
Communication Workers of America




We, the International union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers, AFL-CIO, realize that the struggle to better our working and living conditions is in vain unless we are united to protect ourselves collectively against the organized forces of the employers. Realizing that the old craft form of trade union organizations is unable to defend effectively the interests and improve the conditions of the wage earners. We, the International Union of Electronic, Electrical, salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers, AFL-CIO, dedicate this organization to uniting all workers in our industry on an industrial basis regardless of craft, age, sex, race, nationality or creed. We shall pursue at all times a policy of aggressive struggle to improve the working and living conditions of all workers in our industry.

We, the International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers, AFL-CIO further realize that the preservation of our freedom and the advancement of our economic well-being require that our democratic institutions and our civil rights and liberties be preserved, strengthened and extended, and that they be protected against their totalitarian enemies.

We, pledge ourselves to perpetuate our Union, and to work concertedly with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization and through it with other labor organizations for the advancement of the objectives herein set forth.

Ever conscious of our dependence upon the will of Almighty God, we hereby beseech His divine guidance in all matters.






Section A

This organization shall be known as Amalgamated Local 81288 of the International Union of Electronic, Salaried, machine and Furniture Workers and all IUE-CWA Local 81288 Rock-Tenn and IUE-CWA Local 81288-B (INEOS) locals and shall be affiliated with the AFL-CIO. The international may be briefly referred to as the IUE CWA- AFL-CIO. Amalgamated Local 81288 I.U.E-CWA-AFL-CIO sometimes is referred to herein as the Union.

Section B

This organization shall be affiliated with appropriate State Local Industrial Union Councils of the AFL-CIO.



Section A

The objects and purposes of this Local Union are to represent, protect, maintain and advance the interests of the workers within its jurisdiction, to improve their wages, hours and conditions of employment, to engage in legislative, political, educational, civic, welfare and other activities which further, directly or indirectly, the interests of the membership of this organization, of I.U.E. AFL-CIO and of workers everywhere, in the improvement of general economic and social conditions in the United States of America, Canada and generally in the nations of the world without regard to crafts, age, sex, race, nationality or creed.

Section B

To achieve the objectives and purposes of this organization, the funds of this organization are authorized to be managed, invested, expended, or used not only for the purposes and objectives expressly set forth in Section I of this Article, and otherwise in this Constitution, but also for any additional purposes and objectives not inconsistent herewith as may be contained at any time in the resolutions and programs adopted and/or ratified by conventions of I.U.E-CWA- AFL-CIO, by the I.U.E. AFL-CIO Executive Board or by the membership of this Local, as provided in Article XI.

Section C

We realize that the preservation of our freedom and the advancement of our economic well being require that our democratic institutions and our civil rights and liberties be preserved, strengthened and extended, and that they be protected against their totalitarian enemies. We shall therefore steadfastly oppose the Communist Party and all policies and activities that aid the program and purposes of the Communist Party or of any other totalitarian or fascist organization.



Every hourly worker, irrespective of race, color, creed, age, nationality, or sexual orientation. or nationality, employed in or about the Eastman Company in Springfield, Massachusetts is entitled to full membership in this Union.



Section A

1.  All elected / Appointed officials shall be considered Officers of the union. The Officers of this union shall be a President, Vice President(s), Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, three Trustees and a Sergeant-at-Arms.

2.  The Executive Board will be composed of the President, Vice President(s), Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Chairman of each Negotiating Committee(s), Chairman of each Grievance Committee(s), Chairman of Trustees and Chief Stewards as outlined in Article V. Section C.

Section B – President

The President shall preside over and preserve order at all meetings of the Union of the Executive Board, enforce due observance of the Constitution and By-Laws and Rules of this Union. See that all officers perform their regular duties, appoint committees not otherwise provided for, and perform all duties usual to the Office of the President or that may be required by the Union. He shall sign checks jointly with the Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President or Chairman of Trustees. He shall serve ex-officio on all local boards and committees.

Section C

The President and Secretary of the Local union shall send an official notice to the International Secretary-Treasurer informing him that the Local’s books and records have been audited. This notice shall state what the conditions of the books and records are. Such official notification shall be witnessed by the Local Trustees.

Section D-Vice President(s)

There shall be one Vice-President elected from each sister local unit(s) represented by majority vote of those members in the unit. The Executive Board shall appoint one of the Vice Presidents to fill an opening created by absence of the President either temporary or permanent by majority vote until the next general election.

The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in the absence of that Officer, and in the case of the resignation, death or removal of the President. He shall sign checks jointly with the President, Secretary-Treasurer or Chairman of Trustees.

Section E – Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due the union, issuing a receipt therefore, and he shall deposit the monies received promptly in such bank or banks as may be designated by the Trustees in the name of the union. The Secretary Treasurer shall not hold monies Holding such money in his their possession not more than five (5) days. The Secretary Treasurer He shall keep all proper books of accounts,. All all bills and claims to this Union shall be presented to the Secretary-Treasurer, who shall upon verification of such bills make prompt payment by electronic payment or check for same, in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws and by authority of the membership. He shall issue all checks drawn on the account of this union and sign same jointly with the President, Vice president(s) or Chairman of Trustees. He shall make a monthly report to the membership of money received, paid out and still on deposit. He shall keep a file of membership application cards and accurate record of all financial transactions of this union. He shall order all necessary books and office supplies each month. He shall assume responsibility of all money in the possession of this Union. All records and property shall remain in their possession or kept at the Union Office.

Section F – Bonding

The Secretary-Treasurer, President, Vice President(s) and Chairman of Trustees shall give bond covering at least one-half of the liquid assets of the Local as shown by its previous annual audit, but in no event less than $500.00. Such a bond must also satisfy the requirements of applicable federal law. The International union will arrange for placement of bond on request by the Local, but the bond premium shall be paid for by the Local. In addition, all other officers, stewards, representatives and employees of the Local shall give such bond as may be required by applicable federal law.

Section G – Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of all meetings of this union and the Executive Board, read the minutes of previous meeting and all correspondence to be acted upon, and will carry on all communications and correspondence to be acted upon of this Union, insofar as is practicable, with the exception of the financial affairs of this union. He shall call the roll of the Officers, stewards and members of the Grievance and Negotiating committees at every regular meeting of this Union, and he shall call the roll call of the Executive Board at every Executive Board meeting. All records and property shall remain at the Union Office.

Section H – Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall supervise all funds and properties of this union. They shall see that all monies in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer are deposited in the bank or banks designated by them in the name of the Union, with the approval of the membership. They shall verify all bills and claims against this union extended for monthly payment by signatures of two of the three Trustees on the vouchers therefore. They shall audit the books of the Union quarterly and make a report of such audit to the membership. The Chairman shall have the power to sign checks in the event of the death, resignation or prolonged absence of the Secretary-Treasurer. They shall take an inventory of all property and money belonging to the Union twice a year at equal intervals, making a report to the Executive Board on same. They shall see that the Secretary-Treasurer, President, Vice President(s) and the Chairman of Trustees are properly bonded in accordance with this Constitution, and they must approve the sale of any property of the Union in the name of the Union, except as specifically authorized by the membership. The Chairman shall be elected by secret ballot by the membership at the January meeting, Triennial.

Section I-Sergeant-at-Arms

The Sergeant-at-Arms shall have charge of the doors and introduce all new members and visitors, and assist the President in preserving order when called upon to do so, and perform such other proper duties as may be assigned him by the President. The Sergeant-at-Arms He shall see that no unauthorized persons enter while a meeting is in progress, and shall not permit the entrance of intoxicated persons.

Section-J – Executive Board

The representative power of this Union shall be vested in the Executive Board to make suggestions for the benefit of the Union, and if passed by majority vote will refer same to the membership. They will perform such duties as elsewhere outlined in this Constitution, and will fulfill such other functions as instructed by the membership. They may act in the name of the Union in emergency between membership meetings, but their actions shall be subject to the approval of the membership. They may at any time demand a full report of any officer or committee, of any action or business done in the name of the union. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to hold a meeting.



Section A

Each of the respective units of Amalgamated Local 81288 shall have representation as follows:

Stewards shall be duly elected by the members in good standing, in their respective shifts and departments and in accordance with Section F of the Article, and in the ratio of one (1) for every Twenty Five (25)Thirty (30) members or major fraction thereof. Departments having insufficient members to entitle them to a representative of their own will combine with other departments for representation. They shall be elected each year by secret ballot.

Section B

They shall attend all meetings of the Union and act as the representatives of the members in good standing of this union in their respective departments. They shall handle all department complaints entered by the members in good standing of this union to the best of their ability. They shall endeavor to increase and maintain membership of the union in their respective departments. They shall keep the department membership informed of all union activity to the best of their ability.

Section C

One (1) Chief Steward will be elected by secret ballot for every four (4) shop stewards or major fraction thereof, by the members of the area as set up by the Executive Board.

Section D

The membership shall elect three grievance committee members triennially from local 81288. All sisters local shall elect triennially three grievance members. These elections will be held in the month of December triennially as set up by the election committee of local 81288. The president of the local will also sit in on all negations

The membership of each unit shall elect three (3)four (4) Grievance Committee members at large from within the unit, and three (3) plus the president from Local 81288A. They shall handle general grievances with the management that are not satisfactorily adjusted in their respective departments. The Grievance Committee shall handle all grievances at arbitration. However, before any matter is submitted to arbitration the Grievance Committee shall consult the Negotiating Committee with respect to the interpretation of the article of the contact dispute. The chairman shall be elected by secret ballot by the membership at the January meeting, triennial. All elected members of these committee(s) must be willing to accept the nominations for chairmanship of this committee. If the elected chairman resigns from the chairmanship of this committee during his or her term he/she shall automatically be removed from still have the option of remaining on the committee or tender resignation. If resignation is tendered his/ her vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.

Section E

The Negotiating Committee shall be elected to handle contract negotiations and establishing newly created job classifications and rates, and re-evaluation of present job classifications and rates. It shall recommend to the Executive Board the most efficient distribution of stewards in the various departments. It shall also be responsible for the placement and displacement of shop stewards during a layoff or schedule changes. The Each unit negotiating Committee shall also include the President of the Local, Vice-President(s) for the corresponding negotiations (i.e. Eastman-Ineos-Rock Ten) form the unit and Five (5) elected members elected from their respective units(s). Three (3) plus the President from Local 81288A. The chairman shall be elected by secret ballot by the membership at the January meeting, Triennial. All elected members of this negotiating Committee must be willing to accept the nomination for chairmanship of this committee. If the elected chairman resigns from the chairmanship of this committee during his term, he shall automatically be removed from this committee and his vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. In regards to All sisters locals the negotiating committee from each unit shall consist of a numbers of members as per the collective bargaining agreement of said local. The president and chair of the negotiating committee shall take place in all local negotiations.