Network of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean Countries

on Joint Innovation and Research Activities

Application form

Pilot Coordination Actions (PCA)

Promoting mutual opening and coordination of existing programmes

Opening of the call:5th June 2014

Deadline for submission:1st October 2014

Assessment decision meeting:December 2014

Starting activities:January 2015

Call for Expression of Interest available on the ERANet-LAC website.

Please contact the Common helpdesk (IRD and CONICYT) at .

The proposal has to be submitted by the coordinator of the project to IRD & CONICYT at before the 1st October 2014, 17.00 PM Brussels time. A helpdesk will be ensured during the opening of the call at this email-address.

The proposal will include:

-The application form filled in

-Annex A: list of participants (details and contacts)

- Annex B: letter of intent signed by the lead institution

- Any additional information if relevant


General presentation


Impact and sustainability

General presentation

Title of the coordination action:

(Short title with the key words of the proposal)


Type of action developed:

(Can be cross-cutting)





1.Presentation of programmes being coordinated(1,25/5)

(For each programme involved: name and acronym of the programme, institution managing, other institutions involved, objectives, activities and results, key-dates, budget)


2.Objectives of the coordination action(1,25/5)

(Type of coordination expected through the Pilot Coordination Action)


3.Scope of the proposal (geographical, institutional)(1,25/5)

(Geographical and institutional scope covered by partners, perspectives for extension to other programmes, other types of institution, other countries)


4.Added-value to the existing cooperation(1,25/5)

(Taking into account the current cooperation in the field tackled by the PCA, its weaknesses and strengths, the existing partnerships…)



At least two Latin American or Caribbean countries and two European countries: representative partners of the geographical diversity over EU-CELAC

1.List of participants (details and contacts)(1,25/5)

To be filled in Annex A

Contact name / Programme acronym / Institution / Country / Address / Email address / Telephone number

2.Experience on bilateral-multilateral cooperation(1,25/5)

(Institution’s programmes, projects, agreements related to the cooperation of PCA, results of the programmes involved in the PCA…)


3.Complementary among partners(1,25/5)

(Experience in complementary fields, type of expertise)


4.Novelty of the partnership(1,25/5)

(Integrating new partners considering the current partnerships of the programmes and institutions involved)


Impactand sustainability

1.Description of activities and milestones(1,25/5)

(Steps to reach the objectives described in Part 1 General Presentation)


2.Schedule of the activities and meetings(1,25/5)

(Location, participants, virtual meetings, back-to-back events, site visits)


3.Budget distribution(1,25/5)

(Evaluation of the costs of the meetings and visits)


4.Expected results on the existing biregional cooperation scheme(1,25/5)

(Concrete final achievement of the Pilot Coordination Action)


Annex A: Participants list

Contact name / Programme acronym / Institution / Address / Email address / Telephone number