Request for Consideration of Candidacy for

Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church

Lay Delegate

Please complete this form and submit via U.S. mail to
Resurrection MCC, 2025 W. 11th St., Houston, TX 77008-6320
or by fax to 713-861-2520
no later than September 16, 2016
For an electronic version of this form, email:

The first two pages of this form will be removed from the packet distributed to the general congregation and will be kept in a confidential file to be viewed by the nominating committee and selected staff only. All other pages of the packet will be copied and distributed to the congregation to help them in their decision-making process. Candidates are also expected to submit a resume for review.

Name: ______

(first)(middle initial)(last)

Address: ______

(street # & name)(city)(state) (zip)

Home Phone: ______Alternate Phone: ______

Email Address: ______

Current Employer: ______

Length of Employment: ______

Please provide the names and phone numbers of three references from the Resurrection congregation that know you well and also know of your service to the church. Make sure they are aware and approve of your using their names as references.

Name: ______Phone #: ______

Name: ______Phone #: ______

Name: ______Phone #: ______

Your Name: ______Length of Membership at RMCC: ______

Date of Application: ______

Occupation: ______

Job Duties and Responsibilities: ______



Have you ever been convicted of or fined and/or sentenced, including probation, for any criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony), or have you ever pleaded guilty or ‘no contest’ (nolo contendere) to any criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony)?

(A “yes” answer is not an automatic disqualification but refusal to answer the question or failure to answer it truthfully will lead to automatic disqualification.)



If you checked the “yes” box above, please answer the following questions:

When? ______


What kind of crime and what were the circumstances surrounding the incident?


What was the outcome?


I understand that this application is required of all applicants for the Resurrection MCC Lay Delegates, and that an interview (or interviews) is required before a decision is made to fill this position.

The information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any of the above-mentioned persons or churches to give Resurrection MCC any information, including opinions, which they may have regarding my character and suitability for the position I am applying.

I authorize Resurrection MCC to request any criminal and civil record information available about me on a yearly basis. I waive my right to inspect any information provided about me by any individual or organization.

I promise if selected for this position to fulfill my commitment by being punctual, prepared and as enthusiastic as I am able. If for any reason I am unable to be present when scheduled, I will notify the proper person.

Please list any other names that you have used other than what you have presented on this form.



Applicant's SignatureDate


Print NameTX Driver License #Social Security #



2025 W. 11th Street, Houston, Texas 77008

Office (713) 861-9149

Fax: (713) 861-2520

Local By-Laws Regarding Lay Delegates

Article V – Government, Organization and Structure
Section E – Lay Delegates
One (1) Lay Delegate shall be elected at the first Congregational meeting

following the General Conference of the Fellowship for every one hundred (100)

Members in Good Standing or portion thereof. Lay Delegates shall serve for three

(3) years. Lay Delegates duties shall include representation of the Congregation

at Network and General Conferences and maintaining an awareness of Network and General concerns and issues. Lay Delegates shall have been Members in Good Standing at RMCC for at least one (1) year. Nominees who receive votes, but are not elected as a Lay Delegate, shall be considered as an Alternate Lay Delegate and shall fill vacant Lay Delegate positions according to the priority established by the number of votes received. Lay Delegates shall elect from among themselves a leader, known as the Lay Representative. The Lay Delegate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall serve as Interim Lay Representative and shall call an organizational meeting for the purpose of electing the Lay Representative. The Lay Representative shall be responsible for ensuring that all Lay Delegates are kept aware of their responsibilities, of meetings, and conference dates and agendas, and shall ensure that a report of all conferences and meetings is presented to the Board of Directors and the Congregation in a timely manner. In the event that elected Lay Delegates or Alternates are unable to attend a particular conference; the Board of Directors may appoint a substitute for the conference only.



2025 WEST 11TH, Houston, TX 77008

What is a Lay Delegate?
A representative of the Resurrection MCC congregation at the Network and Fellowship levels of Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC).
A voting member at the network and general conference business meetings of UFMCC.
A member of RMCC with a desire to address the concerns, needs, and priorities of the congregation, network and fellowship.
Lay Delegate Application
The Nominating Committee appreciates your interest in applying for one of the open Lay Delegate positions at Resurrection MCC. As you consider this position, remember that the rewards are many for those who serve God and others. Please pray for this Committee that the Spirit of God will lead us as we consider the submitted applications for these leadership positions.
The instructions for submitting the application are as follows:
For an electronic version of this form, please download a copy from the home page of our Web site at

Read and understand the requirements of the position.
Complete the application electronically. Answers must be typed.

Do not alter the application from its original format, except to add lines for responses.
Limit your responses to the original three-page format. You will be given the opportunity to discuss your answers in detail at the interview.
Submit your application via U.S. mail to Resurrection, 2025 W. 11th, Houston, TX 77008, by fax at (713) 861-2520 or in the church officenolater than September 16, 2016.

The Nominating Committee will review your application, and then contact you to schedule an interview. We will conduct interviews during the month of September 2016.

If you have questions or comments, you are welcome to contact any of the committee members listed below.
Yours in Christ,

The Nominating Committee

Your Name: Length of Membership at RMCC:

Date of Application:


The information you provide on the following pages will be reproduced exactly as it appears here for distribution in the congregational packet.

  1. Why do you wish to be considered as a nominee for a Lay Delegate position?



  1. Lay Delegates are considered leaders of the church; how do you make your leadership stays fresh and exemplifies the vision, mission and direction of the church?



  1. List current and previous involvement in church ministries/volunteer activities at Resurrection and other churches or community organizations. Begin with most recent activities.

Church/Community Organization Name / Length of
Service / Responsibility
  1. What is your understanding to the commitment regarding stewardship of time, talents and finances relating to the position of Lay Delegate in regard to our Network and General conferences?



  1. What skills do you have that would be an asset to the position?



  1. What are your major strengths in the areas of leadership, communication and diplomacy?



  1. A Lay Delegate is expected to represent the views of the congregation. If elected, how will you go about determining the views of the congregation?



  1. Demonstrate a time that you were able to put your personal preferences aside to represent the views of others (i.e. company, group or associations)? Please explain the outcome.



  1. Describe the congregation (RMCC) you will be representing if elected as a Lay Delegate?



  1. If elected to serve as a Lay Delegate, how would you want your tenure to be remembered by the congregation at the end of your term?

