“If not me, then who” Travis Manion, 1st Lt USMC (RIP)

Mark Gerner and John Belton of PWCOFFSHORE.COM Racing to ride PWC / Jet Skis 235 miles across the open ocean on Kawasaki ULTRA LX Jet Skis from Santa Barbara, Ca to Coronado (San Diego, Ca.) on Jet Ski’s in one day to honor our wounded and deceased veterans. They are doing so in pursuit of exposure of the three charities below and your donations directly to these charities. But before we talk about this amazing offshore ride, here is what YOU can do:

Please click, review and DONATE to The Travis Manion Foundation: http://www.travismanion.com/support-the-cause.html please watch the video on the right of this page.

"If not me, then who.." Travis Manion

“Before he left for his second tour in Iraq, 1st Lt. Travis Manion was asked why he had to go back to war. His simple response: "If Not Me, Then Who..." inspired many, including his mother, who founded the Travis Manion Foundation shortly after Travis was killed on April 29, 2007. Until she passed away nearly five years later, Janet Manion spent every day embodying the poignant words that her only son once spoke. Helping those in need was something that came very easily for Travis and Janet. In keeping the spirit of their selfless nature alive, the Travis Manion Foundation continues their noble mission through pillar programs that assist our nation's troops, veterans, military families, and loved ones of fallen heroes. Please consider investing in the Travis Manion Foundation's "If Not Me, Then Who..." mission.” www.travismanion.com

DONATE to The Phoenix Patriot Foundation: http://phoenixpatriotfoundation.org/

The Phoenix Patriot Foundation's mission is to provide direct support to severely wounded veterans enabling them to fully recover, reintegrate and remain engaged in serving America.

DONATE to The Wounded Warrior Project: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/

The Wounded Warrior Project is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history. To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of injured service members. To help injured service members aid and assist each other and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members

Our objective is to generate $10,000.00 for each of these three charities

(please make contributions directly to the charities, please do not send any donations to the riders please).

What can YOU do to show support? Contribute no less than 3.00 to each of these three charities! That is less than a Starbucks Latte for each charity! Also review their web pages and learn more about how you could possibly support these great charities! Forward this email to all that might want to contribute - Thank you!

The Ride:

Mark Gerner, a former US Marine Infantry Officer and John Belton of PWCOFFSHORE.COM will ride PWC / Jet Skis for a distance of 235 miles in November of 2012 across the open ocean from Santa Barbara to Oxnard, Ca., then across the channel to Avalon (Catalina Island) then back ocross the channel to Oceanside, Ca., then to Coronado (San Diego) all in one day in November of 2012. They are making this epic offshore ride to bring exposure and fundraising to these three great charities. Follow the yellow tacks on the map for the route.

The Riders:

Mark Gerner is founder of PWCOFFSHORE.COM, a former Mark Hahn 300 mile race overall winner (with race partner Robert Carreon), Mark Hahn 300 Mile Iron Man winner, a 2nd place overall finisher at the Long Beach to Catalina and Back Offshore National Championships and former overall Triple Crown of Offshore Champion. He has been riding Personal Watercraft / Jet Skis offshore for fifteen years.

John Belton is a former Mark Hahn 300 mile race overall Champion (with race partner Tracy Malan) and one of the most experienced offshore Personal Watercraft / Jet Ski riders in the world with over 30 years of offshore experience and in excess of 1000 cross channel transits from Long Beach to Catalina and back rides on a Jet Ski.

Ride Sponsors:
Kawasaki: Thank you Kawasaki for supporting this great cause with two Kawasaki ULTRA LX Jet Skis provided for this epic ride! www.kawasaki.com
PWCOFFSHORE Racing: www.pwcoffshore.com

Ride Supporters:
Liquid Militia: www.liquidmilitia.com
K38 Water Safety: http://k38watersafety.com/forum