Centennial After Grad Meeting Minutes
May 25, 2011
Present: Coleen Bohlen, Daphne Russo, Tina Verway, Barbara DeBrincat, Danielle Peacock, Anna Vanderlende, Bruce Dent, Marisa Faedo, Brigitte Dunbar, Janine Close, Carol Johnson, Debbie Parks
Meeting called to order at 7:09
Minutes of May 11, approved by Marisa and Tina.
1.0 Cupcake Sales (Pam-absent):
No new news. Last cupcake sale day is June 3, 2011. Janine reported that we will NOT be able to do this as a fundraiser from now on as it does not meet the Ministry Nutrition guidelines.
2.0 Entertainment: (Daphne)
Everything is in place. Janine has consulted with custodial staff about circuit boards and she found out that there are 2 that are attached to that gym and that they have a higher voltage that they feel confident that there will be enough power and there is a bigger plug-in adapter that can pump up the voltage of something really big. Janine knows the location of these circuit boards. Daphne will talk to Carol Baker (Music Department) to see for herself where things are located as the teachers/admin will downtown at the convocation in the evening prior to AG. Movies are a go in the theatre. No problem using the 2 big speakers for the music in the courtyard but Daphne needs to know what format for the music (IPOD); Janine will ask about this and let her know.
3.0 Food Committee: (Marisa)
Marisa has phoned parents about bringing food for the After Grad. She’ll ask them about bringing in finger foods/appetizers. Can put out extra trash cans for chicken wings. Peels, garbage. Pizza and Subway was big last year…Marisa will contact/negotiate for 2/1 purchases. Tim Hortons will donate coffee etc. Carol will contact Coke this year for water/other donations.
4.0 Finance: (Anna)
Not too much change. Anna did purchase the coffee’s and paid Blenz. They’ll reimburse us for the difference of any sold (need to purchase in 6’s). Janine contacted the Liquor board liaison and got an e-mail saying that we would get our money soon but didn’t say how much it would be. Anna will get an amount from Michelle for the next meeting about how much is in the school AG account.
5.0 Volunteers: (Bruce)
Bruce hunted up 4 additional volunteers for the Friday before 4-10:30PM for pre-setup…this is done. Bruce is also available to help that night.
6.0 Decoration: (Barbara and Danielle)
Helium/Balloon prices seem to be good at the places that she contacted. Anna shared the information about the manager of the Chevron/Dollar Store offering to help out with decorations for AG. Danielle/Barb will follow up with him. Anna issued the Decorating committee a float of $100 cash tonight that they will keep track/receipts for purchases.
7.0 Potential Fundraisers: (Anna)
No orders yet from fundraisers that are on now (gift cards and coffee). Gift committee purchasers (Carol/Tasmin) will look at possibly purchasing Best Buy gift cards for this. Thank you to the people that helped out on the evening of the Open House. Janine put out an e-mail today for all grad families about the $27.50 plus taxes for a photo ad in the Coquitlam Now paper, $10 will come back directly to the school for AG. Janine approached Rob about phoning grad families and there isn’t an answer for this yet; She did put a note about families donating money on the e-mail that she sent out about the AG fundraisers. Ford initiative won’t work for this year but the AG committee should definitely look at it for next year! Janine will ask counselors about volunteer hours for carwashes, etc for grads helping out. Janine will talk to the Grade 12’s at the September Grade 12 assembly for volunteers for carwashes next year. We may do SPC cards in September (Janine will order them for us); we need to come up with a way of distributing them; maybe send out something in the August mail-out.
8.0 Ticket Sales: (Tina)
Tickets have been dropped off at the office and they are in the vault. Tina will require a float. Anna will organize this. Tina will keep a list of grads with their ticket number and the method of payment this year. Janine will e-mail Tina about ticket sales for the dinner/dance event and what type of payments are being accepted by the school for this. Ticket sales May 30 – June 3 10:15 – 1:30PM. So far, only Debbie has said that she’d help with sales. Bruce will e-mail the volunteer list to Tina so that she can contact them. Early bird qualifiers will be all tickets purchased from Monday to Wednesday. We have Moore’s tuxedo rentals and hair/makeup, 2 baskets (one guy and one girl) with haircare products and haircut coupon and one AG ticket (money refunded) for 5 early bird prizes. Janine will put summary of early bird prizes and ticket sales information in the Centennial today (Carol to forward this to her). Tina has made up ticket forms for prize tickets (that students enter draws with) as well as for activity cards. Tina will e-mail Coleen the PDF for the activity cards and Coleen will print 70 on tag (possibly yellow). There is a generic hotmail account for all fundraising initiatives. Daphne and Barb and Pam will copy the prize tickets (200 each).
9.0 Donations: (Tasmin Tanghe-absent; Carol Johnson)
Carol reported that they met on the weekend and figured out that there will be 5 prize draw times starting at 1:00AM (1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00) with grand prize draw at 3:30AM with 10 or more prizes drawn during each draw time. If you know of anyone who can get a for prize purchases, please get a hold of Carol/Tasmin about possible donations/purchases for prizes. 3 cash prizes (2X$250 1X$500) and more.
10.0 New Business:
Bruce and Coleen attended the last PAC meeting and there were a couple of things from that meeting:
1. The PAC would like someone from the AG to come and report back to them at the September 26th at 7:00 PM in the library (Brigitte will attend PAC meetings next year, Anna will provide a wrap up summary of finances in June).
2. There was also discussion about fundraising. Both the PAC and AG both go through a change in volunteers each year and fundraising is a huge job for the volunteers so suggestions were made to considering limiting the fundraisers to larger ones that make quite a bit of money at a time rather than many little ones that take a lot of time and don’t raise very much money for AG. It was discussed that it would be nice to have a fundraising chair on the AG and/or having a fundraising committee.
Next Meeting: June 8th, 2011 7:00 PM in library
Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM