Report 3


This report will be based upon Dr. Wachter’s draft text on ethics for safety professionals.

The first part of your report will be a review of his manuscript; the second part is two case studies. In your review, focus on content of the manuscript rather than grammar, punctuation, etc. Your review should include:

  • An overview
  • Present a concise general summary of your opinions. Include brief statements on the key (salient) points of the text.
  • Text review – Discussion
  • Strengths – provide your analysis of:
  • General concepts presented
  • Utilization of SHECoEs (ASSE, ABIH, BCSP, etc.)
  • Relevance to you as a SHE professional
  • Clarity of writing and concepts
  • Weaknesses – provide your analysis of:
  • General concepts not presented
  • Possible conflict or confusion with SHECoEs (ASSE, ABIH, BCSP, etc.)
  • Irrelevance to you as a SHE professional
  • Confusion with writing and concepts
  • Summary
  • What are the strong points of this text
  • What do you recommend be changed or added?
  • Cases studies
  • Prepare two cases studies utilizing the case study template. An example case study is presented to assist you in determining the scope of this effort.

Report 3: Ethics text manuscript review

Grading matrix

Poor / Minimum / Fair / Good / Excellent
1-2 / Absent, or might as well be absent / Too brief or too long. Not tailored to the reading / Tied in to the reading, presents several salient points / Tied in to the reading, presents most salient points / Preceding, plus concise and informative
Discussion – Strengths
2 / Absent / One strength identified / Descriptive, two strengths identified / Detailed, three to four strengths / Well written, good support of your opinions.
Discussion – Weaknesses
2 / Absent / One weakness identified / Descriptive, two weaknesses identified / Detailed, three to four weaknesses / Well written, good support of your opinions.
0.5-1 / Absent / Very general, misses key points / Descriptive, exhibits a good review of the manuscript / Detailed, yet concise, provides insights for improvement / Well written, clear well thought out suggestion for improvement
Case Studies
(depends) / Absent / Partially completed / Addresses all sections, presents a plausible situation / Complete, plausible, and presents a good solution / Well written, compelling
Grammar, spelling, punctuation / Many imperfections / >15 errors / 10 to 15 errors / Few errors / Very few or no errors
Overall appearance:
Instructor perception / Sloppy, unreadable / Poor / Information present, but not well organized / Organized with some graphics / Well written, organized, excellent graphics

Professional Ethics Case Study Format

For the AIHA Publication of

“Ethics for the Safety and Health Professional: Approaches and Case Studies”


First of all, thank you for contributing your case study to the effort of publishing a professional ethics reference for the occupational health and safety profession. In order that we maintain some consistency in the case studies that we compile, please fill out the form below regarding the case study you are submitting. We must reserve the right to edit your submission as needed for the publication. We will not affix any specific contributors to any specific cases as a protection of confidentiality, but will give credit in the introductory segment of the publication for your contribution if you approve.

Please remove all specific identifying information from your case study. For example, use “Company XYZ” instead of “General Motors.” Use only professional titles and leave out specific names of people involved in the case study. For example use “Lead Industrial Hygienist” instead of “Joe Dokes.” Also your case study does not necessarily need to be borne out of personal experience – you can be creative and generate a realistic case study that you think other safety and health professionals would be interested in reading and thinking about.




Case Topic Area (Mark the Best Fit):

  1. Professional Competency - General (Failure to provide competent IH or safety services; failure to accept assignments only when qualified by education and experience)
  2. Professional Integrity - General (Failure to be honest, fair and objective)
  3. Client/Corporate Confidentiality (Failure to protect sensitive information)
  4. Data/Information Representation and Communication (Failure to report and/or represent objective findings, such as overstating positive results or understating negative results; failure to inform appropriate parties when professional judgment indicates that there is an unacceptable level of risk)
  5. Credentials Representation (Misuse of ABIH or BCSP certificant’s seal or credentials for another’s work; misrepresentation of academic or professional qualifications)
  6. Citation of Sources (Failure to recognize the sources of work and research)
  7. Conflict of Interest (Failure to decline work or opportunities that are in conflict with professional judgment)
  8. Public Health Protection (Failure to follow appropriate procedures that protect the greater public’s health)
  9. Bias / Respect (Failure to act in a manner free of bias with regard to religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, or disability; failure to treat people with respect and civility)
  10. Other (Please specify)______

Country the Case Occurred In: ______

Case Summary (Please Limit to 1000 words or less):

Dilemma Summary (Describe your view of the ethical considerations of the case):

Potential Resolutions (There may be multiple methods):