Lori Wallace
Counselor Responsibility
My role as counselor of Mary Weeks Burroughs Elementary School is to assist students in their efforts to learn the skills and attitudes required for school success. I emphasize the six pillars of character as well as decision making, conflict resolution, and career exploration, to name a few of the activities and lessons taught. I also help students to develop a healthy self-esteems and how to maintain good interpersonal relationships. It is my job to manage and implement a comprehensive counseling and guidance program that ensures every student has equal opportunity to all services provided by the counselor.
The Comprehensive School Counseling and Guidance Program at Burroughs gives students the opportunity to acquire competencies in the three domains of Academic Development, Career Development, and Personal/Social Development. A combination of the four program delivery components (School Guidance Curriculum, Individual Planning, Responsive Services, and System Support) is utilized in assisting students to achieve these competencies.
School Guidance Curriculum
At Burroughs Elementary School, the guidance curriculum consists of structured developmental experience presented systematically through classroom and group activities in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The purpose of the guidance curriculum is to provide all students at all levels with knowledge of normal growth and development, to promote positive mental health, and to assist in the acquisition of life skills. The curriculum is organized around three major domains: Academic Develop which includes lesson in good listening skills, learning styles and study and testing skills; Career Development includes lessons on the exploration of future jobs or careers, career portfolios and monthly career speakers from a plethora of careers to prepare them to enter the workforce with knowledge; Personal/Social Development includes lessons in anger management, bullying, respect, responsibility, healthy friendships, personal safety and conflict resolution. However, the cooperation and support of the entire school is necessary to maintain an effective guidance curriculum. Other delivery options include:
Classroom Activities: Classroom or Whole Group guidance is a large component of the Burroughs Elementary Counseling Program. The lessons mentioned above and activities that accompany them are selected in compliance to the Alabama Guidance Plan’s Curriculum Scope and Sequence. Selected lessons are then personalized to the unique needs of Burroughs’ students. Character Education lessons are also incorporated into the guidance curriculum monthly (see yearly schedule). A variety of resources are utilized in implementing lessons in order to capture and maintain students’ attention. Large group guidance is conducted on a bi-weekly schedule by one half-time counselor in all classrooms, prekindergarten-fifth grades.
Group Activities: Small group counseling is another important component of the Burroughs Elementary Counseling Program. The counselor conducts small group activities in the counseling center in response to student needs, teachers, administrator and parent requests or concerns. These groups range from three to six weeks sessions and begin in the second quarter of the school year unless otherwise requested. The groups address situations such as conflict resolution, getting along with others, bullying, self-esteem and study skills to name a few. Crisis counseling can also be done in a small group or individual sessions depending upon the need.
Individual Student Planning(ISP)
ISPis another critical component of Burroughs Elementary School Counseling Program in that the counselor is able to personalize and tailor counseling to meet individual needs. This is provided for students on an as needed basis. During this time, the counselor interviews students to discuss academic concerns such as test interpretation and grades; career exploration and/or student’s future career goals; and personal/social issues or concerns that the student may be facing. This gives the student the opportunity to monitor
Responsive Services:
Referrals are made to the guidance counselor via email and Problem Solving Team (PST) meetings from teachers and administrators as well as phone calls from parents, etc. The Counselor consults and collaborates with administrator and teachers during PST Meetings concerning individual students who may need to make improvements in the classroom & provide strategies to address their concerns. The counselor consults with parents and teachers during parent conferences about their child’s individual needs only when necessary. Referrals to outside agencies are made by the counselor to recommended community resources and to those listed in the community resource manual on an as needed basis.
Individual Counseling is available to all students and is provided to students on an as needed basis (referrals).
Small Groups are developed as a result of referrals or collaboration with administrator, teachers and/or parents throughout the school year
Crisis Counseling is provided to any student who is identified through the Mobile County Public Schools’ Safety Plan or from above mentioned referral process.
System Support
Professional Development: The counselor participates in all the required Burroughs Elementary School’s professional development and in-service activities as well as Mobile County Public Schools Guidance Department’s PD and In-services (See Counselor’s PD history, tab 21).
In-services: The counselor provides in-service to faculty and staff in school guidance and areas of concernaa needed.
Consultation, collaboration, teaming and community outreach are addressed above.