37. What is period style?
38. What is the relationship of form and content?
39. What are the primary colors?
40. What is a barrel vault?
41. What is an icon?
All the best to you!
Studying the listed art and questions will help build a strong educational foundation.