The Path
Discipleship in the local church needs to be guided by a process or a path and not a program. At Nazarene Publishing House we have included a discipleship path for your church that mirrors the data and observations published in 2008 by Willow Creek in the REVEAL study. The study drew many conclusions about the needs and wishes of those they surveyed when it comes to the personal spiritual development and desires of someone who is exploring Christianity, is growing in faith or is living the Christ-centered life. This tool works best if you have read the REVEAL study, or if you have some common knowledge of the study content, therefore, we aim to layout The Path in hopes that you have had some exposure to the study and its content.
The graph below represents NPH resources inserted into the phases of spiritual growth as mentioned in REVEAL. Each phase of spiritual growth is marked by three transitions or movements that are characterized by catalysts that identify where a believer is at in that particular phase of spiritual growth. We have then included NPH resources in the three transition areas which represent The Path of how our resources can be best identified and potentially used.
Movement 1Movement 2Movement 3
Spiritual beliefs and attitudes most indicative in this movement in order of Importance[1]
Salvation by gracePersonal GodGiving away my life
The Trinity Salvation by graceChrist is first
Personal GodAuthority of the BibleIdentity in Christ
Christ is firstChrist is firstAuthority of the Bible
The authority of the BibleIdentity in ChristStewardship
NPH Resource Suggestions by Movement
Movement 1: Most of these resources are for small group use or class settings. It should be noted that these materials are for adult discipleship purposes.
Movement 1:Characterized by an introduction to the Christian faith and formation of spiritual disciplines.
Resource Time Frame / Use Pieces
- Basic Bible Studies for New and Growing Christians5-6 weeksone-on-one1 pkg.
- Basic Bible Studies
- Christianity 101 NEW!8 weekssmall groupsLdrs. Guide / Pupil sold separate
- Growing Disciples
- I Believe Now Tell Me Why?13 weekssmall groupsLdrs. Guide / Pupil sold separate
- Today’s Disciple26 weeks small groups
- How Christians Grow17 sessionssmall groups
- How to Read the Bible So It Changes Your Life
- John 1: That All Might Believe14 sessionssmall groups
- John 2: That You Might Have Life12 sessionssmall groups
- Making the Bible Yours6 sessionssmall groups
- SALT: Spiritual Workbook4 sessionssmall groupsDVD sessions optional
- So This is Faithindividual or small groupsFree downloadable leader’s guide
- The One Year Study Biblepersonal use
- This Day With the Masterpersonal use
- What Christians Believe16 sessionssmall groups
- What Does it Mean to be Saved6 weekspersonal use
- What Every Christian Ought to Knowpersonal use
- Who is God?13 weekssmall groupsLdrs. Guide/Pupil sold separate
- Bible Index TabsBible reference help
- Bible Note PadSermon notes help
Movement 2: Characterized weekend worship attendance, service in the church and small group involvement
Small Group Development Resources
- Successful Small Groups
- Carering Materials
- Small Group Q’s
ResourceTime Frame / UsePieces
1.All for His Glory Series8-10 sessions small groupmultiple books available
2.Coffee Shop Theology I and IIpersonal use
3.Insight Media Resources6-7 weeksDVD with downloadable Leader’s guide/one sample book
4.Growing in Faith NEW!8 weeksLeader’s guide and pupil book sold separate
5.Holiness 101
6.Holy Life Bible Study Series4 books in a set / individual books sold separate
7.How We Got Our Biblepersonal use
8.Insight Media Series6-7 weekssmall groups1 DVD / Leader’s guide on DVD / 1 sample book
9.Beacon Small Group Bible Studiessmall groupsnumerous titles
10.Wisdom of the Word Studiessmall groupsnumerous titles
11.Dialog Series13 weekssmall groupsnumerous titles
12.SALT Materials28 sessions in total7 subjects / weeks studies on each subject
13.Making a Marriage8 sessionssmall groupsdownloadable ldrs. guide and student handouts
14.Power to Be Freesix weeksall agesvisit The Quest here.
15.WordAction Curriculum13 weekssmall groupsall ages - multiple resources
16.The Christian’s Guide to Financial Freedom8 sessionssmall groups
17.Raising Kids to Extraordinary Faith13 weekssmall groupsdownloadable Leader’s Guide
18.The Upward Call20 plus sessionsLeader’s Guide sold separate
19.Love Dare/Fireproof6 sessionssmall groupsParticipant guides sold separate
Movement 3: Characterized by a lifestyle of service, deeper study of Scripture, and mentoring relationships
ResourceTime Frame / UsePieces
- Breaking Free from Sin’s Grip6 weekssmall groupdownloadable Leader’s Guide
- The Cycle of Victorious Christian Living
- The Cycle of Victorious Christian Giving
- Dismantling the Myths13 weekssmall groupsdownloadable Leader’s Guide
- Gutsy Faith6 weekssmall groupsdownloadable Leader’s Guide
- Insight Media Series6-7 weekssmall groupsDVD with downloadable Leader’s guide/one sample book
- Lectio Divina SeriesIndividual or small groups
- Love Made Perfect13 weekssmall groupsLeader’s Guide sold separate
- The Pray! Prayer Journalindividual use only
- Relational Holiness6-8 weekssmall groupsdownloadable Leader’s Guide
- Rendezvous6 weeksall agesChurch wide study
- Spiritual Disciplines 101individual use
- The Story of Godindividual or small groups
- WordAction Adult Faith Connectionssmall groups
* NOTE: WordAction print materials are also supplemented by online resources for free upon curriculum purchase. Visit for details.
[1] The Willow Creek Association, REVEAL, (Wheaton, IL, Tyndale House Publishers, 2008), p. 32.