Minutes of Vimy Ridge Public School SCC Meeting
June 09, 2016 / 7:00 pmAttendees / Peter Creer, John Wyatt,Hits Choda, Jennifer Griff, Cyndy Walker, Kim Poppleton, Rockell King, Sona Nayar
Welcome / Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Hits
Principal’s report
-Introduced John Wyatt – filling in for Greta Davis as she will be off returning Sept 2016.
-School superintendent visited the school earlier in the week. Visit went very well.
-Vimy Ridge in 1 of 3 schools in Durham to receive Eco School’s platinum certification. Certified last year, Ms.Anne French continues to work on the program this year as well.
-Kindergarten and Grade 8 students released more than a 100 salmon in Paulynn Park.
-Safe Arrival program implementation successful in May. Vimy Ridge is 1 of 3 schools to have implemented this program. We are continually looking for feedback from parents. There have been some reported issues with the iphone app however the phone process is working seamless.
-Jump Rope for heart initiative raised approx. $5800 in school. Very good results compared to last year.
-Folk Dance – Primary students did a great job and the event was very successful.
Treasurer’s Report
Jennifer Griff
The SCC balance as of May 31, 2016 is at $1659.77
$1000 towards graduation awards ceremony has already been deducted.
All of the following grants agreed and approved by SCC.
Primary and Kindergarten requesting finding from SCC for play days on June 27th and 28th. Total funds granted $400.00.
Funds approved for assisting families with field trips and other activities as proposed by Ms. McDonald in the last meeting. Total funds approved $600.00
Special Lunch Program
Cyndy Walker
No Subway lunches last year. All Fridays will be Pizza days.
Lunch lady program still continues at the school
Fund Raising Committee – proposal for next year
All attendees
There is a proposal to incorporate a fund raising committee for the school in the next school year.
Andrea, Rockell and Sona are willing to participate as members however we need someone who is an expert at procuring community partners and sponsors for school events.
Proposed – We start canvassing for the members through notice in the agendas, SWAY , Phone calls – asking for parent volunteers to come forward and join the fund raising committee at school.
Upcoming event update
Peter Creer
International Dance Day
Track and Field Day
Classroom Switch Day – June 21st – Students get to go to their new class and meet their new teachers for an hour.
SKD Summer Camp continues for this year as well
Parent communication and survey
Discussion around parent communication continued from last meeting.
Peter - Create a survey for parents to determine communication preferences.How much communication and how frequent is it needed?
Share that info with SCC members and staff to determine next steps for school year 2016-2017.
Parents also need to talk to teachers and open lines of communication in a way that works for both parents and teachers.
To initiate this process, a parent night has been organized on Sept 15th this year.
SCC Survey
There will be an online survey sent to SCC members by Peter. He is looking for feedback from SCC members on what went well and what can be made better for next year.
Other business
-Volunteer of Distinction this year agreed by all is “Andrea”
-Proposal to host an annual “Volunteer Tea” event to recognize all volunteers.
Next Meeting
Peter to send out potential dates for next school year. Thursday still continues to be a day of choice for everyone.
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30p.m.