Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Training Courses 2017/18

Occupational Health, Safety &
Training Course Catalogue 2017/18

We offer training in each of the following areas:

  • Biological Safety
  • Compressed Gas Safety
  • Display Screen Equipment
  • Fieldwork Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • First Aid
  • Head of Department Training
  • IOSH Training for Senior Management
  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • Local Exhaust Ventilation
  • Manual Handling
  • Radiation (Ionising and Non-ionising)
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safety Convener Induction
  • Safety Inspections
  • Stress
  • Substances – Dangerous and Hazardous to Health
  • Work Equipment and Machinery Safety


Within the first few days of joining the University, each new staff member, including KTP Associate and Postgraduate Experimental Research Students, should participate in the University's online Occupational Health and Safety Induction – Part 1as well astheir own department’s Occupational Health and Safety Induction, referred to asPart 2.

Participation in Part 1 isalso mandatoryfor those within the above categories, for whom it has been 3 years or more since their last health and safety induction.

Once Part 1 has been completed, Part 2 should be provided by the responsible line manager or the Departmental Safety Convener. This will provide important specific departmental information, such as local fire safety precautions and other arrangements for managing the risks arising from its undertaking.

Depending on the risk profile of the department, one of two versions of a checklist will be used by line managers to cover the essential issues, namelyS27 (Higher Risk)andS27 (Lower Risk).

Biological Safety Training

These online courses provide an introduction to working safely with biological materials at the University, all new members of staff and postgraduate researchers who will be working with such material either in Science or Engineering disciplines, are obliged to view modules 1 - 3 and to undertake the associated training assessment.

Module 1 Introduction (15 minutes)sets out the standards expected at the University which you may be unaware of if you have come from another University, country or discipline.

Module 2 Controlling the Risk of Exposure to Infectious Agents (22 minutes)helps you decide what levels of control are necessary and helps inform on the general Risk Assessment and COSHH Assessment procedures.

Module 3 - Safe Working with Infectious Agents (7 minutes)helps inform you about the classification and definition of the hazard groups of pathogens you may be working with and how to reduce the exposure from them.

Module 4– Genetically Modified Materials (30 minutes)- examines how to manage work with genetically modified organisms and the submission process to allow approval for a project.

Module 5–Specified Animal Pathogens (SAPO)(10 Minutes)deals with the Hazard Group 3 organisms that authorised persons are permitted to work with under derogated conditions at the University of Strathclyde.

Module 6- Transport of Infectious Material (12 Minutes)deals with the requirements for packaging and transporting infectious substances by various modes of transport and also around the University Campus.

Compressed Gas Safety

Compressed Gas Safety Awareness (Online)

Participants should understand the health and safety hazards and risks associated with compressed cylinder gases, along with the relevant control measures and safe working practices required tocreate them. Training includes: Correctly identifying gas cylinders, understanding how cylinders operate, being aware of the hazards of asphyxia and recognising the hazards posed by oxygen enrichment.Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Compressed Gas Safety Practical (Half Day)

For those staff and relevant students who are involved in the handling, storage and use of compressed cylinder gases. This course will give participants a practical experience of techniques required to safely use compressed cylinder gases. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Compressed Gas Safety Risk Assessment (Half Day)

For anyone in departments who has responsibility for risk assessing the impact of compressed gas releases or the inclusion of new compressed gas systems into new or existing laboratories or work areas, as required under COSHH and DSEAR. This course aims to enhance the knowledge of those involved in the risk assessment of compressed gas use by providing delegates with the principles and information for estimating the possible effects of compressed gas releases into new and existing work areas and identifying the required control measures. This course should be refreshed as required.

Display Screen Equipment

All new display screen equipment (DSE) users must complete the online training course within the first three months of starting with the University. Existing DSE Users should take the course as a refresher at least once every three years. All DSE Users have a responsibility to comply with the arrangements put in place to prevent or reduce risks from DSE work.

Display Screen EquipmentOnline Awareness (30 Minutes)

This online awareness training is aimed at staff and post graduates and is an interactive learning session followed by a short quiz to test understanding of the course. Once you have passed the quiz, you can complete the self-assessment of your workstation to identify any issues you may have, which if you are unable to resolve yourself, can be raised with your Departmental Safety Convener. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment (Full Day)

The aim of this classroom based course is to provide nominated staff with an understanding of the DSE Regulations and assessment process together with the risks associated with incorrect use of computers and example of possible solutions.The outcome of the course is for participants to gain a better understanding of common musculoskeletal disorders, the regulations associated with DSE assessment, an overview of common workstation problems and an insight into possible solutions. Participants will have an opportunity to conduct a practical example of undertaking a DSE assessment. This course should be refreshed as required.

Fieldwork Safety

Fieldwork Safety Course (Full Day)

This course is ideally suited for University staff, postgraduate students and anyone planning to carry out research in remote environments as well as those planning to take others into remote environments.

Outdoor First Aid for Fieldworkers – Level 2 (2 Full Days)

This two-day practical course is designed for those who work in outdoor remote environments. This course fulfils the first aid training requirements of the major outdoor National Governing Bodies. The course covers; accident procedure, basic life support and typical outdoor related injuries and illness.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Training for Fire Safety Co-ordinators and Assistants

(1.5 Hours)

To provide staff with comprehensive guidance and advice regarding the roles and responsibilities of both Fire Safety Co-ordinators and Fire Safety Assistants, to ensure fire safety is managed on a day-to-day basis and suitable arrangements are in place to effect a safe evacuation of the building. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Fire Extinguisher Practical (Half Day)

To provide staff with knowledge of the different types of fire extinguishers and practical experience of their method of operation.Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Use of Evacuation Chair (One Hour)

This course enables Departments to comply with employers' duties under current fire safety legislation, to ensure all persons for whom they are responsible, can evacuate buildings safely. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

First Aid

First Aid at Work (Three Day)

This 3-day comprehensive training course is ideal for anyone wishing to become qualified as a first aider. It covers a wider range of subjects than covered by the Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification. It provides delegates with the skills and knowledge required to deal with first aid solutions in higher risk workplaces. The course is assessed through a multiple choice question paper, practical observations and verbal questions. Successful completion results in a First Aid at Work certificate valid for 3 years.

Emergency First Aid at Work (Full Day)

This one-day course is designed to provide delegates with training in emergency first aid and is especially suited for nominated first aiders in smaller, low risk working environments. This qualification is assessed by a multiple choice question paper, practical observation and verbal questioning. Successful completion results in an Emergency at Work certificate valid for 3 years.

Basic Life Support and the Use of an Automated External Defibrillation (Half Day)

The award in Basic Life Support and Safe Use of an Automated External Defibrillation regulated, and nationally recognised qualification provides Learners with the knowledge and practical competencies needed to safely perform Basic Life Support and use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). The qualification will qualify learners in the safe use of an AED and will assist them in understanding the management of such equipment.


HAZOP Training (Full Day)

This course is aimed at staff who are involved in hazard and operability studies. A HAZOP is a structured and systematic examination of a planned or existing process or operation, in order to identify and evaluate problems that may represent risks to personnel or equipment, or prevent efficient operation. This course should be refreshed as required.

Head of Department Training

Head of Department Legal Responsibilities (Half Day)

This course is mandatory for all Heads of Departments to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. This outlines the legal responsibilities that Heads of Departments have in relation to the day to day management of health and safety within their departments. This course should be refreshed as required.

Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Training

IOSH - Directing Safely Training Course (4.5 hours)

This course has been designed to support senior personnel in directing the health and safety agenda of their organisations and reflects the principles set out in ‘Leading health and safety at work – Leadership actions for Vice-Chancellors and Members of University Governing Bodies’, 2008, published by UCEA/USHA.IOSH Directing Safely aims to give senior personnel an understanding of their joint and individual health and safety responsibilities, as well as guidance on how these should influence their strategic thinking, organisational culture and holistic risk management.

Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen Gas Safety Practical (Half Day)

For those staff and relevant post graduate students who are involved in the handling, storage and use of liquid nitrogen and provides the practical knowledge required for the safe use, handling and storage of liquid nitrogen. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Local Exhaust Ventilation

Local Exhaust Ventilation – Practical Management (Full Day)

This course will provide users with an introduction to Local Exhaust Ventilation systems and the information and skills required to manage them. Participation is advised for all persons (technical or academic staff) who may be required to advise on the design and installation of LEV systems to control airborne contaminants or those who are responsible for the management and effective operation of LEV systems. This course should be refreshed every 5 years.

Manual Handling

Online Awareness

This on-line course is obligatory for staff and postgraduates involved in lower risk manual handling activities e.g. lifting and carrying loads associated with office and administrative work. It comprises of, Step 1 - An interactive e-learning package and Step 2 - a short multiple choice quiz. The course aims to provide sufficient information and training to help participants reduce the risk of injury from manual handling activities and to enable departments to fulfil their legal obligations. When both steps of the course have been completed, participants will be able to print a Certificate to confirm they have undertaken this training.Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Manual Handling Awareness (Medium and Higher Risk)(Half Day)

Recommended for staff involved in medium to high risk manual handling activities, either on a regular or occasional basis e.g. Technical staff, Trades staff etc. Participation on this course is recommended in order that departments can demonstrate best practice with regard to the provision of information and training for their staff. This will, in turn, help to reduce manual handing risks and enable departments to comply with manual handling legislation. It is also suitable for those who require refresher training, which is recommended every 3 years or as and when required.

Manual Handling Risk Assessment (Full day)

For staff nominated to carry out manual handling assessments. Provides information and a step by step approach to the assessment of risks from manual handling activities.This course is mandatory for all persons responsible for the assessment of risk from manual handling operations and to enable departments to comply with manual handling legislation and reduce their manual handling risks. This course should be refreshed as required.

Radiation (Ionising and Non-ionising)

Laser Safety (1.5 Hours)

This online course equips staff with the basic knowledge and understanding of lasers and their hazards and to enable them to adopt good practice in the safe use of lasers. Participation on this course is recommended in order for departments to comply with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and to adopt good practice in the Safe Use of Lasers as detailed in guidance from the European Normalised British Standard (BS EN 60825) in line with the Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010.Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Basic Radiation Safety for Workers using Sealed Sources (2 Hours)

This online course is mandatory for staff working with sealed radioactive sources to comply with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999, the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 and University Local Rules for Ionising Radiation.Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Basic Radiation Safety for Workers using Unsealed Sources (2 Hours)

This online course is mandatory for staff and students working with unsealed radioactive sources. To comply with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999, the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 and University Local Rules for Ionising Radiation. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Basic Radiation Safety for Workers using X-Ray Equipment Workers (1.5 Hours)

This online course is mandatory for all individuals working with x-ray generating equipment to comply with the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 and University Local Rules for Ionising Radiation. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Radiation Supervisor Training

Specialised training and refresher training is available for x-ray, ionising and Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisors.

Respiratory Protection

Respiratory Protection: Fit Test Operator (Full Day)

This course is aimed at those staff who have responsibility for managing the provision of respiratory protective equipment and/or conducting fit testing in their department. It will provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills to become a competent fit test operator as set out in HSE document, HSE 282/28. Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment - Principles and Practice (Half Day)

This course aims to explain the approach to risk assessment, to enhance the knowledge and skills of those already involved in risk assessment and to provide initial training to those who will be required to be involved. This course should be refreshed as required or every 5 years.

Safety Convener

Departmental Safety Conveners’ Induction (Half Day)

For staff appointed by each Head of Department to carry out the functions of Departmental Safety Convenor (DSC) and Deputy Departmental Safety Convenor. The course will equip DSCs and their Deputies with the relevant knowledge and skill to assist their Heads of Departments in fulfilling their responsibilities regarding day-to-day health and safety management within the department. This course should be refreshed as required.

Safety Inspections

Departmental Safety Inspections (Half Day)

To provide Departmental Safety Convenors and members of Safety Committees with a greater understanding of safety inspections to allow these to be completed in an effective manner and to facilitate development of an effective Departmental Safety Action Plan. This course should be refreshed every 5 years.


Stress Awareness - Managing Work Related Stress for Managers

(2 Hours)

The aim of the session is to provide clear guidance on managing individuals suffering from work related stress using an approach based on the Health and Safety Executive's Management Standards for Work Related Stress.
The course aims to help managers to understand the impact of work related stress; understand their role in managing work related stress; be aware of the legal considerations that apply; understand the approach based on the HSE Management Standards for work related stress and be able to apply knowledge learned to real cases.Refresher training should take place every 3 years.

Stress Awareness - Managing Your Own Stress (1 Hour)

To help individual staff members reduce and manage their own stress. The course aims to help individuals to increase understanding of stress and how it affects them; increase awareness of what might cause stress and help to improve coping skills to minimise the impact of stress. This course should be refreshed as required.