Project Design Matrix (PDM)
PalauInternationalCoralReefCenter Strengthening Project
Duration: 10/1/2002~9/30/2006
Executing Organization: Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC)
Narrative Summary / Objectively Verifiable Indicators / Means of Verification / Important AssumptionsOverall Goal:
Conservation and sustainable use of coral reef ecosystem and related biota in Palau are improved. /
- Improvement of national policy and institutional arrangement on coral reef conservation based on scientific research / study outcomes.
- Enhanced conservation consciousness of Palauan people
2. Application of scientific outcomes to environment impact assessment
3. Questionnaire and interview / Drastic change of marine environment parameters such as sea water temperature is not occurred.
Project Purpose:
To attain self-sustainability of PICRC, the center’s administrative, research and exhibition / education capacity are strengthened. /
- Quality and quantity of PICRC personnel
- Financial soundness
- Contents of research program
- Aquarium exhibition, operation and maintenance
- Contents of education program
- Center’s annual reports
- Budgetary summaries, balance sheets, profit and loss statements
- Scientific reports and research outcomes
- Exhibits, operation and maintenance records of aquarium
- Education activities record
- Coral reefs in Palau are not heavily affected by terrestrial development activities.
- Conservation policy and strategy of Palau government is not changed drastically.
- Administration
- Aquarium Operation
- Research
- Education
1-2.Increase of ratio / actual amount of self-revenue
2-1. Stabled rearing
2-2. Periodical updates of exhibition
2-3. Operation of facility without major disruption
2-4. Periodical Maintenance of Facility
3-1. Monitoring: 14 permanent sites and 100 spot checks
3-2. Monitoring data entered into GIS
3-3. Scientific Publications: more than 5
3-4. Training, workshops and symposium: more than 5
3-5. Technical Assistant to States and National governments: more than 4
4-1.School support program: all the elementary and secondary students are educated in the program
4-2. Community outreach program: implemented in all the states
4-3. Reference database: compiled and open to the public / 1-1.Personnel allocation / Training record
1-2.Budgetary summaries, balance sheets, profit and loss statements
2-1. Aquarium inventory / operation and maintenance record
2-2. Accident-recovery records
3-1. Monitoring record
3-2. Monitoring record in GIS
3-3. Scientific publications and reports
3-4. Training records and participants number
4-1.School support program records
4-2. Activity records
4-3. Cataloged references /
- The Center is not drastically shifted to be self-supporting financially.
- Research grants are stably secured.
4 Activities:
1. Administration
1-1Staff enhancement and capacity building
1-2Establishment of financial management system
1-3Facility maintenance and improvement
1-4Planning and implementation of revenue generation program
1-5Marketing activities
2. Aquarium Operation
2-1Renewal and improvement of exhibition
2-2Research on rearing spices
2-3Proper operation and maintenance of facility
2-4Exchange of resources and information with overseas institutions
2-5Obtaining increased number of visitors
3. Research
3-1Monitoring surveys (permanent sites and spot checks)
3-2Research projects
3-3GIS and database management
3-4Current and bathymetry study
3-5Facilitating visiting researcher and collaborative research
3-6Strengthening function as GCRMN Node
3-7Surveys of Marine Protected Areas
3-8Holding trainings, workshops and symposiums
4. Education
4-1Provision of environmental education under the school support program
4-2Planning and implementation of community outreach program
4-3Development of collection and database of published marine scientific works about Micronesia
4-4Teacher’s training
4-5Science program with PalauCommunity College / Inputs:
1. Palauan side
(1) Counterpart assignment
1) Chief executive officer 1
2) Administration 2
3) Development 2
4) Research 4
5) Aquarium 3
6) Education 1
7) Engineering 2
(2) Provision of land, facility and equipment
(3) Budgetary arrangement to PICRC by the Government of Palau
2. Japanese side
(1) Long-term experts
1) Chief advisor / Institutional development 1
2) Research Coordinator 1
3) Resident aquarist 1
(2) Short-term experts
Several per year
(3) Training of Palauan personnel in Japan
1) Short-term training: around 2 per year
2) Long-term training: around 2 during the project period
(4) Provision of machinery and equipment
(5) Project activity support measures
(6) JOCV in environmental education 1) / 1. Turnover of counterparts is low.
2. Number of tourists visiting Palau is not drastically decreased.
The Government of Palau provides grant to balance PICRC’s operational budget.