October 2009

NOTE: This is not meant to be all-inclusive but rather intended to be a guide for some of the items that either Compliance or Audit would be looking for in a review or audit.

Adequate segregation of duties:

An example of this is a person assigned to enter sick and vacation time in Define should not be entering in their own. All transactions should have 2 people involved, not just one.

HUB purchasing percentages:

Departments are encouraged to utilize Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) vendors when purchasing commodities to meet or exceed the state recommendation of 12.6% of their M&O budget to HUB.


If equipment such as a laptop is checked out to an employee, use the Property Removal Permit form on Financial Services website. Have both the employee and the department head sign the form. Keep a copy for your files and send a copy to the Inventory Clerk in Financial Services.

If your area has equipment that is constantly being moved, keep an equipment log to be able to account for your equipment at all times.

For equipment that is no longer needed by your area, there are procedures you must follow and these can be found at:


No individual transaction purchases over $999.00

Procard can nowbe used for purchasing memberships – all memberships must be prior approved by the Provost through email if using a procard (attach email showing approval to the membership invoice)

Procard cannot be used to purchase food

Use the Procurement Card Transaction Log form on Financial Services website

Purchasing/Accounts Payable:

Date stamp all invoices upon receipt

Voucher should be processed in Define within 8 days of invoice/receipt

The University is tax exempt and does not pay Texas state sales tax


Reconcile all accounts including salary and wage accounts on a monthly basis. Both the reconciler and the budget authority’s signature are required on the reconciliation.

Reimbursements to employees:

All food reimbursements to employees are made using the VPEs (payment voucher must be signed by employee and use the Request For Payment of Business Expense form on Financial Services website – employee and supervisor must sign this form) All other reimbursements to employees are made using the VP2s (payment voucher must be signed by employee and use the Request For Payment of Business Expense form on Financial Services website - employee and supervisor must sign this form)


All travel is paid out of ‘75’ accounts whether employees, students, or prospective employees. Note: Registration fees are paid from ‘50” accounts.

All travel reimbursement vouchers must be signed by the traveler

If an employee is requesting reimbursement for meals on day trip only (no overnight stay) that employee must be away from headquarters over 6 hours and any amount paid to that employee for meals will be added to their W2 by Payroll as income earned.