DVDs, AHS Library
Math, Sciences/Health, Careers, Education
Apollo 11: Men on the Moon-- Science
Becoming Human--Science
Bill Nye’s Solving for X--Math
Biology (Standard Deviants)--Science
Black Sky: Winning the X-Prize(Discovery Channel) --Science
Body in Numbers: Life’s Mysteries Decoded--Science
Body Story (Discovery Channel, 3-DVD set)--Science/Health
Botany of Desire-- Science
Cars that Changed the Automobile Industry--Science/Auto Tech
Cells (Bill Nye DVD)--Science
Change Your Food/Change Your Life--Science/Nutrition
Creation of the Computer—Science
Dinosaur Secrets Revealed (History Channel)—Science
Donald in Mathmagic Land--Math
Dying to be Thin--Health
Earth (Disney Nature DVD)--Science
Elements of Chemistry series--Science
Acids & Bases; Atoms: Building
Blocks of Matter; Carbon Chem.;
Compounds & Reactions; Under-
Standing the Periodic Table
Elements of Physics series--Science
Energy, Work & Power;
Gases, Liquids & Solids; Light;
Matter; Modern Physics &
Cosmology; Wave Phenomena
Eyes of Nye: Addiction--Health/Science
Food, Inc.--Health/Science
Gas Tech-- Science/Tech
Get That Job (Standard Deviants)--Careers
Genius of Charles Darwin--Science
Gorillas in the Mist--Science
Greatest Discoveries with Bill Nye: Astronomy, Medicine, Physics--Science
Guard Experience--Careers
Horatio’s Drive--Science/Tech
How’d They Build That: Big Truck And School Bus (2 DVDs)--Science/Tech
Human Machine (Eyewitness)--Science/Health
In Search of the Polio Vaccine--Science/Health
Inconvenient Truth--Science
Influenza 1918--Science/Health
Jaws of the Pacific--Science
Lean on Me--Education
Learn Chemistry 1, 2, 3--Science
Magic of Cells—Science
Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon--Science
March of the Penguins--Science
Mechanic’s Tools & Chainsaw--Vo-tech/Science
Meth Epidemic-- Science/Health
Modern Marvels: Measure It--Science
Modern Marvels: Weird & Wonderful World of the Everyday--Science/Tech
Monster Trucks (DVD)--Auto Tech
Nobel Prize: 100 Years of Creativity & Innovation--Science
Periodic Table of the Elements series--Science
Alkali Metals; Alkaline-Earth
Metals; Metalloids; Other Metals;
Transition Metals
Physics (Standard Deviants—Science
Planet Earth (BBC series--Science
Polar Wildlife-- Science
RX for Survival: A Global Health Challenge--Science/Health
SAT Critical Reading—Education
SAT Writing--Education
Smile Pinki (DVD—Smile Train)--Science
Stand and Deliver--Education
Supersize Me --Health
Swamp Tigers--Science
Ten Things Every Child Needs for the Best Start in Life-- Health/Child Dev.
30 Years of National Geographic Specials--Science
Unknown World--Science
Where Did We Come From?—Science
Who Killed the Electric Car?-–Science/Tech
Wolves & Their Kin--Science
Your New Dog and You: A Beginner’s
Guide to Dog Care & Training--Science
Social Sudies/History/Biography/Religion
African American Lives--History
Al Capone (DVD—A & E Biography series)--Soc St./Bio.
Amazing Grace (DVD)--Soc. St./History
America Beyond the Color Line--Soc. St.
America’s Fighter Jets--Soc. St.
American Gov’t. (Standard Deviants, 2 parts)--Soc. St.
Anne Frank Remembered--Soc. St./Bio.
Antwone Fisher--Bio.
Barack Obama--Biography
Bataan Death March--History
Battleship Potemkin--History
Beautiful Mind--Biography
Best of Stossel in the Classroom--Soc. St.
Birth of a Nation--History
Black Death--History
Black Rockfordians: Their Journey Through the Forest City--History
Bullied--Soc. St.
Bully—Soc. St.
Cost of Secession--History
D-Day: The True Glory--History
Dragons: Myths & Legends--Soc. St.
Engineering an Empire (4 DVDs, History Channel)--History
Greece, Aztecs, Carthage, China, Russia,
Britain, Persians, Maya, Napoleon,
Byzantines, Da Vinci)
Eyes on the Prize (3-DVD set)—History
Faith & Belief: Five Major World Religions--Religion
Germany at War (3 DVD set)--History
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story--Bio.
Gods & Generals--History
Good Hair--Soc. St.
Good Night, and Good Luck--Soc. St.
God Grew Tired of Us--History/Soc. St.
Great Battles of the Eastern Front--History
Greek Gods (History Channel)--History/Religion
Haunted History of Halloween--History
Henry Ford: Tin Lizzy Tycoon--Bio./History
Hitler & Stalin: Roots of Evil--History
Hotel Rwanda (DVD)--History/Soc. St.
Hype & Consequences: Stossel in the Classroom-- Soc. St.
In Search of Santa Claus—History
Internet Safety—Soc. St.
Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS—DVD)--Soc. St./Religion
Japan’s War [WW II]--Soc. St.
Key Constitutional Concepts--Soc. St.
King (MLK, Jr.)--Bio.
Knights and Armor--History
Lincoln/The Colt (DVD Double Feature)--Bio./History
Lost City of the Incas--History/For. Lang.
Mandate: The President and the People--Soc St.
Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Man & the Dream--Bio./Soc. St.
Metropolis (7-part series on 2 DVDs)--History
Murder of Emmett Till--History
National Geographic: 30 Years of Specials—Soc. St./History
102 Minutes that Changed America--History
1001 Classic Commercials--History/Marketing/Fine Arts
Our Constitution: A Conversation--Soc. St.
Pact--Soc. St./Bio.
Panama Canal (Modern Marvels)--History
Pancho Villa: Outlaw Hero--Bio.
Paper Clips--Soc. St.
Paul Robeson: Here I Stand--Bio.
Perfect Storm--Soc. St./History
Price System--Soc. St.
Pursuit of Happyness--Bio.
Rebels & Redcoats—History
Redemption [Tookie Williams]--Biography
Religions of the World: Our World Faiths (animated)--Religion
Rosa Parks Story--Bio.
Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence--Soc St.
Schoolhouse Rock--Education
Scottsboro: An American Tragedy--Soc. St./History
Silent Epidemic: Teen Suicide (DVD) --Soc. St.
Slavery & the Making of America--Soc St.
Smile Pinki (DVD—Smile Train)--Soc. St.
Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness--History
This is Our Moment: Election Night 2008--History
Three Branches of Gov’t. (Standard Deviants)--Soc. St.
True Caribbean Pirates--Soc. St.
Tupac Shakur: Before I Wake--Bio.
Tuskegee Airmen--History
Unlocking DaVinci’s Code--Soc. St.
United States Constitution--Soc. St.
Vietnam: America’s Conflict--History/Soc. St.
Warlords: The Generals--Bio./History
When the Levees Broke--Soc. St./History
Why We Fight--Soc. St.
Witches (A & E)-- History
World Trade Center--Soc. St.
WW II Battlefront--History
Wyatt Earp--Bio./His.
Yours and Mine: The Lesson of 1623--History
Zombies –History
Adventures of Baron Munchausen
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
Akeelah and the Bee
All Quiet on the Western Front
Amazing Stories (Season One)
Animal Farm
As You Like It
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Batman Begins
Because of Winn-Dixie
Benji (DVD—2 movie collection)
Benny & Joon
Big Fish
Big Miracle
Black Beauty
Black Stallion
Blood & Chocolate
Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Bridge to Terabithia
Bring it On: All or Nothing
Cast Away
Castle in the Sky
Catch Me If You Can
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Charlie Brown Christmas (DVD)
Charlie Chaplin: Shoulder Arms, The Champion, The Kid
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Christmas Story
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Citizen Kane
College Road Trip
Corrina, Corrina
Corpse Bride
Count of Monte Cristo
Countdown: The Sky’s on Fire
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Curse of King Tut’s Tomb
Daddy Day Care
Daisy Miller
Dark Fury: Chronicles of Riddick
Dark Knight
Dark Knight Rises
Days of Wine & Roses
Death of a Salesman
Devil’s Arithmetic
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Doll’s House
Easy A
Edward Scissorhands
Ever After
Face in the Crowd
Facing the Giants
Fast & the Furious
Fat Albert’s Greatest Hits
Fifteen & Pregnant
Finding Nemo
Five People You Meet in Heaven
Flushed Away
Frankenstein (2004)
Freaky Friday
Free Willy
Frosty the Snowman
Grave of the Fireflies
Great Debaters (Fiction (based on fact)
Great Gatsby
Great Novels on Film: A Farewell to Arms,
Snows of Kiliminjaro, Becky Sharp,
Oliver Twist
Greatest Speeches of All Time
Guess Who
Gulliver’s Travels (mini-series & movie versions)
Hangman’s Curse
Happy Feet
Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows,
Part I & Part II
Harry Potter & Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter & Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter & Sorcerer’s Stone
Haunted Mansion
Haunting Hour
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Her Best Move
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Hocus Pocus
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Carrey)
How to Deal
Howl’s Moving Castle
Human Trafficking
Hunger Games
I Am Legend
I Can Do Bad All by Myself
I, Robot
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of
the Lost Ark
Inherit the Wind (Frederic March version)
Inherit the Wind (Jack Lemmon version)
InuYasha, Seasons 1 & 2 (DVD box sets)
Invincible Iron Man (DVD)
Iron Man
Joan of Arcadia: The First Season
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Julius Caesar
Jump In!
Journey of Natty Gann
Jurassic Park/Lost World
Knight’s Tale
Knights of the South Bronx
Lion King Trilogy
Little Big League
Little Princess
Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Madea Goes to Jail
Madea’s Family Reunion
Making the Speech--English
Man for All Seasons
Manchurian Candidate
Mary Poppins
Master and Commander
Master Harold and the Boys
Mean Girls
Memoirs of a Geisha
Millennium Actress
Miracle Worker
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Most Dangerous Game--Lit.
Much Ado about Nothing
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My So-Called Life: Vol. 1
My Neighbor Totoro
Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe
Nacho Libre
Napoleon Dynamite
Naruto, vols. 1-11
National Treasure
National Treasure 2
National Velvet
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist
Night at the Museum
Nightmare before Christmas
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
October Sky
Of Mice & Men (1992 version)
Old Man and the Sea
Pay it Forward
Pearl Harbor
Perfect Holiday
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Pixar Short Films Collection, vol. 1
Powerpuff Girls: The Movie
Pride & Prejudice
Princess and the Barrio Boy
Princess Bride
Princess Diaries
Princess Diaries 2
Quest for Camelot
Raisin in the Sun (both versions)
Red Tails
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Romeo & Juliet (1968 & 2002version)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Scarlet Letter (DVD set)
Sense & Sensibility
Series of Unfortunate Events
Seuss Celebration
Seven Pounds
Seven Samurai
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
She’s Too Young
Shrek 2
Shrek the Third
Simpsons Movie
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Sixth Sense
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Soul Cinema: Cornbread Earl and Me; Cooley High (DVD set)
Sound of Thunder
Spongebob Squarepants Halloween
Spongebob Squarepants Movie
Star Trek
Star Wars I-VI
Storyteller (TV series set)
Tale of Despereaux
Tenchi in Tokyo
Three Musketeers (Disney)
To All My Friends on Shore
To Kill a Mockingbird
Tree of Life
Twelve Angry Men (1950s DVD w/CD)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 1
Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 2
Twilight: Eclipse
Twilight: New Moon
2001: A Space Odyssey
Unwed Father
Walk to Remember
War of the Worlds
Watsons Go to Birmingham
Wedding Singer
Whale Rider
When a Stranger Calls
William Shakespeare: A Life of Drama--Lit./Biography
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!
Wrinkle in Time
Writing Basics--English
Yes Man
Young Frankenstein
Zeus and Roxanne
Fine Arts and Sports
All You’ve Got--Sports
Animusic: A Computer Animation Video Album--Arts
Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings--Sports/History
Blind Side--Sports/Bio.
Brian’s Song--Sports/Bio.
Bring it On—Fine Arts
Caricaturas del Mundo Infantil--For. Lang.
Caricaturas Poderosas--For. Lang.
Cats--Fine Arts
Center Stage--Fine Arts
Chicago--Fine Arts
Chicago Steppers--Fine Arts
Chorus Line--Fine Arts
Cinco de Mayo--For. Lang.
Cinderella Man--Sports
Coach Carter--Sports
Dance Off the Pounds--Sports/Arts
Dancing with the Stars: Latin Cardio Dance—Fine Arts
Dreamgirls--Fine Arts
El Cid (dubbed in Spanish)--For. Lang.
Evita--Fine Arts
Express: Ernie Davis Story--Sports/Bio.
Extreme Gadgets--Sports/Tech
Football All Stars (Favre & Lachey)--Sports
Footloose--Fine Arts
42: Jackie Robinson Story--Sports
42nd Street-- Fine Arts
Fosse--Fine Arts
Freestyle Soccer: Featuring Futboleros--Sports
Friday Night Lights--Sports
Gift of Love: The Daniel Huffman Story--Sports
Glory Road--Sports
Gospel--Fine Arts
Great American Songbook--Fine Arts
Greatest: Muhammad Ali--Sports
Gridiron Gang--Sports
Hairspray--Fine Arts
High School Musical--Fine Arts
High School Musical 2--Fine Arts
High School Musical 3--Fine Arts
Honor Roll College Basketball:Greatest Moments (vols. 1 & 3)--Sports
Hoop Dreams--Sports
How She Move--Fine Arts
Jackie Robinson--Sports
Jackie Robinson Story--Sports
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat—Fine Arts
Joyeux Noel--For. Lang. (French/English/German)
Lassie: Las Montanas Pintadas--For. Lang.
League of Their Own--Sports
Love and Basketball--Sports
More than a Game—Sports
NASCAR Ultimate DVD Collection: NASCAR Thrills--Sports
NBA’s 100 Greatest Plays--Sports
Nutcracker--Fine Arts
Phantom of the Opera--Fine Arts
Popeye y sus Amigos Chistotos--For. Lang.
Producers (2005 version)--Fine Arts
Really Bend It Like Beckham--Sports
Rent--Fine Arts
Sarafina!—Fine Arts
School of Rock--Fine Arts
Sea Inside (Spanish)--For. Lang.
Secrets--Fine Arts
Soccer Secrets & Fitness--Sports
Stay Tuned: Television’s Unforgettable Moments Arts (book/DVD/CDs)—Fine Arts
Step Up 2 the Streets--Fine Arts
Stomp the Yard--Fine Arts
Stranger/Orson Welles on Film--Fine Arts
Streetball Classics, vol. 1—Sports
Take the Lead—Fine Arts
We Are Marshall--Sports
Winning Season--Sports
Without Limits--Sports
World Series 05: Houston Astros vs. Chicago White Sox--Sports
World’s Fastest Indian--Sports
--Updated 12-11-12