Lesson Plan
Date: 16/03/09 / Time:1:05 – 2:00pm / Class: 1P – Year 1Subject:Maths / Total: 24 / M: 12 F: 12
Lesson Objectives – in terms of knowledge, concepts and skills to be obtained
Learning Intention:
To describe a problem using numbers, diagrams and maths objects
Success Criteria:
Must: I can solve a problem using diagrams and objects to help me
Should: I can show how I solved a problem using diagrams and objects
Could: I can write a number sentence to show how I solved the problem
Lesson Structure – Division of time and outline of introduction, body and plenary
M&O Starter:
In a circle, try to count on and back in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Try to continue simple number sequences, such as: 16, 14, 12, 10 …..
Q: What numbers come next?
Q: What do you notice about these numbers?
Number sequence: 15, 17, 19, 21…….
Q: What numbers come next?
Q: What do you notice about these numbers?
Explain to the children that we are going to be solving maths problems which are written out in words. For example:
Paul had 5 fish in his tank. He went to the pet shop and bought 3 more fish. How many fish did he have altogether?
Q: How did you work it out?
Q: What clue is there that this is an addition problem?
Discuss the different words for addition: sum, total, plus, altogether
Model drawing a fish tank with 5 fish, then add 3 more. Count how many with the children. Write out the number sentence underneath, with the children’s help.
There were 24 biscuits in a packet. Jack put 7 biscuits on a plate. How many biscuits were left in the packet?
Q: How did you work it out?
Q: What clue is there in the problem that this is a subtraction problem?
Discuss the different words for subtraction: minus, take away, less than difference, how many left
Demonstrate how we could use multilink to solve the problem of how many biscuits left in the packet. Model how to write the number sentence: 24 – 7 = 17
Children to work in ability groups for peer support.
Explain to the children that we will be working on one problem at a time. On the next clean page in their maths book, stick the problem in and use multilink or diagrams to solve the problem and then write the number sentence underneath. When it has been checked by an adult, you can move onto another one.
Share some different ways of solving the problems across the different ability groups.
Introduce a number sequence that we will be looking at in the next lesson.
For example: 1, 3, 5, ?, 9, 11, 13, ?, 17, 19, ?, 23
And backwards: 24, ?, 20, 18, 16, ?, 12, 10, ?, 6, 4, 2, ?
Links to NC & National Framework Strategies, cross-curricular themes etc
NC: Maths
1a) approach problems involving number, and data presented in a variety of forms, in order to identify what they need to do
1b) develop flexible approaches to problem solving and look for ways to overcome difficulties
1c) make decisions about which operations and problem-solving strategies to use
1d) organise and check their work
1e) use the correct language, symbols and vocabulary associated with number and data
1f) communicate in spoken, pictorial and written form, at first using informal language and recording, then mathematical language and symbols
1i) explain their methods and reasoning when solving problems in
involving number and data
3a) understand addition and use related vocabulary; recognise that addition can be done in any order; understand subtraction as both ‘take away’ and ‘difference’ and use the related vocabulary
4a) choose sensible calculations methods to solve whole-number problems (including number problems involving money or measures), drawing on their understanding of the operations
4b) check that their answers are reasonable and explain their methods or reasoning
5b) discuss what they have done and explain their results
Primary Framework:
Block E, Unit 2: Securing number facts, relationships and calculating
Key Vocabulary - to be put on board / Resources
- Problem
- Solution
- Calculate
- number sentence
- answer
- method
- explain
- add, sum, total, altogether
- subtract, difference, minus
- double
- share
- Multilink
- Share bears
- Number squares
- Differentiated maths problems
Differentiation – provisions for different abilities, SEN, EAL and G&T
The children will be working in their ability groups. The word problems are differentiated four ways for the four different groups.
Assessment – Type and approach
- Assessment will be carried out in the form of questioning and the problem solving skills that the children use
- Can the children identify the clues to find out what operation to use; how many left? Altogether?
- Have the children followed instructions?
- Are children using diagrams and/or objects to help to solve the problems?
- Can children write out a number sentence to show how they solved the problem?
Connections to prior learning / Context of lesson in expected sequence
The children have been doing Block D, Unit 2 for the past few weeks. This s the first lesson in Block E, Unit 2. / Next lesson we will be looking at number sequences, discussing odd and even numbers and how the sequences follow on.
Details of ICT and Health & Safety-where appropriate
Learning Intention and Steps to Success will be up on the ICT to set some targets with the children before we start, which we can self-assess against at the end of the lesson.
Involvement of other adults
There will myself and the CT in the classroom. We will work between the four groups to ensure that children are on task and address misconceptions as and when they arrive.