Request for Business Support

If your school or community organisation is interested in receiving help through our Employee Volunteering or ProHelp programmes,please complete this application form and return it to Business in the Community, 83 Bournville Lane, Birmingham, B30 2HP.
For queries contact:

Community Engagement Team:Kelly Stackhouse07921 493274 Frances Kenwrick07786 336246

Whilst we will endeavour to meet as many requests for business help as possible, we cannot guarantee to do so.


Community organisations must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to benefit from any available programmes:

-Organisations should be not-for-profit or social enterprises.

-Organisation activities should work for public benefit or contribute towards reducing social or economic disadvantage.

-The activities of faith-based or animal support organisation must be of benefit to the wider community.

-Applications should be from organisations with a formal governing document.

-Organisation should be able to provide proof of current income or have income generating capacity/strategies to be able to demonstrate financial viability.

-Your organisation must be able to provide a copy of your Public Liability Insurance Certificate and Employers Liability and Building Insurances if applicable

Please note we do not offer support to:

-Organisations whosesole focus is animal welfare or overseas aid

-Organisations who have a strong affiliation to a political party

-Non-inclusive faith organisations

-For organisations requiring pro bono support, please note we do not deal with litigation issues, sponsorship or fundraising requests, complete grant or fundraising applications, or undertake standard accounting.

Your details
Name of your organisation: / Established: MM/YY
Your name:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Web address:
What is the best time to contact you?
Information on your organisation
What is your mission statement?
Please give a brief description of your organisation :
What are the social aims of your organisation (stated in your constitution)?
What is your legal status? / Registered charity* Registration number:
Statutory organisation*
Social enterprise*
Company limited by guarantee* Company number:
Other (please state)* (*Please delete as appropriate)
What client group do you serve?
From which areas of the local community do these come from?
If you’re a school, please let us know … / Your catchment area:
Percentage of children on free school meals: %
Percentage of children with English as a second language: %
If your school has specialist status
How many clients/children do you serve?
As a volunteer-using organisation, you must be insured against any injury to the volunteer or any property damage or injury caused by the volunteer to a third party whilst working for and under the supervision of your organisation (e.g. where a volunteering opportunity is at a local community centre, the liability lies with the centre). If you are not insured for working with volunteers, then we will not accept your request for help. If you are not sure, you need to check with your insurers.
I confirm I have public liability insurance
Insurance provider:
Policy number:
Valid from: Valid to:
Please send through a copy of your insurance certificate / Yes*
Please delete as appropriate
Our aim is to ensure that local community groups and schools can access business volunteers and free professional help and advice with issues that might otherwise hinder their work and projects.
We focus our support in areas of greatest need and those organisations who support one or more of the following issues:
  • Education – ensuring that young people aged between 5-19 years grow up with the skills they need to positively contribute to a thriving economy, and become well rounded citizens who can take their place in society
  • Employability – addressing current recruitment challenges by ensuring that all groups of people have the opportunity to actively take part in today’s workforce
  • Economic renewal – ensuring that all volunteering contributes to broad economic renewal in the most deprived communities
  • Environment - to tackle environmental impacts and reduce Climate Change.

What help do you need?
(Including seasonal)
Is there a deadline for you to meet on any specific areas?
How would you and your client group benefit from this activity? What will happen if you didn’t receive support?
How did you hear of us? / -Used BITC before - Website search - Local PR
-Recommended from another organisation - Other
For organisations seeking probono support please answer the following:
How is you organisation funded?
What is our anticipated total income/expenditure for the current year? Please highlight what percentage of this is secure.
How will your project be sustained after the ProHelp support?
Please note that to support all applications we may also request to see a copy of your latest reports and accounts. For requests for probono help we may also require a copy of your constitution, articles & memorandum of association.


I confirm that the details given are accurate and reflect our current position.

I consent to the details of our organisation appearing in Business in the Community publications/website or marketing materials.

I understand that work carried out is on a voluntary basis and that volunteers are not professionals in this field of activity and that no indemnity or ongoing maintenance after the agreed volunteering date can normally be provided.

I agree to obtain consent from the owner/landlord of the property and grounds (where applicable) to allow this volunteering work to be carried out.

I am aware that it is our organisation’s responsibility to describe any potential hazards of volunteering work to the volunteers, in accordance with current Health & Safety legislation.

I confirm I have sent a copy of my insurance policy and annual reports and account to Business in the Community where requested.

I understand that Business in the Community is a referral agency therefore does not take up references or carry out any checks on the volunteers referred to our organisation. We will need to follow our own selection and screening procedures for volunteers in our organisation.

I understand that the details provided on this form may be forwarded to Business in the Community’s partner organisations needing assistance or wishing to assist.I consent to the details of our Organisation appearing in Business in the Community publications/website or marketing materials. (If your address is confidential please indicate above eg: women’s refuge).

I understand that this application does not form part of any contract to provide services. In the event of a successful application for ProHelp support any contract is solely between my organisation and the professional firm.

Data Protection Act 1998: Please note that in order to facilitate the efficient management of Business in the Community's programmes information on this form will be held on Business in the Community’s database(s) and will be used in the administration, monitoring and evaluation of the programme.

We will be happy to provide you with any personal details held at your request.

Signed: Name: