Western NSW Region

Registered Training Organisation


ICA05 Information and Communication Technology

ICA20105 Certificate II in Information Technology


Computing Packages


Units of competency: ICAD2012A Design organisational documents using

commercial computing packages

ICAU2006A Operate computing packages

ICAU2013A Integrate commercial computing packages

Unit 3 – Task 5 /
Student Name:
Assessor’s Name:
Date handed out:
Training Package:
(code & name) / ICA05 – Information & Communication Technology
(code & name) / ICA20105 Certificate II in Information Technology


ICAD2012A / Design Organisational Documents Using Commercial Computing Packages
ICAU2006A / Operate Computing Packages
ICAU2013A / Integrate Commercial Computing Packages


Please tick

I understand the purpose of this Assessment Task
I have been provided with information on RPL
I have been provided with information on the Appeals system
I have notified the assessor of any special needs to be considered during this Assessment Task
I have completed a Self-Assessment Checklist for these units

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Task Name / Using Computing Packages
Assessment Date
Assessment Method / Presentation, Report and Portfolio
Time / 4 weeks
Instructions to Assessors / Provision is made in the task list for students to tick as they complete a task, and teachers to tick when they have checked it.
Instructions to Students / This task is to be done at home and/or in your own time.
Tools & Equipment / Access to workstation, word processing, slide show software, Spread sheets, OB, graphics, LCO display units, printer and organisation style guide (see IT website: http://www.teachers.ash.ora.au/ozmused.itclass.htm)
Help manual/users' manual for appropriate software package
OH&S Requirements / All equipment set up as per regulations.
Completion / Print off and hand in a hard copy. Place in your portfolio of evidence


ICAD2012A Design organisational documents using commercial computing packages (P9)
1. Design documents to meet organisational requirements
1.1 Use applications to design and configure documents templates for use in a business environment
1.2 Demonstrate the implementation of design guidelines.
1.3 Select appropriate software.
1.4 Use software as per specifications to design documents.
1.5 Store documents as access and editing as required.
1.6 Obtain approval of design of documents from appropriate person.
2. Access, retrieve, manipulate and save data
2.1 Use software as per specification.
2.2 Locate and open files.
2.3 Amend designs according to requirements.
2.4 Exit applications successfully without loss of data.
ICAU2006C Operate computing packages (P143)
1. Use appropriate software
1.1 Select software appropriate to perform activity.
1.2 Use software to produce required outcome using a range of features related to the activities.
1.3 Save documents in appropriate directories / folders
2. Access, retrieve and manipulate data
2.1 Select and access files.
2.2 Amend and save files according to requirements.
2.3 Produce documents and files that meet organisational needs.
2.4 Save files in appropriate directories / folders.
2.5 Exit software correctly without loss of data.
3. Access and use help functions within each application.
3.1 Identify the help resources available for basic difficulties with the software.
3.2 Access user help documentation and other resources for basic difficulties with the software.
4. Use keyboard and equipment
4.1 Follow OH&S standards and regulations to avoid injury or illness.
4.2 Use write rests and document holders where appropriate.
ICAU2013A - Integrate commercial computing packages (P20)
1. Determine work requirements
1.1 Identify the requirements of the task
1.2 Select appropriate software and file formats.
2. Produce required data / documents to new format.
2.1 Create a mailing list using a database, spreadsheet or address bok, and merge mailing list with another document.
2.4 Import objects from another software application package and modify as required to produce a required outcome.
2.5 Export data to another software application package to produce a required outcome.
3. Save and retrieve data with the aid of help functions.
3.1 Save data to disk
3.3 Re-access data and check information.


Cracker Jacks is a company and you are its manager. You need to prepare organisational documents and a presentation for your company. You need to design a logo, and prepare a letterhead and promotional material. Cracker Jacks needs a business letter to invite associates to a presentation. You will need to create a spreadsheet, chart, database, do a mail merge and prepare the presentation.


CASE 1 - GRAPHICS Create a folder called CASE 1 / St / Te
Task 1.1: Company Logo
Use appropriate software to create the graphic. Save the empty document/file as Task _1_1 in the CASE 1 folder. Keep your work saved as you go.
Create Logo Cracker Jacks would like a logo for their letterheads and any brochures they would like to create. The logo should be kept simple and needs only be a 2 or 3 colour graphic.
Print Logo Print a copy of your graphics, which must include a footer showing the path and file name, date and time of printing (both created using Autotext) and your name.
Task 1.2: Letter Head
The next task Cracker Jacks has for you is to produce a letterhead. Use appropriate software to create the letterhead. Save the empty document/file as Task _1_2 in the CASE 1 folder. Keep your work saved as you go.
Insert Logo and other information
·  The logo is in the top right hand corner,
·  Include the company name, address, telephone, fax, E-mail address and your name as the owner manager of the business.
·  The address text should be at 10 point and in a Times New Roman font.
·  There should be a line that separates the header text and the main document.
Print a copy of your letterhead, which must include footer comprising your name, together with the date and time of printing.
Task 1.3: Business Letter Use appropriate software to create the letter. Save the empty document/file as Task _1_3 in the CASE 1 folder. Keep your work saved as you go.
Write the letter
Write a business letter (blocked style with open punctuation) on the letterhead, created in task 2.
Text is 12 point Times New Roman.
The letter will take the form of an invitation. You are asking your business associates to come along and view a presentation about Cracker Jacks and its future direction.
The presentation will commence at 7.30 PM in Conference room 2 at the Uptown Market Hotel at a date to be specified by you. Light refreshments will be served, so RSVP is essential for catering arrangements.
Print a copy of your Business letter/invitation, which must include footer comprising your name, together with the date and time of printing.


Task 2.1: Creation and data entry

Below is a simple Spreadsheet for Cracker Jacks showing income and expenses.

CASE 2 – SPREADSHEETS Create a folder called CASE 2 / St / Te
Task 2.1 Spreadsheet Creation and Data Entry Use appropriate software to create the spreadsheet. Call the file task_2_1 and store in the CASE 2 folder. Keep your work saved as you go.
Formatting Headings etc
The page layout to be landscape, all margins 2cm, show gridlines.
Headings to be bold, Times New Roman font, size 12, centre justified.
Values to be numbers, 0 decimal places, Times New Roman font, size 12
Format column K to reflect percentages with 2 decimal places
Creating Header and Footers
In the Header, put the name of the company, and the period that the spreadsheet covers.
In the footer, using the Auto buttons, insert
·  the path and filename,
·  your name,
·  Page x of y,
·  Date Printed.
Data Entry
Enter data as shown
Prepare Calculations, using formulas
In Column I, using a SUM formula, calculate totals for 6 months for each item of income and expense
In each row for each month (where appropriate) using a SUM formula, calculate Total Income, Gross Profit, Total Expenses and Net Profit
In column J, using an AVERAGE formula, calculate average for each row.
In column K, calculate each total in column I as a percentage of Total Sales, using absolute referencing.
Add a section to your spreadsheet for calculating the GST for the Total Income and the Total Goods Sold. Make allowances for a change in the GST rate.
Print the Spreadsheet
View the spreadsheet to ensure that it will print on 1 page. If it doesn’t, then adjust the page break
Print, check and file the spreadsheet prior to preparing the graph.
Task 2.2 Graphing and printing data Prepare a graph, using the spreadsheet that you have just created.
Save the file with a different name Using File Save As, save the file as Task 2_2 in the CASE 2 folder.
Create the graph
The graph should be a 3D Bar Chart.
For each month, graph Total Income, Total Expenses and Net Profit
Correctly name each data series.
Name the X-axis as the individual months (Hint: it is on the same screen as that where you named the data series).
The heading on the graph should be Income and Expenses.
The Y-axis title should be "$ Value".
This graph should be saved below the Spread sheet
Print both the spreadsheet and graph
Print, check and file the spreadsheet and graph. If unhappy with the graph, delete it and recreate.
CASE 3 - DATABASE Create a folder called CASE 3. / St / Te
Task 3.1 Database and Report Creation Use appropriate software to create the database. Call the file task_3_1 and store in the CASE 3 folder. Keep your work saved as you go.
Create database
Create a database with a table called Investors, which contains at least 10 fields and 6 records.
Using the information below, decide which fields are required.
Create the fields in the data dictionary.
Create a form to enter the data.
The investors are names and addresses of people who have shown some interest in the Cracker Jacks business and perhaps would be interested in investing in it, as you are doing so well and the future is looking good. It is these people who you are inviting to your Power Point presentation at the Up Market Hotel.
Check Database Masterfile Entries
Using the Report Wizard, create a report, sorting surnames in ascending order.
Check the report to ensure that every entry is correct.
Print the report and file it.
Create a Report
You will need a 2nd list of these investors and their phone numbers. sorted in alphabetical order, to tick off as you receive their RSVP's or to phone and remind
·  The heading for this report will be: Investor Phone List
·  The heading will be in 14 point Courier and bold.
·  The customers will be in 12 point Courier with the phone number next to the name
·  The date will be in the header and the page number in the footer.
·  The list of fields for this report is:
o  Customer Given name,
o  Customer Surname,
o  Customer Phone number
Print Report
Print this report on one A4 sheet; include footer comprising your name, together with the date and time of printing.
Task 3.2 Mail Merge
Using the Business letter/invitation created in Task 1.3 mail merge with the database created in Task 3.1.
As you would be using window envelopes the names and addresses should be under your letterhead in the top left hand corner.
Print the 6 invitations on Cracker Jacks letterhead, which must include footer comprising your name, together with the date and time of printing.
Task 4.1 Power Point Presentation Use appropriate software to create the PowerPoint. Call the file task_4_1 and store in the CASE 4 folder. Keep your work saved as you go
Create Presentation The object of this presentation is to show prospective investors how well Cracker Jacks is doing and to encourage them to invest in this business.
It must have at least 10 slides that can be viewed as slides. Make use of colour and the clip art that is available to produce an effective presentation.
You must create a variety of slides that display at least 3 categories of text charts (e.g. title, bullet, column, organisational, time schedules, map and flowcharts)
The graphs that you produced from your spreadsheet should also be included in your presentation. You also might like to launch a new product or service at Cracker Jacks –this would be the perfect opportunity to do so ie in your Power Point presentation
Print Slides
Print the PowerPoint presentation as a handout, with 3 slides to a page
Hand In
Create a portfolio of evidence for what you have produced.
Unit 3 – Task 5
Student Name:
Assessor’s Name:
Assessment Date:
Training Package: / ICA05 – Information & Communication Technology
Qualification: / ICA20105 – Certificate II in Information Technology

Student: Place a tick in the ‘I can’ column if you believe you can perform the task described


ICAD2012A Design organisational documents using commercial computing packages (P9) / I can / Assessment Decision
1. Design documents to meet organisational requirements
1.1 Use applications to design and configure documents templates for use in a business environment
1.2 Demonstrate the implementation of design guidelines.
1.3 Select appropriate software.
1.4 Use software as per specifications to design documents.
1.5 Store documents as access and editing as required.
1.6 Obtain approval of design of documents from appropriate person.
2. Access, retrieve, manipulate and save data
2.1 Use software as per specification.
2.2 Locate and open files.
2.3 Amend designs according to requirements.
2.4 Exit applications successfully without loss of data.
ICAU2006C Operate computing packages (P143)
1. Use appropriate software
1.1 Select software appropriate to perform activity.
1.2 Use software to produce required outcome using a range of features related to the activities.
1.3 Save documents in appropriate directories / folders
2. Access, retrieve and manipulate data
2.1 Select and access files.
2.2 Amend and save files according to requirements.
2.3 Produce documents and files that meet organisational needs.
2.4 Save files in appropriate directories / folders.
2.5 Exit software correctly without loss of data.
3. Access and use help functions within each application.
3.1 Identify the help resources available for basic difficulties with the software.
3.2 Access user help documentation and other resources for basic difficulties with the software.
4. Use keyboard and equipment
4.1 Follow OH&S standards and regulations to avoid injury or illness.
4.2 Use write rests and document holders where appropriate.
ICAU2013A - Integrate commercial computing packages (P20)
1. Determine work requirements
1.1 Identify the requirements of the task
1.2 Select appropriate software and file formats.
2. Produce required data / documents to new format.
2.1 Create a mailing list using a database, spreadsheet or address bok, and merge mailing list with another document.
2.4 Import objects from another software application package and modify as required to produce a required outcome.
2.5 Export data to another software application package to produce a required outcome.
3. Save and retrieve data with the aid of help functions.
3.1 Save data to disk
3.3 Re-access data and check information.

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