BSSVD Research Awards
TheBritish SocietyfortheStudyofVulvalDiseaseshasestablisheda small grantscheme aimed to encourage healthcare staffto undertake investigativeresearch.This smallgrantscheme is particularlyaimed tosupportresearch thatisjudged aslikelytoleadto:
- Publication in peer-reviewedjournals
- Tangibleimprovement in vulvaldiseasediagnosis andtreatment
TheBSSVDincludes promotion ofexcellence in medicalresearchin its goals invites members to submita proposalfora research project. Fundingmaybe provided upto £10,000.
Termsand conditions of BSSVD Research Award
- Theprojectmustaimto improve theunderstandingand/ortreatmentofvulval diseases.
- Applicationforms canbe downloaded fromthe Society’s website:
- One entrypermember is permitted.
- Applicants must be members ofthe BSSVD
- Aclearstatementofrationale and approach is required
- Applicants arerequired to address the followingquestions intheirsubmission: Whyshould we give you the award?
Whathave you achieved sofar? Whatmightyou plan inthefuture?
Whatsupportwillyourinstitution give you?
Atwo-page reportontheprogress oftheresearch mustbe senttotheBSSVD Honorary Secretaryone yearafter the awardand annuallythereafter.Failureto provide areportwillpreclude future supportforthis projectand otherschemes run by the Society
TherecipientofaBSSVDResearch Awardwillnotbeeligibleto applyfora second award underthis scheme
Thescientific and/ormedicaldata derived fromthe worksupported bythe Grantshould be presented atoneofthe Society’s meetings within 2–3 yearsoftheaward.Such data should alsobe publishedinpeer-reviewedjournals. Anypublicationsorrelated presentationsatmeetings bythe recipientemanatinginpartorwholefromthe Society’s supportshould be dulyacknowledged andcopiessentto theBSSVD HonorarySecretary
Applications are reviewedbythe BSSVD Council twice yearly. Applicants willbe advisedofa decisionassoon as practicable afterthedeadline dates.
Submission,eitherelectronicallyoras ahardcopybypost, should bereceived bythe BSSVD secretary (see website for current secretary).
April 2016