Please print or type all information. Nominationsmay be submitted by mail, campus mail or electronically and should be sent to the Office of the Secretary of the University.

Send nominations to:Ms. Kimberlee M. Pastva, Secretary of the University

Office of the Secretary of the University

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Winants Hall, Room 112

7 College Avenue, College Avenue Campus

New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1260

Email nominations and attachments to:

Type of nomination: Student Charter Trustee

I.Nominator Data

Name of Person Submitting Nomination (self-nominations are accepted):




Date Nomination Submitted:

Supporting letters may be submitted with the nomination form or directly to the Office of the Secretary.

Please list the names of individuals who plan to write supporting letters: (Note: At least one letter of reference is required for self-nominations). For all nominations, please do not provide more than 4.

II. Nominee Identification Data

Name of Nominee:Email:Phone:

School: Major:

Class Year or Date of Enrollment:

Current Cumulative GPA:

If known, please provide nominee’s RUID:

Please note: Trustees may not receive remuneration from Rutgers University. Students may not be employed or compensated for service by the University during their term as a Student Charter Trustee.


A. Using the following points as a guide, please describe how this nominee meets the criteria to serve as a member of the Rutgers Board of Trustees.

1.Ability and willingness to assume the responsibilities of Trusteeship, commitment to attend and participate in meetings, and to act as an informed ambassador for the university

2.Demonstrated academic, co-curricular accomplishments and commitment to improving the student experience

3.Ability to offer a thoughtful and broad perspective of university issues or concerns

4.Ability to attract public support to the university in recognition of the university’s achievements and contributions to the public good

5.Ability to attend and participate in university events

6.Nomination has no conflict of interest

B. Please attach to this form, or forward electronically , the candidate’s resume, letters of reference,and any other supporting materials.

C. Is the candidate aware of this nomination? ___ Yes ___ No

If your nominee is not selected, would you prefer to contact the nominee or would you like the Secretary’s Office to notify the person?

____ Yes, I will contact my nominee.

____ No, I prefer to have the Office of the Secretary notify my nominee.

If you have questions about this nomination form or the nomination process, please contact the Office of the Secretary of the University at r 848-932-7434.