Nottinghamshire Girls and Ladies Football League
- Confirmed fixtures can only be cancelled due to bad weather/ frozen pitch or a school event which can later be verified, the league Committee will however allow consideration of any other extenuating circumstance you may feel are relevant, once a fully completed pre match cancelation form has been received. Every attempt must be made to contact your opposition if the game is cancelled on the day
- Confirmed fixtures are those on the website. Any changes to these fixtures i.e. re arranged games will be made by the fixtures secretary and will then be communicated to the parties concerned..
- The league rule states that failure to play a fixture is sanctioned by losing 3 points and a £25 fine is also levied. Only in extenuating circumstances will the sanction not be actioned or for the reasons shown above in point one.
- If your game is cancelled on the day for whatever the reason then BOTH teams will need to send a Match Cancellation Form stating why it hasn’t taken place into their match controller within 48 hours of the date of the fixture. Non correspondence will result in a £10 fine
- If you have a fixture that doesn’t get played and you want to sort out a new date quickly then check when your next available date is and then inform the fixtures secretary who will put the new date onto the website. You must NEVER play a fixture which has not been confirmed by thefixtures secretary.
- FA Shield games take precedent over our League Cup and League fixtures. If there is ever a clash with your fixtures regards shield/cup, we will hopefully be aware and re fixture the league game to the next available date. If you notice a clash please inform the fixtures secretary know as soon as possible.
- If you have reason that fall with the league rule for a cancelation of fixture. The fixtures secretary be sent a Pre-Match Cancellation Form no later than 14 days prior to the date of the fixture. TheLeaguewill confirm the decision and re fixture the game if applicable. You must inform your opposition as soon as your cancellation has been approved. Please be aware that the league can reject your request if they feel it does not fall within the league rules for match cancelation
- If you cancel a game because of a school activity you will need to be able to provide proof.
League Chairman
Jason Lowther
Updated 02/08/15