AP US History--Struz
Terms, Concepts, Personalities
Unit 1
Colonial America 45. French and Indian War
1. Mayflower Compact 46. Albany Plan of Union
2. William Bradford 47. General Braddock
3. Pilgrims 48. William Pitt
4. Puritans 49. The Plains of Abraham
5. Great Puritan Migration 50. Treaty of Paris--1763
6. John Winthrop—beliefs 51. Pontiac’s Rebellion
7. Cambridge Platform 52. Proclamation of 1763
8. Anne Hutchinson 53. Paxton Boys—1754-1763
9. Roger Williams 54. slavery in the colonies
10. New England Confederation—1643 55. Stono Rebellion--1739
11. King Philip’s War
12. joint stock company The Revolution
13. John Smith 1. writs of assistance
14. John Rolfe 2. Grenville’s Program
15. House of Burgesses 3. Sugar Act--1764
16. Headright system 4. Stamp Act
17. Bacon’s Rebellion—1676 5. Stamp Act Congress--1765
18. James Oglethorpe 6. Patrick Henry
19. staple crops in the south 7. Sons of Liberty
20. John Locke 8. Declaratory Act--1766
21. William Penn 9. Quartering Act
22. patroon system 10. Townshend Acts--reaction
23. Peter Stuyvesant 11. John Dickinson—“Letters from a
24. Benjamin Franklin Farmer in Pennsylvania”
25. Great Awakening 12. Massachusetts Circular Letter
26. George Whitefield 13. Boston Massacre
27. Lord Baltimore 14. Cirspus Attucks
28. Maryland Act of Toleration 15. John Adams
29. Salem witch trials 16. committees of correspondence
------17. Lord North
30. deism 18. Tea Act
31. Huguenots / Calvinism 19. Boston Tea Party
32. mercantilism 20. Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)
33. Navigation Acts 21. Boston Port Act
34. triangular trade 22. Massachusetts Government Act
35. Molasses Act—1733 23. First Continental Congress--1774
36. Hat Act—1732 24. Lexington and Concord—1775
37. Iron Act—1750 ------
38. indentured servants 25. Paul Revere
39. “salutary neglect” 26. Second Continental Congress
40. the Enlightenment 27. George Washington
41. proprietary, charter, and royal colonies 28. Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill)
42. John Peter Zenger Trial 29. Thomas Paine—“Common Sense”
43. Queen Anne’s War 30. Iroquois Confederacy
44. King George’s War 31. natural rights philosophy
32. George III
33. R.H. Lee’s Resolution, June 7, 1776
34. Declaration of Independence--ideas
35. Edmund Burke
36. Lafayette
37. Benedict Arnold
38. Robert Morris
39. John Paul Jones
40. French Alliance—reasons
41. major battles—Saratoga, Trenton, etc.
42. Treaty of Paris—1783
43. Gaspee Incident—1772
44. Yorktown / Lord Cornwallis
45. Hessians
46. Olive Branch Petition--1775
47. Valley Forge
48. Silas Deane
49. Articles of Confederation