Personal information
Present position
Language Ability
Education Background
Academic appointments
Areas of Expertise
Graduate and Undergraduate Research Students
Appointments abroad
Participation on Professional Organization
Research grants
Teaching experience
Membership in Local Organizations
Membership in International Organizations
Consultant Experience
Administrative experiences
Evaluation of scientific promotion
Evaluation of books and research article
Discussion committee of postgraduate thesis
List of publication
Lectures in International Conferences
Invited and plenary lectures
Post Doctoral Research Associates
Personal information
Name : Hassan Abdulkader H. M. Albar
Date of Birth: September 30, 1958
N.I.Card: 1001403219
Domicile: Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Islam
Nationality: Saudi Arabian
Present position
Professor of Organic Chemistry, Kind Abdulaziz University, Science College, Chem. Dept., P.O.Box. 80203, Jeddah21589, Saudi Arabia.
Telephone numbers: 00966-2-6952031 ; 00966-505656105 ;
Fax number: +96626400736
Squash, Tennis, etc.
Language Ability
Arabic (good speaking, and good writing) and English (good speaking and good writing)
Education Background
Ph. D. (Phys. Org. Chem.) from University of Carddiff, Cardiff, U.K., 1989
M. Sc. (Organic Chemistry) from University of King Abdulaziz Univ., 1985
B. Sc. (Organic Chemistry) from University of King Abdulaziz Univ., 1980
Academic appointments
2009 ……………………………………………
2006 Member of scientific committee in Education ministry.
2000 up to now Professor, Department of Chemistry, king Abdulaziz University
1995-2000 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, KAS.
1990-1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, KAS
1985-1986 Instructor, Department of Chemistry, KAS
1980-1984 Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, KAS
Areas of Expertise
Field : Chemistry
Sub Field : Organic Chemistry
Majors : Education, Green Chemistry, Natural Product (Isolation, Identification and elucidation by D1,2D-NMR, MS,…..) and Multi-Step Synthesis of Non- and Natural Products by using Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, Aziridination and Cycloadditon Reactions.
Graduate and Undergraduate Research Students
Supervision of over 30 undergraduate students, seven Master students and four Ph.D. students.
Teaching Experience I) Courses for Undergraduate students - Instructor in various courses and laboratories of Organic and general chemistry.1985-1986
1- General Chemistry, 1992-1994 2- General Organic Chemistry (I) 1993-1996 3- General Organic Chemistry for non-chemists students 1993-1996 4- General Organic Chemistry (II) 1999-2008 5- Spectroscopy 1994-1999 6- Physical Organic Chemistry 1990-2008 7- Multi-step synthesis 1994-2008
II) Courses for Postgraduate students
8- Advanced Organic Chemistry for postgraduate students 1992- Now 9- Advanced Spectroscopy for postgraduate students 1996-2002 10- Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry for postgraduate students 1996-2002 11- Special Advanced topic in different subject such as: amino acids, alkylation, percyclization reaction, Green Chemistry and Education.
I) Scientific books:
(1) General Chemistry, Albar, H. A., 2007. (in Arabic)
(2) “Q & A & MCQ in General Chemistry”, Albar, H. A. & Khalid Mostafa, 2003. (in Arabic)
(3) Educational Chemistry for First year in Secondary School, (Part one), Albar, H. A. & Fahmy, A. F., 2002. (in Arabic)
(4) Educational Chemistry for First year in Secondary School, (Part Two), Albar, H. A. & Fahmy, A. F., 2002. (in Arabic)
(5) “Q & A & MCQ in General Organic Chemistry”, Ezmerly S., A. S. Shawaly and Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(6) “Physical Organic Chemistry”, A. S. Shawaly and Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(7) Arabic-English Dictionary, H. A. Albar.
II) Scientific Culture Books
(1) "Culture of Islamic education", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(2) "The intellectual culture of sustainable development", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(3) "Culture of ethics", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(4) "Culture of postgraduate research", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(5) "The intellectual culture of scientific research", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(6) "Culture of development of the educational structure", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
(7) "Call right: Systemic Thinking of Globalization", Albar, H. A. 1998. (in Arabic)
III) Green Chemistry Books
(1) “Green Chemistry”, H. A. Albar, Mary Alshiekh and H. Medrasy (in Arabic)
(2) “Green Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry”, H. A. Albar, Doha Al-Hasemy and H. Medrasy (in Arabic)
(3) “Green Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry”, H. A. Albar, Mary Alshiekh and H. Medrasy (in Arabic)
(4) Translation of 16 micro-scale green sciences books for UNESCO as follow:
No. / Book Name / أسم الكتاب / StatusChemistry / الكيمياء
1-1 / Micro Chemistry Experiences Advanced Teaching and Learning Packages / تجارب ميكروكيميائية
حقيبة المعلم والمتعلك المتقدمة / T
1-2 / Microchemistry Experiences Advanced Learning Packages / تجارب ميكروكيميائية
حقيبة المتعلك المتقدمة / T
1-3 / Organic Chemistry Microscience Experiments Teacher Manuel –Draft Version / تجارب ميكرو علوم الكيمياء العضوية
دليل المعلم (النسخة قبل النهائية) / T
1-4 / The Combo-Still Some Distillation Procedures. / طرق تقطير الكمبوستيل / T
1-5 / Advanced Learning Packages Primary Microscience experiences second edition / حقيبة المتعلم المتقدمة
تجارب ميكروعلوم الإبتدائية / T
1-6 / Advanced Teaching and Learning Packages Microelectrochemistry Experiments Manuel for Teachers – First Edition / جقيبة المعلم والمتعلم المتقدمة
تجارب ميكروكهروكيميائية
دليل المعلم – الطبعة الأولى / NT
1-7 / Radmaste Microtitration Experiments Manuel for Teachers / ريدماستي ميكروالمعايرة
تجارب دليل المعلمين / NT
1-8 / Radmaste Microtitration Experiments Manual for Secondary School Learning / ريد ماستي ميكرةالمعايرة
دليل تجارب المتعلم للصف الثاني الثانوي / NT
1-9 / New Developments in Microscience / تطوير حديث لعلوم الميكروسكيل / T
Phhysices / الفيزياء
2-10 / Advanced Teaching and Learning Packages Microelectricity Experiences. / حقيبة المعلم والمتعلم المتقدمة / T
2-11 / Phhysices
Manuel for Teachers Grade 10 / فيزياء
دليل المعلمين – المستوي 10 / T
2-12 / Phhysices
Worksheets for Learners Grade 10 / فيزياء
دليل المتعلمين – المستوي 10 / T
2-13 / Phhysices
Manuel for Teachers Grade 11 & 12 / فيزياء
دليل المعلمين – المستوي 11 & 12 / T
2-14 / Phhysices
Worksheets for Learners Grade 11 & 12 / فيزياء
دليل المتعلمين – المستوي 11 & 12 / T
Biology / الأحياء
3-15 / Biology Grade 11 / أحياء – مستوي 11 / T
3-16 / Biology Grade 12 / أحياء – مستوي 12 / T
3-17 / Bio-Observations Organisms / الفحص البيولوجي للكائنات الدقيقة / T
3-18 / Biology Microscience Experiments Teaching and Learning Materiels for Biology First Edition / تجارب ميكرو علوم الأحياء
المواد الأحيائية للمعلم والمتعلم / NT
3-19 / Simulated Abo & RH Blood typing Kit / حقيبة التعرف على انواع فصيلة الدم Abo & RH / T
3-20 / Water Audit Microchem Field Kit . / حقيبة حقل الميكروكيميائية للماء / T
3-21 / Water quality Microchem Field Kit . / حقيبة حقل الميكروكيميائية للماء / NT
T: Translated Book NT : Not translate until now
Appointments abroad
(1) Visiting Kouate University and Education ministry in Kouat, 2005 & 2006
(2) Five visiting to Lester University in UK 2001 to 2005
(3) Visiting several Yaman University, 2003.
(4) Visiting the Karati natural product center in Pakistan, 2003.
(5) Visiting Lile University in San Antoneo, USA, 1997.
2002 Education Development center in Saudi Arabia.
2003 Ministry of Education Jeddah Branish.
2005 Total quality management (TQM)
2008 Roses conference in Altaef University.
Participation on Professional Organization
(1) Chemical hazard and treatments symposium, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1998 (Co-president of Organizing Committee and member of Scientific committee and one of the key speaker in this symposium)
(2) 3rd Arab Conference for systemic approach of learning and teaching, Cairo, Eygpt, 2003 (member of Scientific committee (member of Scientific committee and one of the key speaker in this symposium)
(3) 3rd Arab Conference for systemic approach of learning and teaching, Cairo, Eygpt, 2004 (member of Scientific committee (member of Scientific committee and one of the key speaker in this symposium)
(4) 3rd Arab Conference for systemic approach of learning and teaching, Cairo, Eygpt, 2005 (member of Scientific committee (member of Scientific committee and one of the key speaker in this symposium)
(5) 3rd Arab Conference for systemic approach of learning and teaching, Cairo, Eygpt, 2006 (member of Scientific committee (member of Scientific committee and one of the key speaker in this symposium)
(6) 7th Ibn Sina international conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry, Cairo, Egypt, 2006 3rd Arab Conference for systemic approach of learning and teaching, Cairo, Eygpt, 2003 (member of Scientific committee (member of Scientific committee)
Research grants
eight research projects plus development of general chemistry & some organic chemistry curriculum.
- Western region vice editor-in-Chief of Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
Membership in Local Organizations
- Member on Saudi Chemical Society
- Member on Saudi Biological Society
Membership in International Organizations
- American Chemical Society
- Active member on New York academy of sciences 1997
- Certificate recognition on behalf of the board of directors of American Chemical Society in
grateful appreciation for five years of service
Consultant Experience
(1) Civil Defense 1992-2008
(2) Customs 1998
(3) Ministry of Education, 2004-2009
(4) Jstanip Company for General Trading and Contracting 2005-2009
(5) Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2005
Administrative experiences
- Head of organic laboratories in Chemistry department at King Abdulaziz University 1990-
- Head of Athletic activity committee of Science College, 1992-1994 in king Abdulaziz
- Director of Project Management Unit of Technological and Skill Development Project for
education ministry 2006-2007.
- Executive Director of Development for Undergraduate Education Project for king Abdulaziz
university 2009.
Evaluation of scientific promotion
Evaluation the scientific materials of more than five doctors in several Saudi Universities.
Evaluation of books and research article
Evaluated few Arabic Books and few research projects from King Abdulaziz City for science and eccrinology.
Discussion committee of postgraduate thesis
Three thesis………………….
List of publication
Summary of publication articles in Journals and Conferences
No. / Organic Chemistry Fields / Articles in Arabic / Articles in English / TotalPublished in Journals / Published in Conferences / Sub-Total / Published in Journals / Published in Conferences / Sub-Total
I ( 1-A) / Cycloaddition reactions / 2 / 0 / 2 / 14 / 0 / 14 / 16
I ( 1-B) / Cyclization reactions / 0 / 0 / 0 / 9 / 0 / 9 / 9
I ( 2) / Aziridination reaction / 2 / 0 / 2 / 4 / 0 / 4 / 6
II / Kinetic & Varity / 0 / 0 / 0 / 4 / 0 / 4 / 4
III / Friedel-Crafts Alkylation / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5
IV / Natural Products / 4 / 5 / 9 / 6 / 3 / 9 / 18
V / Green Sciences / 0 / 6 / 6 / 0 / 2 / 2 / 8
VI / Education / 0 / 19 / 19 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 24
TOTAL / 8 / 30 / 38 / 42 / 10 / 52 / 90
-- / -- / -- / --
(90) شنطة الأمن والسلامة لإجراء التجارب العلمية لمراحل التعليم في المدارس والجامعات بتقنيات العلوم الخضراء أو غيرها بالمملكة العربية السعودية" ، حســــن بن عبد القادر حســن البـــار، تحت الأعداد لعام 2009م.
A bag of security and safety for the conduct of scientific experiments to the levels of education in schools and universities, by using green science technologies or others in Saudi Arabia, Unpublish 2009.
(89) العلاقات المنظومية بين وزارات الدولة مع أوضاع الطلاب بالمؤسسات التعليمية بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، حســــن عبد القادر حســـن البــار ، تحت الأعداد لعام 2009م.
Systemic relations between the ministries of the State with the situation of students in educational institutions in Saudi Arabia, Unpublish 2009.
(88) "الفكر منظومي العلاقات بين التنمية المستدامة والقطاعين الحكومي والخاص" ، حســــن عبد القادر حســـن البــار ، تحت الأعداد لعام 2009م.
Thought systemic relationship between sustainable development and public and private sectors, Unpublish 2009.
(87) العلاقة المنظومية بين البيئة التربوية والبيئة التعليمية التطبيقية ونوعية مخرجاتها التي تخدم أهداف التنمية الوطنية بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، حســن بن عبد القادر حسن البار ، تحت الأعداد لعام 2009م.
Systemic relationship between the educational environment and applied scientific environment and quality of output that serve the objectives of sustainable development in Saudi Arabia, Unpublish 2009.
(86) المكونات الكيميائية في نباتات جنس البسياديا (العائلة المركبة) والتي تنمو بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، حســن بن عبد القـادر حسـن البـار ، تحت الأعداد لعام 2009م.
Chemical constituent of P. punctulata from Saudi Arabia, Unpublish 2009.
(85) "أهمية مكونات النباتات العطرية الاقتصادية السعودية في الصناعة" ، حســن عبد القادر البــار، لقاء مهرجان الورد في جامعة الطائف مايو 2008.
The importance of the components of aromatic plants in Saudi economic industry, Roses meeting in Altaef University, Altaet, KSA 2008.
(84) "قياس معايير تنمية مستدامة بمؤسسات التعليم الجامعي بدول العرب في عصر العولمة" ، مؤتمر المدخل المنظومي الأول بجامعة الطفيلة – الأردن 13-15 يوليو 2008م.
Measuring the standards of sustainable development of university education institutions of the Arab countries in the era of globalization, "Education in Global Age", Tofela University, Jordanm 2008.
(83) Systemic relationship between scientific research and industry is reflected on the educational culture to build sustainable development in Saudi Arabia, 20th International Conference on Chemical Education (20th ICCE), 3-8 August 2008.
(82) "Green Research Programs" Phytochemical composition of Plectranthus tenuiflorus, Euryops arabicus and Clutia myricoide extracts and study some of its medical applications, Tagreed Alsufyani1, Faten Korshid3, Asif fatani2, Suad Shaker3, Hassan albar1, 3rd International Conference of Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division, Cairo, Egypt, March 8-6, 2007.
(81) "تقويم كل تجربة من تجارب العلوم الخضراء – التطبيق المنظومي بين المنهج النظري وتقومي المناهج العملية في العلوم الخضراء في المملكة العربية السعودية "، حسن عبد القادر البار ، مؤتمر العلوم الثالث ، الجهة المنظمة كليات العلوم بالجامعات السعودية، مركز الملك فهد الثقافي ، الرياض 10-13 مارس 2007م.
Evaluation of each test from the experiences of the Green Science – Studies of Systemic application between the theoretical and practical approaches under the green science technology in Saudi Arabia, The Science III, the organization science faculties in universities in Saudi Arabia, King Fahd Cultural Center, Riyadh, KSA 2007.