We need your facultyfor TMC and Descriptor Reviews – until October 16
Descriptors opened for review
Art History (4)
Biology (7)
Business (5)
Computer Science (5)
Education (1)
English (6)
Information Technology and Info Systems (1)
Mathematics (4)
Music (13)
Political Science (6)
Psychology (1)
Sociology (1)
Theatre (6)
In many cases above, these descriptors were re-posted as drafts in May 2011 because of lack sufficient faculty review
PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR FACULTY from these disciplines to go to the immediately so these descriptors can be finalized!
TMCs currently open for review Computer Science Music Teacher Preparation/Liberal Studies
Update on Approved Courses (can be seen at
Presently, 74 (+2 from September) CCCs have courses that have been granted C-ID identifiers.
866 (+85 from September) courses have been granted C-ID identifiers for 12 disciplines – with faculty back on campus this number should continue to increase at a steady pace / FOR YOU AND YOUR FACULTY!
Discipline Input Groups (DIGs) for Fall
DIG Meeting Dates, Locations, and Registration
October 14, 2011SouthernCalifornia
LAX WestinHotel
5400 West Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA90045
(310) 216-5858
Driving and parking information:
October 14, 2011 Registration:
October 28, 2011 Northern California
San Jose Doubletree Hotel (near the airport)
2050 Gateway Place
San Jose, CA95110
(408) 453-4000
Driving and parking information:
October 28, 2011 Registration:
DIG Meeting Goals
The goals of the DIG meetings are:
  • Begin to discuss and draft a TMC for the discipline, identifying the list of courses to be vetted statewide.
  • Review (and modify, if necessary) CSU LDTP course descriptors, which will be incorporated into C-ID.
  • Determine, and develop descriptors as needed.
Anthropology, Geography, Info Systems, Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical), Journalism, Philosophy, Nursing, Radio/Television/Film, Spanish, Social Work / IMPORTANT UPDATES FOR AOs
Login and Password Info
  • There has been some confusion about AO log-ins and passwords for C-ID
  • Several AOs have been contacted by C-ID staff recently to update the correct AO data for our tech staff
  • IF there is an AO change on your campus, it is important to contact the C-ID office right away so access to C-ID will not be compromised
  • The AO user name for course submissions MUST ALWAYS be through the school name
  • AOs may have an additional user name and password given to them by the C-ID staff so they can participate in the course descriptor review forums
  • AOs can change their passwords at any time (from the one given them initially by C-ID) by clicking on the “Edit Profile” option
AO Training Power Point
  • A power point training program is in the final stages of development
  • We hope to make this available on the CIAC website as well as the AO portal of the C-ID website
  • A reminder that the AO portal on the website also contains a “Guide to Submitting Course Outlines for Review”
Questions??? Comments??? e-mail
Faculty interested in participating as a CORE (Course Outline of Record Evaluators) should contact the C-ID Office via the e-mail above