Lorenzo Boccafogli

Curriculum Vitae

1 – Personal data

Date and place of birth: 10.10.1975, Castel San Pietro (BO, Italien)

Nationality: Italian


Weichselstr. 31

10247 Berlin

Tel.: 0049 (0)30 20053863

Mobile: 0049 0151 59121354

Language skills:

- Italian: Mother language. Experience as reader, editor, translator, teacher, tutor.

- German: fluent in written and spoken (Language of the PhD, Allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft – comparative literature – FU Berlin). DAAD certificate.

- English: fluent in written and spoken. TOEFL certificate.

- French: good in written and spoken.

- Spanish: good in written and spoken.

-Latin and old Greek: basic proficiency.

2 – Degree and PhD

Fields of research

- Contemporary literature

- Contemporary theories of History.

- Politics und Sociology.

- Translation theories (in particularA. Berman, H. Meschonnic).

- Linguistics: De Saussure, Hjelmslev, Benveniste, Jakobson, Chomsky, Stati.

- Text edition.

- Media and culture.


Since April 2005 post-graduate student, department ofAllgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft(general and comparative literature) at the FUUniversity of Berlin.

Research fields: translation theory, English literature, contemporary German literature, philosophy of language.

Tutor: Mr.Prof. Doctor Gert Mattenklott.

Title of the dissertation: „Wege, auf denen die Sprache stimmhaft wird“ –Analyse der Übersetzung von einundzwanzig Sonetten Shakespeares durch Paul Celan.


1994-2002,Laureacum laude, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia(equivalent to degree in Philosophy and Literature), University ofBologna.

Conferences and lectures:

- La ricostruzione del passato, CSTS, University of Bologna, Italy, January 2004.

- „Wege, auf denen die Sprache Stimmhaft wird“, in occasion of the internationalCelan-Symposium “il Con-Testo della Poesia”, Comune di Ascoli, Italy, November 2005.

- „Sprache in statu nascendi“. Voce e memoria dei morti nella poesia di Celan. Istituto Storico della Resistenza, Parma, Italy, February 2006.

- Stimmhaftigkeit. FUUniversity ofBerlin, June 2006.

- Shakespeares Sonette. Rezeptionsgeschichte in Deutschland. FUUniversity of Berlin, December 2006.

- I pronomi in traduzione, Goethe Institut, Napoli, Italy, January 2007.

- Einleitung zur Doktorarbeit, FU University of Berlin, December 2007.


- Article Michel Foucault e il dibattito sul postmodernismo, review Discipline Filosofiche, Bologna, Italy, February 2006.

- ArticleNote a Celan: Schneepart, reviewStudi Tedeschi, Napoli, Italy, December 2006.

- ArticleI pronomi in traduzione, reviewStudi Tedeschi, Napoli, January 2008.

- ArticleWege, auf denen die Sprache Stimmhaft wird, Comune di Ascoli. Publication planned for the beginning 2008.

- In collaboration with Prof. Doctor Barnaba Maj, Doctor Massimo Pizzingrilli, Doctor Pier Marco Turchetti:Celan-Lexikon, Ed. Quodlibet, Macerata, Italy. Publication planned for September 2008.

3 – Occupational activities / translator

Scientific essayistic:

- Roland Reuß, Vicende del manoscritto, vicende della stampa. Appunti sulla “genesi del testo”.

- Günter Martens, Sul compito critico dei filologi editoriali. Tesi per un concetto allargato della critica testuale.

- Peter Staengle, Lo Institut für Textkritik [Istituto per la critica testuale] – una cooperativa di editori indipendenti.

All the three for the review Ecdotica 3, 2006, University of Bologna (Prof. Camilla Giunti).


- Arthur Rimbaud, La nave ubriaca; William Shakespeare, Cinque Sonetti; Friedrich Hölderlin, Età di vita; Paul Celan, Tu mi puoi; Sottovento; Lo scritto; Lillà l’aria; Pupazzi di Löss. Available on-line:

Industry, economy and culture management

2002-2005 Letters and documents (English / Italian and German / Italian) for the cultural association EXZEMA, Bologna, Italy.

1999-2008 Business letters (English / Italian and German / Italian) for several food and wine export companies and concerns, Bologna, Forlì, Ferrara,Italy.

4 – Occupational activities / teacher and editor


2003 Private English and German teacher.

2005-2007 Latin and Italian teacherin several Schools (In-Lingua, Barbarossa, Intellego), Berlin.


2002 DAMS and Accademia delle Belle Arti, University of Bologna, second session.

2003 Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, University of Bologna, first and secondsession.