Date:School: Fairless Elementary School
District: Woodland Hills School District
Principal: Jean Marie Livingston
Address: 531 Jones Avenue
City: North Braddock / Zip: 15104
Phone: 412-271-1317 / Fax: 412-271-6657
Federal Programs Coordinator:
Coordinator Email:
Ifrevisionwas requested,Date ofPrevious Submission:
MetAYPMakingProgressin SchoolImprovementI Warning CorrectiveActionII (1STyear)
SchoolImprovementIIMakingProgressin CorrectiveActionI
LowIncomePercentage*** / 97%Ethnic/RacialBreakdown
White / 12%
Black / 86%
Hispanic / 2%
Asian/PacificIslander / %
NativeAmerican / %
HighlyQualifiedTeachers% Ifnotall teachersarehighlyqualified,fundsmustbe set asideand usedtoensurethatall teachersbecomehighly qualified.SeeTeacherQualityandProfessional DevelopmentSection.
If NotMakingAYPIdentifyGroup(s)NotMeetingTargets(CircleAllThatApply)
Graduation / Attendance
All / IEP / ELL / ECD / Racial/Ethnic*:
***IfLowIncomePercentageis between30%and39%,an
------PDE/ DFP USEONLY------
An effectiveTitleI schoolwideplanmust includetheinvolvement andinput ofmembersoftheschool communityinorderforplanstobecomprehensiveand effective.A planningteammust beassembled to develop andimplement aTitleI schoolwideprogram.NCLB requiresayear longplanningperiodpriortothe implementationofaTitleIschoolwideplan,unlesstheLEA candemonstratethat lesstimewas neededto properlydevelop andimplement theplan.Below,provideinformationregardingtheplanningand development oftheTitleI schoolwideplan.
Note: Section1114(b)(2)(B) of theTitleI law requiresthat thePlanbedevelopedwiththe involvement of parentsandothermembersof thecommunitytobeserved,aswellasteachers, principalsandadministrators.
Planning Team:
NameofTeam Member / Position/RepresentationJean Marie Livingston / Principal
Vanessa Jackson / Assistant Principal
Lisa Kristian / Instructional Coach
Heather Fox-Sutek / Nurse
James Clawson / Data Liasion
Rachel Scholze / Regular Education
Lara Rizzi / Special Education
Rita Clary / Parent
SWPlanningPeriod:1 YearPlanningPeriodLessThan1 YearPlanningPeriod**
**If less than one year, provide a brief summary ofthe planningthat took place and why the LEA believes the planningwasadequate fordevelopinganeffective Title Ischoolwide plan.
Schoolwide PlanningSummary
Usethefollowingtabletosummarizethestepsand activitiesoftheplanningprocess.Includeplanning teammeetings, staff work sessions,visitationsto schools,parent meetings, staffmeetingswhereplanning took placeandother activitiesconductedduringtheneedsassessment,inquiryprocessandplan development.
MeetingDates / AgendaTopics/PlanningSteps / Participantsat Meetings
√all columnsthatapply
team / Allstaff / Parents
Fall 2014 / Develop survey about current level of parent involvement / x / x
Fall 2014 / Plan winter parent event / x / x
Fall 2014 / Send flier with RSVP indicator to all parents. Promote event with fliers, robocall, website / x / x / x
Winter 2014 / Hold event, compare number of RSVP’s to number of attendees. Give feedback survey toattendees / x / x
Winter 2015 / Use survey feedback and success from Winter event to plan Spring event / x / x
The LEA providesguidance, technicalassistance andsupport toschoolsdevelopingschoolwide programsin the areasof needsassessment, comprehensiveplanning,,implementation, andevaluationof a schoolwide programandrequirements
1.Describethetechnicalassistanceprovided.Explain whyit wasconsideredhighqualitytechnicalassistance.
2.Supplythedatesofmeetings,thetypeortopicof assistance, and whoprovidedthe assistance.
Date / Provider / TypeofAssistanceStudent Assessment ofProgress
1.Describe strategiesorprocesses that haveincludedteachersinthedecisionsregardingtheuseof academic assessmentstoimprovetheachievement ofindividualstudentsandtheoverallinstructionalprogram.
Inorder toassiststudentsinmeetingchallengingachievementgoals,increasedinstructionaltimeisa necessity. Pleaseindicate(yes/no) the optionsforincreasedinstructionaltime thatstudentswillhaveaccess toif identifiedasat-risk of failingor failingtomeetachievementstandards:
Before School
Lunch/Study Periods
Yes PullOutInstructionalSupport
Theschoolwideprogrammustidentifystudentswhoneed additionallearningtimetomeet standardsand providethem withtimely, additionalassistancethat istailoredtotheirneeds.Thisassistancemust beavailable to allstudentsintheschoolwhoneedit.
1.Describehowthe schoolwillidentifystudentsexperiencingdifficultymasteringskillsandstandardssothat theycanbeprovided withtimelyassistanceand support. When a child is struggling they can be referred to the ESAP process.The ESAP screening process is used as a way to provide interventions and targeted assistance. The ESAP team includes the classroom teacher, RTI specialist, instructional coach, school psychologist, school nurse and administrator. The ESAP teams meet monthly to propose interventions, test interventions and reconvene to monitor progress. The ESAP team meets once a month. For students who are struggling behaviorially the same process is used but is referred to as the RTII process.Tutoring is available on Saturdays for all students in grades 3-6.
2.Describehowtimelyassistance and serviceswillbeprovidedfor your strugglinglearners. The ESAP screening process is used as a way to provide interventions and targeted assistance. The ESAP team includes the classroom teacher, RTI specialist, instructional coach, school psychologist, school nurse and administrator. The ESAP teams meet monthly to propose interventions, test interventions and reconvene to monitor progress. The ESAP team meets once a month. For students who are struggling behaviorially the same process is used but is referred to as the RTII process.DIBELS are administered three times a year and progress monitoring is conducted monthly. Students who are not meeting the tearget receive daily support from the reading specialist.
3.Describe servicesforthefollowingspecialpopulations:
•howserviceswillbeprovidedfor your specialeducation students; When a student is identified as a student requiring an IEP the team (parent, regular education teacher, special education teacher, school psychologist and building administrator) meet to develop goals based on student need. The IEP is implemented and the specially designed instruction, adaptations and accomodations are followed by all staff. Fairless provides supports for students in emotional support, life skills and learning support settings.
•howserviceswillbeprovidedfor your EnglishLanguageLearners; At this time there are no ELL students at Fairless
•howserviceswillbeprovidedfor yourmigrant students; and At this time there are no migrant students at Fairless Elementary
•howserviceswillbeprovidedfor yourhomeless students When a student is classified as homeless the Home School Visitor assists in arranging transportation. This can come in the form of a bus/van being assigned to pick up the student at their homebase or the parent is provided with bus passes to use with the child to get them to school.
Plan Implementation
Oncethegoalsofyear1of theschoolwideplanhavebeendetermined andthe solutionsselected,theplanning teammust determinehowto effectivelyimplement theplaninorderto ensuresuccessfor students,teachers andparents. Implementationplansmust include administrators,teachers, and parents.
1.Whatstepswillbuilding-leveladministratorstake toensure thatimplementationisoccurring effectively? Planning meetings will include parents and community members.
2. What typesof milestonesandtimelines have beenestablishedforyear1tohelpbuilding-level administrators gaugeprogresstowardyear1goals? The goal is to have a tleast 60% parent attendance at the winter and spring parent events
3.Whatmeasures/data willbe reviewedthroughoutyear1toinformbuilding-leveladministrators of progresstoward goals? Attendance at the parent event will be documented and compared to the RSVP response
FormativeAssessments / BenchmarkAssessmentsTeachers use formative assessment daily in the classroom / DIBELS
SummativeAssessments / OtherAssessments
4. How willadministratorsensure thatdata gathered fromthe above sourcesthroughout the year issharedwithclassroom teachers, reviewed, analyzedandchanges toinstruction made? The teachers receive data from test results with the help of the district data liaison. He assists with test administration, scoring, gathering test data and preparing results for the teachers after each test administration.
1.How were teachersinformedof the developmentof the schoolwide plan? The plan will be shared at a faculty meeting and displayed on the website
2. How willteachersbe involvedinthe implementationof the plan? There will be teachers on the planning committee. They will consult with colleagues not on the planning team and gain their input.
3.How willfeedback fromteachersbeobtainedthroughout the year? The teachers will complete a survey and their feedback will be requested.
1.How were parentsinformedof the developmentofthe schoolwide plan? All parents received a letter of the status of the school and were invited to volunteer to be a member of the planning committee.
2. How willparentsbeinvolvedinthe implementationof the plan? Parents will be invited to attend planning meetings and be involved with the event
3.How willfeedback fromparentsbe obtainedthroughoutthe year?Surveys will be given to the parents. They will be made aware of events through fliers, robocalls and the website.
Professional Development
Professionaldevelopment must beofhighquality,on-going,and sustained forall staff,principalsandparaprofessionals.TeachersmustreceiveProfessionalDevelopment on an annualbasison themultiple typesofassessments.Professional Development must includeways todisaggregatedatainorder forteacherstounderstandhowtochangeinstructiontomeet theneedsidentified bythedata.Teachersmust haveinput onthetypesofassessmentsbeingused at theschoolwideschool.
1.List theprofessionaldevelopment activitiestheschoolwillengagein toimplement theSchoolwidePlan.If theteamhascreatedaprofessionaldevelopment calendarincludethecalendarintheback of yourplan.
2.Describehoweachprofessionaldevelopment activitylisted aboverelates tothepriorityareasneeding improvement andhowtheseactivitieswillassist inimprovingstudent achievement. Job embedded PD serves as the guiding principle by creating an environment conducive to powerful uses of methodologies. The Standards Aligned System is a primary curriculum resource. Student centered learning opportunities are key in evaluating the effectiveness of the PD. Informed formative and summative assessmenthelps each activity improve the achievement. The staff engages in the analysis of student work with the data.
3.Describetheon-goingandembedded support andfollow-up toprofessionaldevelopment to ensure staff implementation and effectiveuseofthelearnedinstructionalskillsand strategies. Staff Development is viewed as a continuous process that will promote life long learning and excellence for all certificated and non-certificated staff members to enhance student achievement.There are five major areas of focus for the next two years:
- Instruction and Assessment
- The Standards Aligned System
- Positive Behavior Supports
- RtII
- Data Analysis
It is understood that technology professional development under girds the above topics and is included whenever possible.
Allteachersofcoreacademic subjectsandinstructionalparaprofessionals must beHighlyQualified.Inaddition,aSchoolwidePlanmust describehowit willrecruit andretain HighlyQualified staff.
1.Describestrategiestheschoolisusingor goingtouse torecruit high-qualityHighlyQualifiedTeachersto high-needsschools. Staffing is maintained through Central Administration but all openings aare advertised and all qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. All staff hired is highly qualified.
2. Describe strategiestheschoolisusingor goingtouse toretainhigh-qualityHighlyQualifiedTeachersto high-needsschools. The district utilizes the mentoring program. All new hires are paired with a mentor. The mentor and mentee meet monthly throughout the first year of teaching. New hires are formally observed three times a year and subject to walk throughs.
ParentInvolvement Activities
Describe the parentinvolvementactivitiestobeconductedduringYear1of the Title ISchoolwide Program. (Includeinformation onthe number of meetingsheld, topicstobe covered,parentstobe invitedand method of evaluatingeffectivenessof activities.) The Comprehensive Improvement Plan guides and focuses effort in improving student achievement. Each building has a team that drives the school improvement process. Parents are active participants on this team. Shared decision-making technique engages parents. Parent surveys and evaluations are honed throughout the year in order to get feedback and input on issues. Careful consideration is given to family schedules and outside commitments. We vary the times of different activities to see what works best and to allow for participation by parents with a variety of different schedules.
Describe themethodstobe usedtokeepindividualparentsinformedoftheirchild’sacademic achievement andthe expectationsof both studentsandparents.(Include frequency of activity orcommunication, informationtobeshared,follow-up tobe conductedandmethodsformaking necessary changesto activitiesorcommunications.) The required annual Title I meeting is the first activity that buildings plan. Communication with parents occurs by scheduling two parent-teacher conferences per year. The school has created a parent center by purchasing parenting books, magazines, and other informative materials regarding responsible parenting. Parents are given the opportunity to borrow these materials for review. The school process for resolving parental concerns, including how to define the problem, who to approach first, and how to develop solutions is published. The district requires a minimum number of hours of professional development opportunities for teachers, staff and administrators designed with the input of parents, and created to enhance understanding of parent involvement. Informational meetings often occur. Title I parent meetings develop instructional methodologies. Events that involve both social and academic services, such as family oriented picnics and principal teas, are held at least quarterly. The district supplemental parent and student reading project entitled the Millionaires Club is a huge success. Parent conferences and activities are announced and promoted with e-mails, newsletters, etc.
Parentcommunicationsmustbe done ina way thatiseasilyunderstoodby parents. Doestheschoolprovide parentnotificationsinmore thanonelanguage? Ifno, please explain.
The district does provide translations for registration information and vital services although our ESL population is less than one per cent of the district Ns we currently have no ESL students.
The school uses all of the normal vehicles established for information dissemination. Announcements, invitations, and brochures are published on the district and school web pages. The e-communications messenger system sends Robo-calls, text messages and E-mail blasts to the community. Feedback is elicited through surveys, a concerns hotline, and evaluations of events
TransitionStrategies for Students
SchoolwidePlansincludeassistingstudentsin successfultransitionsfrom early childhood throughanyothergradeor school level.
1.DescribehowtheSchoolwideProgram willcoordinatetransitionsforpreschoolchildrenintoprimary, whereappropriate. The district is a full partner with the AIU’s HI-5 kindergarten transition program. There are monthly meetings at the district level with Pre-K partners and local providers to smooth the transition. For the school, three transition events are held: In August, there is the district wide Community Day at the schools; in February, there is the “Tech for Tots” program that introduces parents to our technology; in May, there is a "Book Buddy” event. Children and their parents are always welcome to tour the building and visit the K classrooms. Kindergarten teachers host parent, teachers and students in cordial informational settings.
2.Describeothertransitionsthat maybeapplicableto your school, suchaselementarytomiddleschool, middle schooltohigh school,highschooltopost-secondary. The local Pre- K teachers visit our teachers and share best practices. Our coach models for the Pre-K partners. The Coaches from the various buildings meet and discuss transitions in academic programs to ensure articulation between buildings and transition grade levels. There are “”step up” activities from our sixth grade to the seventh grade programs including visitations, couselor meetings, scheduling days and orientations. There is a constant flow of data between buidlings for growth and ccomparison purposes, especially in reading, math and science. Since many of our students are transitory between buildings, there are teams that welcome and transition them into the classrooms for academic and behavioral growth.
3.Describeon-goingcoordination withothercommunityprogramsand agencies that supporttransitionsfor students. The district has organized a Community Partnership with nearly two dozen agenices and organizations that provide services in many fields – health care, government issuances, after-school programs, community services, library services, etc. The district serves as the meeting place for the agencies whereby communications, newsletters, information, etc is shared.
Coordinationand IntegrationofServices and Programs
The purpose of a Title ISchoolwide Programis toimprove the educationalprogramof the entireschooland toimprove the educationalopportunitiesforALL students. Incarryingoutthe SWP, schoolsare encouraged toconsolidate/integrate fundsfromstate, localand federalprograms. Thisconsolidationof fundsprovides flexibility intheuse of the fundsandmaximizesthe opportunitiesforstudents, teachersandparents.Funds eligible forconsolidation are:
Any federaleducationprogramadministeredby theUnitedStatesDepartment of Education, except
oCompetitive/discretionary grantsmay bepart of the consolidation,butactivities described withinthe competitive/discretionary grantapplicationMUSTbecarriedout.
Allstate andlocalresourcesavailable to theschool(If state andlocalfundsare consolidated within the SWP, theschoolmustensure thatanystate and/orlocalrequirementsregardingtheuse of funds are met.)
Isyourschoolconsolidatingfunds?If yes, please complete chartbelow.
Yes XNo
Please indicate below thefundstobe integratedwithinthisSWP:
FederalGrant Program / AmountofGrant / State/LocalGrantProgram / AmountofGrant
Disrict Title I
District General Budget
On-going PlantoMonitortheEffectiveness of theSchoolwide Plan
TitleI-A schoolsmust annuallyevaluatetheimplementationof,andresultsachieved by,theSchoolwidePlan.
1.Describetheprocessandtimelinetobeusedbytheschoolanddistrict to annuallyevaluatethe effectivenessoftheplan. Meetings are held quarterly to develop the plan for the following year and to monitor implementations for the current year. Our schoolwide plan is based on the needs of our children and our school. The schoolwide plan is evaluated on raising the academic achievement of ALL the students at our school by expecting a year’s worth of growth for each student. We provide extended services to students who need them.
Classroom instruction has changed since we first began our schoolwide reform plan with a heavy emphasis on the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards implementation schedule. Student assessment is used as a means to improve classroom instruction. We are accountable when our students do not meet the academic goals we have set for them.
We maintain a "NO EXCUSES!" theme for student failure, regardless of the problems facing the student, including home-related or other circumstances. In spite of challenges, setbacks, and failures, school leadership continues to try and reach schoolwide goals. We employ only a highly qualified staff. The school leaders are knowledgeable and supportive of schoolwide efforts by allowing teachers to make important decisions about the school.
We are aligned and realigning instruction to the State standards and assessments. Professional development is the cornerstone of our schoolwide plan, with opportunities for teachers to work, plan, and learn together around instructional issues.
2.Describe who willbeinvolvedintheevaluation/reviewandhowtheywereselected. Parents are treated as partners with the school in achieving schoolwide goals. Classroom teachers communicate regularly with the parents, including communicating about the schoolwide goals and their child's progress toward these goals.
3.Describe what processwillbeinplaceto ensurethatrevisionsarecompleted andthat staff anddistrict havebeeninformedof anychanges. Staff members know our schoolwide goals and the plans we have designed to try and reach those goals and are reminded of them in each meeting, PLC and PD that they are involves wwith during the year.All teachers employ research-proven strategies in their classroom teaching.
4. Describehowthedistrict willbeinformedoftheschool’sprogress andchangesintheplan.
•Missingor incompleteinformationwill delaytheapprovalof yourSchoolwide
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•PleasecontactyourRegionalCoordinatorintheDivisionofFederal Programs attheDepartmentofEducationwithanyquestionsyoumayhaveas you completethisplan.