Hobsons Bay City Council

Disability Advisory Committee (DAC)


Wednesday, 22nd June 2011

6.00pm – 8.00pm

Chairperson: Peter Gaschk (Director Planning and Environment)

Minute Taker: Alex Sosa (Coordinator, Social Planning and Development)

1.  Welcome and Apologies

Peter welcomed all to the meeting.

Present (and Introductions):

Kaye Wnek

Lee Ogden

Elvira Steve

Estelle Fyffe

Gerry Carton

Peter Waters

Bree Sheldon (Metro Access officer)

Cr John Hogg

Special Guest Observer: Abbie Kinniburgh


Cr Tony Briffa

Liz Ellis

Maria Cesarello

2.  Futures for Young Adults Program

Heath and Chris from Wesley Mission Australia provided the DAC with information about the Futures for Young Adults Program which aims to work with students with disabilities leaving special schools about their goals for the future (including options for further education and/or employment opportunities) and what supports they need to achieve their identified goals.

Heath explained that the availability of funding usually inhibits choice for individuals. The DAC discussed the difficulties in ensuring funding meets demands for programs such as these, as well as the importance of ensuring information about these programs is disseminated across sectors and/or available on the Council website in some way.

3.  Ucan Cafe at Altona North Community Library

Suzanne Gately (Manager of Council’s Libraries), alongside members of the Ucan Cafe steering committee provided the DAC with information about the progress undertaken to date to establish the Ucan Cafe at the Altona North Library.

The Ucan Cafe has been an initiative developed between Yooralla and the Council. Both Commonwealth and State government funding as well as private sponsorship has been secured to make the Cafe possible. The group is looking to extend this initiative to other States, using a licensing model; profits from cafes set up to go towards expansion into other sites.

Suzanne informed that it is estimated that the opening will occur in August 2011 and the group is now looking to establish a steering committee to oversee the Cafe. The group is looking for a member of the DAC to sit on this steering committee – which will play an advisory role to assist Yooralla with the establishment and ongoing operations of the Cafe.

A project officer employed by Yooralla will oversee the cafe project. The positions of cafe manager and assistant manager have been advertised and the group was also looking for a member of the DAC to sit on the interview panel.

Action: Bree and Suzanne to liaise to put together information about both the steering committee and the interview panel for DAC members to consider.

Action: DAC members to consider this information and inform Bree at their earliest convenience if they are interested in being involved.

4.  Adoption of Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Committee endorsed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Moved: Kaye Wnek

Seconded: Lee Ogden


5.  Matters Arising from Previous Meeting

Public Transport Access

Peter Waters provided an update to the DAC about the campaign being undertaken in response to the changes to the timetables which has resulted in a decrease to the frequency of trains into Hobsons Bay. He requested that more people get involved by getting in contact with him, to ensure more pressure is put on the government to address the issue.

The issue about physical access at Laverton was also discussed, following responses from both the Department of Transport (DOT) Secretary and the Transport Minister (copies of letters provided to DAC members) to letters written to them by the Council. Gerry informed that he has written to Bernie Finn raising the lack of adequate emergency procedures at the station. Lee tabled a letter from a resident who experienced both delays while trying to get to Werribee and also physical access issues in not being able to leave the platform at the Laverton station with her pram.

The DAC agreed that advocacy needs to continue in relation to both these transport access issues. The Council continues to raise the issue where possible.

Action: Council officers to investigate possibility of inviting representatives from Metro and DOT and/or local members to meet with the DAC to discuss the issues relating to public transport accessibility in Hobsons Bay.

6.  International Day for People with a Disability (IDPWD)

Bree was present to seek volunteers to join an event planning working group for the 2011 IDPWD event. Bree informed that Peter Waters has already volunteered. Kaye, Lee and Elvira volunteered to join the working group.

Action: Bree to set up first meeting of the working group in the near future.

7.  Other Business

7.1 Lighting in Accessible Toilets

As a result of feedback provided to the Council in relation to the light in the Council’s accessible toilet turning off too quickly, Bree informed that the automated lighting in the Council’s has now been extended to remain on for approximately 13 minutes.

7.2 Visibility of People in Scooters at Roundabout

Lee informed that vegetation within a private dwelling is impeding motorists’ view at the roundabout at Civic Pde and Millers Rd (near Seabrook Primary School), particularly making it difficult to see pedestrians and/or people in scooters who are crossing at the roundabout.

Action: Bree to consult with traffic engineers in relation to this issue and report back to next DAC meeting.

7.3 National Disability insurance Scheme

Estelle requested if Hobsons Bay City Council could promote the National Disability Insurance Scheme via an article in the local media. Bree informed the DAC that council have been promoting the campaign internally and through Libraries, council are attempting to have the campaign promoted in the local media however is dependent on the media whether they run with the story. Estelle also requested if the petition for the campaign could be set up at the civic centre and libraries.

Action: Bree to arrange for NDIS petitions to be set up at the Civic Centre and Hobsons Bay Libraries.

8.  Next Meeting

The next DAC meeting is scheduled to take place on the 31st August 2011 at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre. Further details to be confirmed by Maria closer to the date.