The following steps were taken to calculate the benefit cost values for the Pickaway East-West Connector Project (The Project):
To Calculate The Project’s Delay:
- Select ‘EW Connector Delay’ tab
- Columns C, D, E & F: Data provided by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) Travel Demand Model (TDM). Assumed 260 working days in a year[1].
- Column G:Car Delay Reduction (veh-hr) = “No-Build” Car Delay – “Build” Car Delay
- Column H: Truck Delay Reduction (veh-hr) = “No-Build” Truck Delay – “Build” Truck Delay
- Column I: “No-Build” Car Delay ($) = “No-Build” Car Delay * $12.50(All-purpose value, per Value of Timeguidance provided at the following link: (
- Column J: “No-Build” Trucks Delay ($) = “No-Build” Truck Delay * $23.70 (Per Value of Timeguidance provided at the following link: (
- Column K: Total “No-Build” Delay ($) = “No-Build” Car Delay Value + “No-Build” Truck Delay Value
- Column L: Car Delay Reduction ($) = Car Delay Reduction (veh-hr) * $12.50 (All-purpose value, per Value of Time guidance provided at the following link:
- Column M: Truck Delay Reduction ($) = Truck Delay Reduction (veh-hr) * 23.70 (Per Value of Time guidance provided at the following link: (
- Column N: Total Delay Reduction ($) = Car Delay Reduction ($) + Truck Delay Reduction ($)
Special Note – No discount rate was used for the “delay” calculations. All figures are in current dollars.
To Calculate the Safety Benefits:
- Staff collected police crash reports occurring in the corridor over a 3-year period (2008-2010).
- Crashes were then evaluated as to whether or not theywould be addressed by a planned countermeasure in the “Build” scenario.
- The affected crashes were then sub divided into the following improvement categories: Roundabout, Lane Departure, Rail Crossing & Two-way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL)
- Crash Reduction Factors, derived from the Highway Safety Manual and the CMF Clearing House, were then applied.
- Crashes were converted from KABCO to AIS values and monetized per the NOFA.
- The “safety benefit for improvements” was summarized on the ‘Safety Summary’ tab
- Column I: Illustrates the Combined Safety Benefit in Present Value.
Special Note – Assumed a 3% discount rate for the safety calculations.
To Calculate The Project’s CO2 Emissions:
- Select ‘EW CO2 Emissions’ Tab
- Column C: “No-Build” Truck Delay (Veh-hr)= Tab ‘EW Connector Delay’ Column D (language)
- Column D: Truck Delay Reduction (Veh-hr) = Tab ‘EW Connector Delay’ Column H
- Column E: “No-Build” Diesel Fuel Burned (Gallons) = “No Build” Truck Delay (veh-hr) * 1 gal diesel/hour
(Average Value of Idling Fuel Usage for Trucks: 1 gallon diesel per hour, per the Indiana Department of Transportation)
- Column F: Reduction Diesel Fuel Burned (Gallons) = Truck Delay Reduction (Veh-hr) * 1 gal diesel/hour
(Average Value of Idling Fuel Usage for Trucks: 1 gallon diesel per hour, per the Indiana Department of Transportation)
- Column G: “No-Build” CO2 Emissions (Kg) = “No-Build” Diesel Fuel Burned (gal)* 10.1 Kg/gal
(10.1 carbon emissions from 1 gallon of Diesel Fuel burned, per data from
- Column H: Reduction of CO2 Emissions(Kg) = Reduction Diesel Fuel Burned (Gallons) * 10.1 Kg/gal(10.1 carbon emissions from 1 gallon of Diesel Fuel burned, per data from
- Column I: Value of Carbon Per Ton CO2 = Varies
(Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact Analysis under E.O. 12866 - Feb 10)
- Column J: “No-Build” Value of Truck Emissions = “No-Build” CO2 Emissions (Kg) /1000 * Value of Carbon Per Ton CO2
- Column K: Reduction of Truck Emissions = Reduction of CO2 Emissions (Kg)/1000 * Value of Carbon Per Ton CO2
Special Note – Assumed a 3% discount rate for the emissions calculations.
No Build Scenario:
The “No-Build Scenario” illustrates the cost society over a 20 year period assuming the Pickaway East-West Connector Project is not completed.
The NPV “No Build” Total was calculated by summing the “Car Delay,” “Truck Delay,” and “Additional Environmental Degradation” values.
Benefit Scenario:
The “Benefit Scenario” monetizes the reductions in “Car Delay,” “Truck Delay,” “Additional Environmental Degradation over a 20 year period assuming the Pickaway East-West Connector Project is built.
The NPV “Benefit” Total was calculated by summing the “Car Delay,” “Truck Delay,” and “Additional Environmental Degradation,” and “Safety” values.