Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Tender Notice

The Institute of Management Sciences (IMSciences) is an autonomous body established under the auspices of the Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Institute of Management Sciences (IMSciences) is a leading educational institute of the country and has been ranked as the 4th best business school of Pakistan.

Human Resource Development Center of Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar intends to hire services of Vehicle Rental Company for FATA project. Sealed bids are invited from the firms/supplier registered with tax departments.

Tender documents can be obtained from the undersigned or downloaded from the KPPPRA or Institute’s websites. The sealed bid/proposal addressed to the Convener Procurement Committee, Institute of Management Sciences, 1-A, Sector E-5, Phase 7, Hayatabad, Peshawar may be mailed through courier/registered post on or before 10:00 a.m. on 04 January 2017 and shall be opened on same day at 10:30 a.m. in the conference room of the Institute but it must be ensured that the same reaches our office well in time as late offers will not be entertained. The envelopes should be marked clearly as “Bid/Proposal for Services of Rental Vehicle(s) at HRDC-IMSciences”.

Manager Administration

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar

Plot No: 1-A, E-5, Phase-7, Hayatabad,


Tel: 091-5861024-25 / 5861039

Fax: 091-9217407




December 21, 2016



Tender Notice for Rent A Vehicle Services

Human Resource Development Centre-IMSciences intends to hire services of Vehicle Rental Company. Detail about the Rent a Vehicle Service is mentioned in annexure I

Qualification of the Vendor/firm/company

The following vendors/company is eligible to apply for the tender:

1.  Only registered firm can participate in the tender

2.  The firm registered with tax authorities.

3.  The firm who have never been black listed by any Government agency or authority.

4.  The firm should have a documented track of completing at least three (3) similar assignments, during last two (2) years

Documents Required

The firms eligible to apply are required to submit the following documents with their bidding proposal:

1.  Status of the Firm (i.e. Sole-proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Company), with date of establishing the business, relevant experience and no. of businesses/branches owned, along with the documentary evidence. (Attach certificates of registration and experience).

2.  Registration documents with Taxation Authorities. NTN/FTN/STRN etc.

3.  Professional Tax Certificate

4.  An undertaking on legal paper that the company has never been blacklisted.

5.  Full Address and contact numbers of the office.

Method of Procurement:

Bidding will be conducted using the Open tendering open competitive bidding specified in Rules of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services Rules 2014 vide Notification No. SO (FR)/FD/9-7/2010/Vol-II i.e. single stage one envelope procedure and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the KPPPRA Procurement Rules 2014 that meet the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned above.

Response time:

The sealed bids duly marked as “Bid/Proposal for Services of Rental Vehicle(s) at HRDC-IMSciences” must reach the office of the Convener Procurement Committee, IMSCIENCES at plot #1-A, E-5, Phase,7, Hayatabad, Peshawar on or before 10:00 a.m. on 4th January 2017.

Opening of bids:

Bids received shall be opened on 4th January 2017 at 10:30 a.m. in the conference room of the Institute.

All bids shall be opened publicly in the presence of the interested bidders or their authorized representatives.

In case of closed/holiday, tender opening time/date will be considered as the next working day.

Bid Price

Bid prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and duties.

The prices quoted shall be binding on the tenderer for a period of at least 90 days.

Evaluation of bids:

All bids should comply with the eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions mentioned herein above.

Rejection of bids:

All bids submitted after the time prescribed shall be rejected and returned.

Failure in submission of the above required documents will result the rejection of bid/proposal.

Any bid received without earnest money, shall be rejected.

IMSciences reserves the right to reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal.

Award of Tender:

Tender would be awarded on the basis of lowest quoted rate(s).

Payment of bill will be released after successful delivery and inspection of item as per desired specifications mentioned in this document.

Earnest Money

Earnest money at the rate of 2% of the quoted bid may also be submitted with the bid/proposal in form of bank draft/pay order in favour of Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar.


Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar

Detail of Rent a Vehicle

S.No. / Description / Quantity / Specification / Remarks
1.  / Rent a Vehicle Service
For FATA i.e. Kurram, Orakzai and Khyber Agencies for the period of five (05) months / Two (02) / Vehicle type: Toyota Hilux Double Cabin 4x4 Pick-up
Model: At least 2014
Time period: Five (05) months
Rent: Rent of vehicle on daily basis with driver & maintenance and without fuel.
Payment: Payment will be directly related to No. of days vehicle utilized. / The vehicle(s) must be delivered to HRDC-IMSciences within 03 working days after date of issuance of work order.


Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Prequalification Proposal

Supply of Item to IMSciences

Name of the Firm
(Telephone, Fax & E-mail)
Year of Establishment
Sales Tax Registration No.
(attach documentary evidence)
National/Income Tax No.
Earnest Money @ 2% as Bank Pay Order/Draft is attached with the Pre-qualification Proposal / Yes_____ No.______
(Attach separate Annexure, if necessary)
(that the firm has not been blacklisted by private, Govt., Semi Govt. and Autonomous Body)
Contact Person
Name & Designation______/ ______
Authorized Signature & Stamp


Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar

Financial Proposal

Supply of Item to IMSciences

Name of the firm:______


S# / Item / Quantity / Rate
(Rs.) / GST / Total (Rs.)

Name & Designation Authorized Signature & Stamp