The following steps were taken to calculate the benefit cost values for the Pickaway East-West Connector Project (The Project):

To Calculate The Project’s Delay:

  1. Select ‘EW Connector Delay’ tab
  2. Columns C, D, E & F: Data provided by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) Travel Demand Model (TDM). Assumed 260 working days in a year[1].
  3. Column G:Car Delay Reduction (veh-hr) = “No-Build” Car Delay – “Build” Car Delay
  4. Column H: Truck Delay Reduction (veh-hr) = “No-Build” Truck Delay – “Build” Truck Delay
  5. Column I: “No-Build” Car Delay ($) = “No-Build” Car Delay * $12.50(All-purpose value, per Value of Timeguidance provided at the following link: (
  6. Column J: “No-Build” Trucks Delay ($) = “No-Build” Truck Delay * $23.70 (Per Value of Timeguidance provided at the following link: (
  7. Column K: Total “No-Build” Delay ($) = “No-Build” Car Delay Value + “No-Build” Truck Delay Value
  8. Column L: Car Delay Reduction ($) = Car Delay Reduction (veh-hr) * $12.50 (All-purpose value, per Value of Time guidance provided at the following link:


  1. Column M: Truck Delay Reduction ($) = Truck Delay Reduction (veh-hr) * 23.70 (Per Value of Time guidance provided at the following link: (
  2. Column N: Total Delay Reduction ($) = Car Delay Reduction ($) + Truck Delay Reduction ($)

Special Note – No discount rate was used for the “delay” calculations. All figures are in current dollars.

To Calculate the Safety Benefits:

  1. Staff collected police crash reports occurring in the corridor over a 3-year period (2008-2010).
  2. Crashes were then evaluated as to whether or not theywould be addressed by a planned countermeasure in the “Build” scenario.
  3. The affected crashes were then sub divided into the following improvement categories: Roundabout, Lane Departure, Rail Crossing & Two-way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL)
  4. Crash Reduction Factors, derived from the Highway Safety Manual and the CMF Clearing House, were then applied.
  5. Crashes were converted from KABCO to AIS values and monetized per the NOFA.
  6. The “safety benefit for improvements” was summarized on the ‘Safety Summary’ tab
  7. Column I: Illustrates the Combined Safety Benefit in Present Value.

Special Note – Assumed a 3% discount rate for the safety calculations.

To Calculate The Project’s CO2 Emissions:

  1. Select ‘EW CO2 Emissions’ Tab
  2. Column C: “No-Build” Truck Delay (Veh-hr)= Tab ‘EW Connector Delay’ Column D (language)
  3. Column D: Truck Delay Reduction (Veh-hr) = Tab ‘EW Connector Delay’ Column H
  4. Column E: “No-Build” Diesel Fuel Burned (Gallons) = “No Build” Truck Delay (veh-hr) * 1 gal diesel/hour

(Average Value of Idling Fuel Usage for Trucks: 1 gallon diesel per hour, per the Indiana Department of Transportation)

  1. Column F: Reduction Diesel Fuel Burned (Gallons) = Truck Delay Reduction (Veh-hr) * 1 gal diesel/hour

(Average Value of Idling Fuel Usage for Trucks: 1 gallon diesel per hour, per the Indiana Department of Transportation)

  1. Column G: “No-Build” CO2 Emissions (Kg) = “No-Build” Diesel Fuel Burned (gal)* 10.1 Kg/gal

(10.1 carbon emissions from 1 gallon of Diesel Fuel burned, per data from

  1. Column H: Reduction of CO2 Emissions(Kg) = Reduction Diesel Fuel Burned (Gallons) * 10.1 Kg/gal(10.1 carbon emissions from 1 gallon of Diesel Fuel burned, per data from
  2. Column I: Value of Carbon Per Ton CO2 = Varies

(Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis under E.O. 12866 - Feb 10)

  1. Column J: “No-Build” Value of Truck Emissions = “No-Build” CO2 Emissions (Kg) /1000 * Value of Carbon Per Ton CO2
  2. Column K: Reduction of Truck Emissions = Reduction of CO2 Emissions (Kg)/1000 * Value of Carbon Per Ton CO2

Special Note – Assumed a 3% discount rate for the emissions calculations.


No Build Scenario:

The “No-Build Scenario” illustrates the cost society over a 20 year period assuming the Pickaway East-West Connector Project is not completed.

The NPV “No Build” Total was calculated by summing the “Car Delay,” “Truck Delay,” and “Additional Environmental Degradation” values.

Benefit Scenario:

The “Benefit Scenario” monetizes the reductions in “Car Delay,” “Truck Delay,” “Additional Environmental Degradation over a 20 year period assuming the Pickaway East-West Connector Project is built.

The NPV “Benefit” Total was calculated by summing the “Car Delay,” “Truck Delay,” and “Additional Environmental Degradation,” and “Safety” values.
