Minutes from meeting on May 7th, 2015

The Mill Creek Township Supervisors met at the township building at 7:00 with Ben Meckbach, Roger Bower and Robert Stutzman all present. Also attending were John and Chad Cropper, Marc Miller, Linda Hopkins, Wayne Cordrey, Russ Pidcoe, Carl Schlappi, Scott Oldweiler and Michelle and Scott Ferguson.

Meeting was opened with the pledge to the flag.

Carl had questions about the dust control this year. Linda Hopkins updated our EOP and papers were signed. The Croppers had concerns of road repairs on Woodley Hollow. Scott Oldweiler reported on activities from Muncy Township Fire Company, The Fergusons wanted to see what the plans were for Woodley Hollow Road by their house.

The bid was opened from HRI. It was the only one received. It was for $182,771. Motion was made by Ben and seconded by Roger to reject the bid due to higher than estimated costs, motion was carried.

Road inspections were done by each supervisor individually and reviewed. Their reports were gone over and discussion held. Following a review of an estimate prepared for a section of Woodley Hollow, just South of the township building, it was decided and motion was made by Ben and seconded by Roger to limit the amount of improvement cost to $50,000.00 for the section in question. Original estimates were for $90,000.00

Motion was made by Ben and seconded by Bob to accept the resignations of Beth Downey and Glenda Twiss who served on the Planning Commission and Glenda also on the election board. Norma will put a sign up at the election and on the township door seeking new members for the Planning Commission. Ben mentioned possibly turning our zoning over to the county, but the yearly cost would be approximately $1250.

Motion was made by Roger and seconded by Bob to accept the minutes with the correction of name of Mr. Dougherty to Jim not Dan. Motion was carried.

A new resolution was signed after a motion made by Ben and seconded by Bob for the Miller subdivision. Motion was carried.

The month’s mail consisted of a certified letter from Inflection on a gas compressor station going to be constructed in Upper Fairfield Township along Route 87, codes violation letter to Mike Derr, COG meeting on May 20th and various training brochures.

A project still needs to be picked for County Aid.

Cinders need to be bid to stock up for next year.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:25.

Respectfully submitted,

Norma J. Zeisloft
