PUBLICATIONS – Robert G. Björk – 05December 2011
(Number of citations as registered in Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus)
Total number of citations of my publication: 187
H-index in ISI Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar (2005-2011): 7
H-index in ISI Web of Science only (2005-2011): 6
Average citations per year (Web of Science): 19.0
Publications in peer-reviewed international journals
Elmendorf SC,Henry GHR, Hollister RD, Björk RG, Bjorkman AJet al. (in press) Global assessment of simulated climate warming on tundra vegetation: heterogeneity over space and time.Ecology Letters. DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01716.x.
Ryberg M, Andreasen M, and Björk RG (2011) Weak habitat specificity in ectomycorrhizal communities associated with Salix herbacea and Salix polaris in alpine tundra. Mycorrhiza, 21(4): 289-296. DOI: 10.1007/s00572-010-0335-1.
Björk RG, Ernfors M, Andersson MX, Nilsson MB, Rütting T, Sikström U, and Klemedtsson L (2010) Contrasting effects of wood ash application on microbial community structure, biomass and processes in drained forested peatlands. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 73(3): 550-562. DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2010.00911.x.(Number of citations: 4)
Björkman MP, Morgner E, Björk RG, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, and Klemedtsson L (2010) A comparison of annual and seasonal carbon dioxide effluxes between sub-arctic Sweden and high-arctic Svalbard. Polar Research, 29(1): 75-84. DOI:10.1111/j.1751-8369.2010.00150.x.(Number of citations: 6)
Björkman MP, Morgner E, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, Klemedtsson L, and Björk RG (2010) Winter carbon dioxide effluxes from Arctic ecosystems: An overview and comparison of methodologies. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24: GB3010. DOI: 10.1029/2009GB003667.(Number of citations: 4; The most popular GBC paper the first week after publication, and stayed top four of most popular GBC paper for eight weeks)
Klemedtsson L, Ernfors M, Björk RG, Weslien P, Rütting T, Crill P, and Sikström U (2010) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by wood ash application to a Picea abies(L.) Karst.forest on a drained organic soil. European Journal of Soil Science, 61(5): 734-744. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2010.01279.x. (Number of citations: 5; Special Issue: Nitrogen and greenhouse gas exchange)
Antonsson H, Björk RG, and Molau U (2009)Nurse plant effect of the cushion plant Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. in subarctic alpine communities. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2(1): 17-25. DOI: 10.1080/17550870902926504.(Number of citations: 3)
Björk RG, Björkman MP, Andersson MX, and Klemedtsson L (2008) Temporal variation in soil microbial communities in Alpine tundra. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40 (1): 266-268. DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2007.07.017.(Number of citations: 16)
Sundqvist MK, Björk RG, and Molau U (2008)Establishment of boreal forest species in alpine dwarf-shrub heath in subarctic Sweden. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 1(1): 67-75. DOI: 10.1080/17550870802273395.(Number of citations: 13; 9th most cited PED article)
Björk RG and Molau U (2007) Ecology of alpine snowbeds and the impact of global change. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 39(1): 34-43. DOI: 10.1657/1523-0430(2007)39[34:EOASAT]2.0.CO;2.(Number of citations: 53; 3rdmost cited AAAR articleby other scholarly papers over a three year period ,and highlighted in Nature, 454(7208): 1033, August 2008)
Björk RG, Klemedtsson L, Molau U, Harndorf J, Ödman A, and Giesler R (2007) Linkages between N turnover and plant community structure in a tundra landscape. Plant and Soil, 294 (1-2): 247-261. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-007-9250-4.(Number of citations: 21)
Björk RG, Majdi H, KlemedtssonL, Lewis-Jonsson L, and Molau U (2007) Long-term warming effects on root morphology, root mass distribution,and microbial activity in two dry tundra plant communities in northern Sweden. New Phytologist, 176(4): 862-873. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02231.x. (Number of citations: 14)
Jägerbrand AK, Lindblad KEM, Björk RG, Alatalo JM, and Molau U (2006) Bryophyte and lichen diversity under simulated environmental change compared with observed variation in unmanipulated alpine tundra. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15(14): 4453-4475. DOI:10.1007/s10531-005-5098-1.(Number of citations: 20)
von Arnold K, Ivarsson M, Öquist M, Majdi H, Björk RG, Weslien P, and Klemedtsson L (2005) Can distribution of trees explain variation in N2O fluxes?Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 20(6): 481-489. DOI: 10.1080/02827580500443443.(Number of citations: 7)
Book chapters in peer-reviewed books
Jägerbrand AK, Björk RG, Callaghan TV, and Seppelt RD (2011) Effects of Climate Change on tundra bryophytes. – In:Tuba Z, Slack NG, and Stark LR (eds.). Bryophyte Ecology and Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 211-236. ISBN 978-0-521-75777-5. (Number of citations: 2)
Molau U, Kling J, Lindblad K, Björk R, Dänhardt J, and Ließ A (2003) A GIS Assessment of Alpine Biodiversity at a Range of Scales. – In: Nagy L, Grabherr G, Körner C, and Thompson DBA (eds.). Alpine Biodiversity in Europe. Ecological Studies Vol. 167. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 221-229. (Number of citations: 17)
Other non peer-reviewed publications
Sikström U, Björk RG, Ring E, Ernfors M, Jacobson S, Nilsson MB, and Klemedtsson L (2009) Tillförsel av aska i skog på dikad torvmark i södra Sverige – effekter på skogsproduktion, flöden av växthusgaser, torvegenskaper, markvegetation och grundvattenkemi. Thermal Engineering Research Institute report no. 1109. In Swedish with English summary. Pp 83.(Number of citations: 2)
Beylich AA, Lamoureux SF, Decaulne A, Björk RG, and Tweed FS (2007) Chapter 4: Selection of critical key test catchments. In: Beylich AA and Warburton J, eds. Analysis of Source-to-Sink-Fluxes and Sediment Budgets in Changing High-Latitude and High-Altitude Cold Environments: SEDIFLUX Manual, First Edition. Norwegian Geological Survey Report 2007.053, pp. 95-100.
Popular-scientific articles/presentations
Vegetation och ekosystem processer i den Arktiska tundran. Author of Arctic terrestrial systems and their interactions to the Earth system, for Polaris - a webpage about the world’s poles.
Abstracts published in books of abstracts or proceedings
Elmendorf SC, Henry GHR, Björk RG et al. (2011) Plant communities in a warming tundra: a synthesis of experimental and monitoring plot data.29thOikos meeting, Tjärnö, Sweden, 7-9February 2011.
Elmendorf SC, Henry GHR, Björk RG et al. (2010) Assessments of recent tundra change based on repeated vegetation surveys.AbstractGC53B-05presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.
Björk RG, Björkman MP, Elmendorf SC, Ekblad A, Henry GHR, Klemedtsson L, and Molau U (2010) Climate-related soil changes in tundra ecosystems at Latnjajaure, northern Sweden – an ITEX-IPY project. International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Norway, 8-12 June 2010.
Ekblad A, Björk R, Hagedorn F, Kätterer T, Menichetti L, and Wipf S (2010) Determination of Soil Respiration rates and 13C in situ using a spectroscopic Picarro G1101-i instrument.Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11185-1. EGU General Assembly 2010.
Björk RG and Ekblad A (2010)Extramatrical mycelia production and turnover in two drained Norway spruce forests. 1st COST meeting ‘Belowground carbon in Europeanforest’, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 26–28 January 2010.
Björk RG, Klemedtsson L, and Ekblad A (2010) Root biomass distribution and morphology in Norway spruce forests on drained organic soils: root system variation in 13C and 15N. 1st COST meeting ‘Belowground carbon in Europeanforest’, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 26–28 January 2010.
Klemedtsson L, Bastviken D, Björk RG, Boeckx P, Crill P, Ekblad A, Ernfors M, Jansson P-E, Lindroth A, Nosratpour A, Nylinder N, Rutgersson A, RüttingT, Räntfors M, Sobek S, Tarvainen L, Thomsen F, Tranvik L, Wallin G, Weslien P, and Weyhenmeyer G (2010) Skogaryd – Integration of terrestrial and freshwater greenhouse gas sources and sinks. 1st COST meeting ‘Belowground carbon in Europeanforest’, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 26–28 January 2010.
Björkman MP, Morgner E, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, Klemedtsson L, and Björk RG (2009) Winter carbon dioxide effluxes from Arctic ecosystems – A presentation of a novel trace gas method and comparison with previously used methodologies (abstract). Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A54D-03.
Rütting T, Björk RG, Ryberg M, Boeckx P, Ekblad A, and Klemedtsson L (2009) Quantification of the nitrogen flux from mycorrhizal fungi to Norway spruce via a biome δ15N profile. NEU IP 4th General Assembly & Annual Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 26-29 January 2009.
Björkman MP, Morgner E, Björk RG, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, and Klemedtsson L (2008) Winter fluxes of carbon dioxide – a comparison of current methodology. The 15th ITEX workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland, 9–12 October 2008.
Björk RG, Wookey PA, Laggren G, Ödman A, and Klemedtsson L (2008) Effect of reduced below-ground C sequestration on greenhouse gas fluxes within dry tundra ecosystems along an altitudinal gradient. The 15th ITEX workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland, 9–12 October 2008.
Björk RG, Björkman MP, and Klemedtsson L (2008) Biocomplexity and biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. 1st Workshop and planning meeting ‘Winter processes in arctic tundra ecosystems’, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 9-11 June 2008.
Björk RG, Laggren G, and Klemedtsson L (2008) Effect of reduced below-ground C sequestration on greenhouse gas fluxes within dry tundra ecosystems along an altitudinal gradient. Mountain soils under a changing climate and land-use, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 6–8 March 2008.
Antonsson H, Björk RG, and Molau U (2008)Nurse plant effects of two cushion plants, Silene acaulis and Diapensia lapponica, in subarctic alpine communities. 26thOikos meeting, Lund, Sweden, 4-6 February 2008.
Björk RG, Giesler R, Majdi H, Molau U, Lewis-Jonsson L, Ödman A, and Klemedtsson L (2007)Nitrification and Denitrification Enzyme Activity: a successful tool in Arctic and Alpine soil ecology. The 14th ITEX workshop, Falls Creek, Victoria, Australia, 2–6 February 2007.
Björk RG, Björkman MP, Andersson MX, and Klemedtsson L (2007)Temporal variation in soil microbial communities and the influence of snow cover. The 14th ITEX workshop, Falls Creek, Victoria, Australia, 2–6 February 2007.
Björk RG and Molau U (2007)ITEX at Latnjajaure. The 14th ITEX workshop, Falls Creek, Victoria, Australia, 2–6 February 2007.
Björk RG, Björkman MP, Andersson MX, and Klemedtsson L (2006)Temporal pattern of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes and soil microbial structure from snow-covered Alpine plant communities. Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway, number 4, 2006. p 29.
Björk RG, Majdi H, Klemedtsson L, Lewis-Jonsson L, Schwartz T, Ödman A, and Molau U (2005) A Climate Change aspect on root dynamics and nitrogen partitioning in a tundra landscape. Sediment budgets and rates of sediment transfer across cold environments in Europe. 3rd Workshop of the ESF Network SEDIFLUX, Durham, UK, 15 – 19 December 2005.
Björk RG and Molau U (2005)Can present melt-out patterns identify snowbed plant species vulnerable to climate change? Second International Conference on Arctic Research Planning – ICARP II, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 – 12 November 2005.
Björk RG, Klemedtsson L, Ödman A, and Molau U (2005) Two aspects on soil nitrogen dynamics in a climate change context. Second International Conference on Arctic Research Planning – ICARP II, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 – 12 November 2005.
Björk RG, Majdi H, KlemedtssonL, and Molau U (2005)Root architecture and nutrient allocation in tundra plants. ESA-INTECOL 2005 Joint Meeting – Ecology at multiple scales, Montreal, Canada, 7 – 12 August 2005.
Björk RG and Molau U (2005) Snow distribution and biocomplexity in alpine landscapes: a progress report. Shifting lands. New insights into periglacial geomorphology. ESF – SEDIFLUX Network, Second Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 20 – 22 January 2005. Séteun, Clermont-Ferrand. pp 100-101.
Björk RG, Klemedtsson L, Molau U, and Stenström A (2004) The effect of long-term temperature enhancement on potential denitrification across different subarctic-alpine plant communities. Náttúrustofa Norðurlands vestra. NNV-2004-003. June 2004. pp 68-69.
Björk R, Jägerbrand AK, Klemedtsson L, and Molau U (2004) The effect of long-term temperature enhancement on the subarctic-alpine biocomplexity. International Conference on Arctic Microbiology, Rovaniemi, Finland, 22 – 25 March 2004. p 46.
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