January 19: Overview and theoretical framework- Debra Houry, MD, MPH
Syllabus & Handouts
What is a public health problem?
What do we mean by violence?
What is a public health approach to violence?
Required Reading:
Brundtland G: Violence Prevention: a public health approach. JAMA 2002; 288: 1580.
Heath I: Treating violence as a public health problem. BMJ 2002; 325: 726-727.
January 26: Measurements of violence; surveillance methods- Debra Houry, MD, MPH
How do we measure violence? How do we conduct violence surveillance and develop surveillance systems?
Required Reading:
Department of Justice. The Nation’s Two Crime Measures. NCJ-122795 Weiss HB et al: The US NVDRS: domestic and international lessons for violence surveillance. Inj Prev 2006; 12: 58-62.
Paulozzi LJ et al: CDC’s NVDRS: background and methodology. Inj Prev 2004; 12: 47-52. ______February 2: Firearms– Art Kellermann, MD, MPH Epidemiology of assault and nonfatal injuries from interpersonal violence
Prevention of assault and nonfatal injuries from interpersonal violence
Required Reading:
Kellermann AL. Treating gun violence before the 911 call. Annals of Emergency Medicine.
43(6):743-5, 2004 Jun.
Ismach RB, Reza A, Ary R, Sampson TR, Bartolomeos K, Kellermann AL. Unintended shootings in a large metropolitan area: an incident-based analysis. Ann Emerg Med. 2003 Jan;41 (1):10-7.
Kellermann AL. Gunsmoke. Am J Public Health 87: 910-913, 1997.
February 9: Suicide/QUIZ ONE- Alex Crosby, MD, MPH
Epidemiology of Suicide
Prevention of Suicide
Required reading:
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: - Read Executive Summary
Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour: a Literature Review. Joanne McLean, Margaret Maxwell, Stephen Platt, Fiona Harris, Ruth Jepson. Scottish Government Social Research. Edinborough. 2008.
Goldsmith SK, Pellmar TC, Kleinman AM, Bunney WE, eds. Reducing
Suicide: A National Imperative. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2002. - Read Executive Summary
Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Mercy JA, Zwi AB, Lozano R, eds. World Report on Violence and Health. Suicide Chapter. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002. - Read Chapter 7 on self-directed violence
February 16: Homicide - Jim Mercy, PhD
Epidemiology of homicide
Prevention of homicide
Required reading:
CDC. Surveillance of violent deaths, National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 states, 2006. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, Surveillance Summaries. 2009 Mar 20; 58 (SS-1).
Fox JA, Swatt ML. The Recent Surge in Homicides involving Young Black Males and Guns: Time to Reinvest in Prevention and Crime Control. 2008. Prepared for the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
February 23: Intimate Partner Violence – Debra Houry, MD, MPH
Epidemiology of intimate partner violence
Prevention of intimate partner violence
Required reading:
Houry D et al: Does screening in the emergency department hurt or help victims of intimate partner violence. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2008; 51(4): 433 - 442
Houry D et al: Intimate partner violence and mental health symptoms in African American female ED patients. American J of Emergency Medicine 2006; 24, 444–450
Houry D et al: Emergency department documentation in cases of intentional assault.
Annals of Emergency Medicine. 1999; 34: 715-9.
March 2: Sexual violence - Kathleen Basile, PhD
Epidemiology of rape and sexual assault
Prevention of rape and sexual assault
Required reading:
Basile KC: Implications of public health for policy on sexual violence. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2003; 989: 446-463.
Magid DJ, Houry D, Koepsell TD, Ziller A, Soules MR, Jenny C.: The epidemiology of female rape victims who seek immediate medical care: temporal trends in the incidence of sexual assault and acquaintance rape. J Interpersonal Violence 2004; 19: 1-10.
Basile KC et al: Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence victimization among U.S. adults, 2001-2003. Violence Vict. 2007;22 (4):437-48.
Riggs N, Houry D, Long G, Markovchick V, Feldhaus KM. Analysis of 1,076 cases of sexual assault. Ann Emerg Med. 2000; 35(4):358-62.
March 9th- Spring Break
March 16- Child Maltreatment / QUIZ TWO - Rebecca Leeb, PhD
Epidemiology of child maltreatment
Prevention of child maltreatment Child sexual abuse
Required Reading:
Hussey J et al: Child maltreatment in the United States. Pediatrics. 2006;118:933-42. Wu SS, Ma CX, Carter RL, Ariet M, Feaver EA, Resnick MB, Roth J. Risk factors for infant maltreatment: a population-based study. Child Abuse Negl. 2004;28(12):1253-64.
March 23: Youth violence- Marci Hertz, MS
Epidemiology of youth violence
Prevention of youth violence Specific groups –school-based violence, electronic violence, and gang violence
Required Reading:
Williams K, Rivera L, Neighbours R, Reznik V. 2007. Youth violence prevention comes of age: Research, training, and future directions. Annu. Rev. Public Health 28:195-211.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Effectiveness of Universal School-Based Programs for the Prevention of Violent and Aggressive Behavior. Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 2007;56(RR07):1–12.
Ferdon CD, Hertz MF. Electronic Media, Violence, and Adolescents: An Emerging Public Health Problem. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2007; 41: S1-S5.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. School-Associated Student Homicides - United States, 1992-2006. MMWR 2008;57:33-36.
Optional Reading:
Preventing Adolescent Gang Involvement- web article
March 30: Elder Abuse- Brian Payne, PhD
Epidemiology of elder abuse
Criminology perspective
Prevention of elder abuse
Required Reading:
Payne, Brian K, Training Adult Protective Services Workers About Domestic Violence: Training Needs and Strategies VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 2008 14: 1199-1213
Payne, Brian K, Elder Physical Abuse and Failure to Report Cases: Similarities and Differences in Case Type and the Justice System's Response Crime Delinquency first published on June 3, 2008 as doi:10.1177/0011128708317940
April 6: Community violence- Shakiyla Smith, MPH
Defining Community Violence
The importance of place
Prevention Strategies
Required Reading:
Raghaven C et al: Community violence and it’s direct, indirect, and mediating effects on intimate partner violence. Violence against women 2006; 12: 1132-1149. Overstreet S. Exposure to community violence: defining the problem and understanding the consequences. J of Child and Family Studies 2000; 9: 7-25. Warner BD, Fowler SK. Strain and violence: testing a general strain theory model of community violence. J Crim Justice 2003; 31: 511-521
April 13: Criminologic Theory and Violence Prevention- Robert Agnew, PhD
Common Criminologic Theories
Using theories for Violence Prevention
Required Reading:
Agnew R. (2009). Strain Theory: Does strain or stress cause delinquency. In Juvenile delinquency: causes and control, third edition. (Chapter 6, pp. 104-115).New York: Oxford University Press.
Agnew R. (2009). Social Learning Theory: Do individuals learn to be delinquent from others? In Juvenile delinquency: causes and control, third edition. (Chapter 7, pp. 116-130).New York: Oxford University Press.
Agnew R. (2009). Control Theory: Do weak controls result in delinquency? In Juvenile delinquency: causes and control, third edition. (Chapter 8, pp. 131-144).New York: Oxford University Press.
April 20: Local Violence Prevention example- TBD
QUIZ THREE/ Papers and evaluations due
Required Reading: