Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Years 4, 5 and 6 - Term 4 (2015-2016) Forecast – Mrs E Scott and Mr Hardy

Week 1:
Monday 11th April 2016
Thursday 14th April – Class trip to Dover Caste / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
Multiply fractions by whole numbers.
Multiply fractions by whole numbers.
Multiply non-unit fractions by whole numbers.
Hamilton Trust: Spring Week 7 (Written division; multiplying fractions). / Monday (ES):
Solving problems with similar shapes where the scale factor is known; Find areas of triangles, rectangles and parallelograms.
Tuesday (ES):
Volume of cubes and cuboids.
Wednesday (CB):
Describe ratios between unequal quantities; Solve ratio problems. / Monday:
Reading Comprehension Sample Paper – 2016.
Discuss the features of a chronological report.
Wednesday am:
Passive and active forms/voices of verbs.
Hamilton Trust: Summer Non-Fiction Plan 5B (Chronological Reports). / Friday:
The Heart
Look at the structure of the human heart & compare to other animal hearts. Find out that it is muscle tissue that contracts & relaxes. Listen to a heart beating & discover how it pumps blood to the lungs & the rest of the body in a double circulation.
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
What is a mountain? How are mountains formed?
Describe and understand key aspects of mountains (physical Geography); to understand how different types of mountains are formed.
Hamilton Trust: Block C Mountains (variation) / Monday (Year 4):
Monday (Year 6): / Wednesday:
Research and write up information on formation of mountains.
Link with topic. / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
Monday pm: No Music this afternoon.
Week 2:
Monday 18th April 2016
Monday 18th April – Auditions for KS2 Production.
Wednesday 20th April – Safety in Action (Year 6)
Friday 22nd April – Dad’s Breakfast / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
Solve word problems needing mental multiplication or division.
Introduce percentages.
Know equivalence between percentages and fractions.
Use equivalence with fractions to find percentages.
Hamilton Trust: Summer Week 3 (Multiplication, division, percentages) / Monday (ES):
Percentages of quantities.
Tuesday (ES):
Percentages of quantities.
Wednesday (CB):
Paper 1 (Set A) Arithmetic.
Thursday (CB):
Paper 2 (Set A) Reasoning. / Monday:
Time connectives; Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity.
Plan and draft a chronological article.
Wednesday am:
Write a chronological article.
Hamilton Trust: Summer Non-Fiction Plan 5B (Chronological Reports). / Friday:
Double Circulation
Find out more about the double circulation in humans & the history of this understanding. Use a drama activity to explain the system and then research the biographies of both Galen & William Harvey.
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
Where in the world are mountains and mountain ranges?
Describe and understand key aspects of mountains (physical Geography); use maps and atlases to locate countries and describe features studied; to identify key features of mountains and mountain ranges and discover their locations.
Hamilton Trust: Block C Mountains (variation). / Tuesday (Year 6):
Tuesday (Year 4): / Wednesday:
Explore features of tourism websites and discuss what draws people to them. / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
Tuesday pm: Music lessons with Miss Edmondson
Week 3
Monday 25th April 2016
Monday 25th April – No Elaine
Wednesday 27th April – Primary Maths Challenge
Thursday 28th April – Year 3 and 6 Moderation. / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
Use long multiplication to multiply 3-digit by 2-digit numbers; use rounding to estimate answers.
Revise multiplying fractions by whole numbers; simplify answers.
Multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers.
Multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers; exit topic test.
Hamilton Trust: Summer Week 10 (Written multiplication and multiplication of fractions). / Monday (CB):
Paper 3 (Set A) Reasoning
Tuesday (ES):
Understand and use co-ordinates.
Wednesday (CB):
Reflection, Rotation and Translation.
Thursday (CB):
SATs Revision and analysis of practice papers (SET A). / Monday:
Perfect verb forms.
Revise sentence punctuation.
Wednesday am:
Practice SATs Papers.
Wednesday pm:
Practice SPAG Papers
Hamilton Trust: Summer Non-Fiction Plan 5B (Chronological Reports). / Friday:
The Lungs
Discover some interesting details about the structure & function of the lungs. Discuss respiration (gas exchange) & the parts of the body involved with breathing in and out. Children measure their lung capacity, do drag & drop labelling & make card lungs.
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
Mountain Climates
To describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including mountains and volcanoes; To identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude the equator, the northern and southern hemispheres, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles; To use geographical language to describe some features of mountain ranges and the climate experienced there.
Hamilton Trust: Block D (variation) / Monday (Year 6):
Monday (Year 4): / Wednesday:
Using Microsoft Excel to create graphs and charts.
Wednesday (Year 6): / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
Monday pm: Music lessons with Miss Edmondson
Week 4:
Tuesday 3rd May 2016
Monday 2nd May – Bank Holiday
Wednesday 4th May – AH out
Wednesday 4th May – Year 4 and 5 Moderation / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
Geometry Diagnostic Test; visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings; Describe properties of prisms and pyramids.
Describe properties of 2D shapes including polygons.
Classify quadrilaterals.
Hamilton Trust: Autumn Week 4 (Shape) / Tuesday (CB):
Practice SATs (Set B) Paper 1 Arithmetic
Wednesday (CB):
Practice SATs (Set B) Paper 2 Reasoning
Thursday (CB):
Practice SATs (Set B) Paper 3 / Tuesday am:
Practice SATs Papers
Wednesday am:
Practice SATs Papers
Wednesday pm: / Friday:
Blood has many important functions: transport of oxygen, nutrients & waste materials, fights against infection & helps keep the body at the right temperature. Find out about blood groups, blood transfusion, blood pressure & blood vessels!
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
The Andes
To describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including mountains and volcanoes; To locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities; To identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude the equator, the northern and southern hemispheres, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles; To use: maps, atlases, non-fiction books and the internet to research and understand key physical features of the Andes.
Hamilton Trust: Block D (variation) / Not this week; Bank Holiday / Wednesday:
Create a digital mind-map on mountain ranges in the world. / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
No Music this week.
Week 5:
Monday 9th May 2016
SATS Week / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
See SATs Week Timetable / Friday:
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
Consolidate and self-evaluate topic work so far. / Monday (Year 6):
Monday (Year 4): / Wednesday:
Use BBC Bitesize to revise for SATs tests. / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
Monday pm: Music lessons with Miss Edmondson
Week 6:
Monday 16th May 2016 / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
Measure and draw angles using a protractor; recognise acute, obtuse and reflex angles.
Know that angles on a straight line add to 108°; use this to find missing angles.
Know that angles around a point add to 360°; use this to find missing angles.
Draw polygons to given dimensions and angles; mid-topic test.
Hamilton Trust: Summer Week 4 (Angles and polygons) / Monday (ES):
Tuesday (ES):
Wednesday (CB):
Thursday (CB): / Monday:
Discuss ideas for a new story; Collate facts and plan other main characters and the story opening.
Write an account from a different point of view.
Wednesday am:
Write a short report about Amy Hest.
Wednesday pm:
Write a short report about Amy Hest.
Hamilton Trust: Summer Non-Fiction Plan 5B (Chronological Reports). / Friday:
Children learn how to take their own pulse rate and then investigate the effect of exercise on their pulse rate & draw graphs of their findings. They will understand the importance of taking several measurements & then calculating the average (mean) result.
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
The Andes
To describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including mountains and volcanoes; To locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries and major cities; To identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude the equator, the northern and southern hemispheres, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Arctic and Antarctic Circles; To use: maps, atlases, non-fiction books and the internet to research and understand key physical features of the Andes.
Hamilton Trust: Block D (variation) / Monday (Year 6):
Monday (Year 4):
Hamilton Trust: Problem Solving and calculator skills. / Wednesday:
Start to design and create tourism app on Peru and the Andes. / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
Monday pm: Music lessons with Miss Edmondson
Week 7:
Monday 23rd May 2016
Science Week
Monday 23rd May – 11+ Meeting 3.30pm
Wednesday 25th May – SV teaching.
Wednesday 25th May – Whole School Photo
Thursday 26th June – Science Dome
Thursday 26th May – June Haddock
Friday 27th May – Own Clothes Day / Numeracy
Year 5 / Numeracy
Year 6 / Literacy
Neptune Class / Science
Year 6
Find the perimeter of rectangles and composite shapes; work out the missing lengths of sides in order to find perimeters.
Find areas of squares and rectangles in cm² and m².
Estimate area of irregular shapes; calculate the area from scale drawings.
Find and estimate volumes.
Hamilton Trust: Spring Week 9 (Perimeter, area and volume) / Monday (ES):
Tuesday (ES):
Wednesday (CB):
Thursday (CB):
Hamilton Trust: Problem Solving and investigations. / Monday:
Research a famous invention; develop note taking and skim-reading skills.
Plan a newspaper report on a future invention to aid with space travel.
Wednesday am:
Draft and write a Newspaper report about a future invention to aid with space travel.
Wednesday pm:
Draft and write a Newspaper report about a future invention to aid with space travel. / Friday:
Healthy Bodies
Discover why the pulse rate increases with exercise and how exercise helps keep us & our hearts healthy. Discuss the importance of a healthy balanced diet and plenty of rest too. Children write a leaflet to encourage others to take part in exercise.
Neptune / RE/PSHE / ICT / Music and PE
Science Activities and Dome visit. / Monday (Year 6):
Monday (Year4): / Wednesday:
Type up Newspaper report about invention to aid space travel. / PE:
Thursday am: Sports Skills with Mr Thacker.
Friday pm: Athletics.
Tuesday pm: Music lessons with Miss Edmondson