Project Design Matrix (PDM)

PalauInternationalCoralReefCenter Strengthening Project

Duration: 10/1/2002~9/30/2006

Executing Organization: Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC)

Narrative Summary / Objectively Verifiable Indicators / Means of Verification / Important Assumptions
Overall Goal:
Conservation and sustainable use of coral reef ecosystem and related biota in Palau are improved. /
  1. Improvement of national policy and institutional arrangement on coral reef conservation based on scientific research / study outcomes.
  2. Enhanced conservation consciousness of Palauan people
/ 1. Designation of Marine Protected Areas
2. Application of scientific outcomes to environment impact assessment
3. Questionnaire and interview / Drastic change of marine environment parameters such as sea water temperature is not occurred.
Project Purpose:
To attain self-sustainability of PICRC, the center’s administrative, research and exhibition / education capacity are strengthened. /
  1. Quality and quantity of PICRC personnel
  2. Financial soundness
  3. Contents of research program
  4. Aquarium exhibition, operation and maintenance
  5. Contents of education program
  1. Center’s annual reports
  2. Budgetary summaries, balance sheets, profit and loss statements
  3. Scientific reports and research outcomes
  4. Exhibits, operation and maintenance records of aquarium
  5. Education activities record
  1. Coral reefs in Palau are not heavily affected by terrestrial development activities.
  2. Conservation policy and strategy of Palau government is not changed drastically.

  1. Administration
Center is administered in organized and planned manner.
  1. Aquarium Operation
Aquarium is self-sustained in exhibition, operation and maintenance.
  1. Research
Coral reef research and monitoring function is firmly established.
  1. Education
Education division is capable of conducting environmental education on coastal resources for students and community. / 1-1.Number of trained staff
1-2.Increase of ratio / actual amount of self-revenue
2-1. Stabled rearing
2-2. Periodical updates of exhibition
2-3. Operation of facility without major disruption
2-4. Periodical Maintenance of Facility
3-1. Monitoring: 14 permanent sites and 100 spot checks
3-2. Monitoring data entered into GIS
3-3. Scientific Publications: more than 5
3-4. Training, workshops and symposium: more than 5
3-5. Technical Assistant to States and National governments: more than 4
4-1.School support program: all the elementary and secondary students are educated in the program
4-2. Community outreach program: implemented in all the states
4-3. Reference database: compiled and open to the public / 1-1.Personnel allocation / Training record
1-2.Budgetary summaries, balance sheets, profit and loss statements
2-1. Aquarium inventory / operation and maintenance record
2-2. Accident-recovery records
3-1. Monitoring record
3-2. Monitoring record in GIS
3-3. Scientific publications and reports
3-4. Training records and participants number
4-1.School support program records
4-2. Activity records
4-3. Cataloged references /
  1. The Center is not drastically shifted to be self-supporting financially.
  2. Research grants are stably secured.

4 Activities:
1. Administration
1-1Staff enhancement and capacity building
1-2Establishment of financial management system
1-3Facility maintenance and improvement
1-4Planning and implementation of revenue generation program
1-5Marketing activities
2. Aquarium Operation
2-1Renewal and improvement of exhibition
2-2Research on rearing spices
2-3Proper operation and maintenance of facility
2-4Exchange of resources and information with overseas institutions
2-5Obtaining increased number of visitors
3. Research
3-1Monitoring surveys (permanent sites and spot checks)
3-2Research projects
3-3GIS and database management
3-4Current and bathymetry study
3-5Facilitating visiting researcher and collaborative research
3-6Strengthening function as GCRMN Node
3-7Surveys of Marine Protected Areas
3-8Holding trainings, workshops and symposiums
4. Education
4-1Provision of environmental education under the school support program
4-2Planning and implementation of community outreach program
4-3Development of collection and database of published marine scientific works about Micronesia
4-4Teacher’s training
4-5Science program with PalauCommunity College / Inputs:
1. Palauan side
(1) Counterpart assignment
1) Chief executive officer 1
2) Administration 2
3) Development 2
4) Research 4
5) Aquarium 3
6) Education 1
7) Engineering 2
(2) Provision of land, facility and equipment
(3) Budgetary arrangement to PICRC by the Government of Palau
2. Japanese side
(1) Long-term experts
1) Chief advisor / Institutional development 1
2) Research Coordinator 1
3) Resident aquarist 1
(2) Short-term experts
Several per year
(3) Training of Palauan personnel in Japan
1) Short-term training: around 2 per year
2) Long-term training: around 2 during the project period
(4) Provision of machinery and equipment
(5) Project activity support measures
(6) JOCV in environmental education 1) / 1. Turnover of counterparts is low.
2. Number of tourists visiting Palau is not drastically decreased.
The Government of Palau provides grant to balance PICRC’s operational budget.
