Student Government

Wright State University

November 5, 2013

Week 11

ñCall to Order: 7:02 p.m.

ñAttendance: Sukhmanjit Singh, Rachel Fagan, JB Saul, Karli Lightner, Jennifer Barbadora, Lauren Ouwerkerk, Kaliah Ware, Peyton Jones, Kyle Powell, Zena Fadel, Preeteesh Leo Mylabathula, Emily Bingham, Fady Al-Banna, Megan Ater, Erika Leitz, Jackie Kucirka, Megan Gillespie, Anthony Hinojosa, Jordan Young, Christine Ton, Gabriel Riegle, Casey Babbitt, Sienna Spears, Michelle Callaham, Michelle Coale, Phillip Logan, Elizabeth Mathews, Matthew Johnson, Andrea Sackett, Megan Gray, Meridith Brackman, Aaron Baker, UC Proxy

ñAbsent: Amaha Sellassie, Estrella Alvarez, Jennifer Benson

ñApproval of Minutes from October 29, 2013

ñExecutive Reports

ñPresident- Sukhmanjit Singh:

ñNational Non-profit Leadership Alliance. Raiderthon is looking great! Meeting with Marketing and Communications regarding Raiderthon.

ñVice-President- Rachel Fagan

ñThanksgiving meeting is moved to November 19th and will be at Forest Lane Community Center (casual attire). You will be sent an email with an item to bring. If you are going to OU’s conference, please let me know. We may be doing a trip to OU’s campus to visit their Sg as well.

ñChief of Staff- JB Saul

ñRaiderthon- operations. Met with Cabinet members about Resolutions and making progress. Off-site vendor meetings for Raiderthon, CSA started with Megan.

ñChief Justice- Karli Lightner

ñJudicial Branch finalized bylaw changes. Resolutions will be written soon. Graduate Senator applications are due this upcoming Wednesday. Starting timeline for spring elections- talk to your constituents. Will be starting elections soon in the spring.

ñDirector of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora

ñBudget report: ASGA charges updated (just under $4000 and we were budgeted $4500). Purchased new computer for the office. Added in Constitution Day charges, extra Polos, September printing charges, October phone bill costs. Reports due this week and timesheets due Friday!

ñCabinet Reports

ñSpeaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk

ñHouse Party- Working out number of Orgs that will register for it (looking at 30-40). Like our Facebook page and Twitter! Meeting with Advisor to ensure we are advocating for all organizations. Organizing speaker for sports organizations/Campus Recreation

ñAssistant Speaker of the House- Kaliah Ware

ñHOR- ways orgs can maintain accountability, Nov 13th- HOR, November 19th- SFC, Relay for Life Sign up sheet

ñDirector of Academic Affairs- Kyle Powell

ñRaiderthon has over 600 people! Second phase: can still register (no t-shirt), food may be available. Meeting with WHIO/Dayton Daily News- get more money for Raiderthon

ñDonors Play- $23.00 check.

ñGraduate tuition

ñContracted with Cedarville university for coupon book (raise funds for scholarship)

ñZipcar- looking into means for this

ñODOT- no map on website, will contact

ñDirector of Disability Affairs- Megan Gillespie

ñMeeting for Candidates, Approving budget costs for elevator signage, Advisory board contacts

ñDirector of Campus Culture- Emily Bingham:

ñREACH panel- Grad/UVC classes- both successful, met with Matt Boaz and Director of Women’s Center regarding Resolution 13-28

ñMLK week events are starting to be planned, please let me know if you are interested in helping

ñDirector of International Affairs- Fady Al-Banna

ñCultural Hours available by LEAP and UCIE, Recruiting new international students, Selecting panelists for International Week

ñ –send any concerns to this website

ñDirector of Public Relations- Megan Ater

ñRaiderthon images, t-shirts, Raiderthon video

ñElectronic board- put up new images

ñTransitioning new Associate

ñDirector of Student Affairs- Erika Leitz

ñMeeting with Mark Gazdik about participation at basketball games

ñOffices on campus- promotion on campus to increase pride/school spirit

ñStudent Affairs Standing Committee- finding most common problems on campus

ñAssociate of Veterans’ Affairs- Anthony Hinojosa

ñYoung’s Dairy Event- 30 vets and families attended

ñVeterans Day event November 12th from 10:30 to 4:30 pm--need help passing out flyers

ñAssociate of Athletics- Jordan Young

ñRaiderthon- met with Gymnastics Team captain (at 4:30 pm), Emerald Jazz will be attending as well

ñSports Club Council November 13th

ñCSA with Megan

ñStory with Guardian regarding new information on swimming pool, referred the Guardian to people with more information

ñSenate Reports

ñBoonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Casey Babbitt

ñPancake breakfast- raised $600, Raiderthon- raised $300

ñCollege of Education and Human Services Senator- Michelle Coale

ñRaider Open House, Disability Awareness event

ñWorking on ice cream social event, leadership positions for transitioning to next year

ñCollege of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michelle Callaham

ñXtreme Bot competition- talked about opportunities offered at WSU

ñDSAB: Peer mentoring event that helped freshman pick out schedules for next semester

ñWorking on entire campus event in January

ñCollege of Liberal Arts Senator- Phillip Logan

ñFaculty Senate Expansion

ñNational Science Foundation Grants- Shared with other organizations

ñCollege of Nursing and Health Senator- Elizabeth Mathews

ñMeet and greet with Dean Manus- November 19th 1- 2:30 basement of UH

ñDSAB meeting on November 20th

ñCollege of Science and Mathematics Senator- Matthew Johnson

ñBookstore Committee

ñDean Circle on 23rd- update on SG (Salt Barn), Pedestrian Bridge

ñMeet and Greet for DSAB’s in the near future

ñCommuter Senator- Megan Gray

ñGetting E-board together for CSA

ñOff-campus housing fair/Finals survival

ñReplaced microwave in computer student lounge

ñRob Kretzer- improve parking

ñLake Campus Senator- Aaron Baker

ñWorking with faculty, introducing myself to student organizations- telling goals

ñMeeting with Dean soon

ñRaj Soin College of Business Senator- Meridith Brackman

ñRaider Open House, DSAB Basketball event

ñBusiness School Pledge: December 4th at 3:30 at Rike/Apollo Room- all business students sign pledge

ñResidential Senator- Sienna Spears

ñMorale captain things for Raiderthon, getting students in the area to attend

ñSchool of Professional Psychology Senator- Andrea Sackett

ñEvent for January- planning for this with faculty members

ñUniversity College Senator- Estrella Alvarez

ñFireside Chat with President Hopkins

ñUCSAC Met last week

ñCommittee Reports

ñNov 14- Kickoff for Relay for Life (bring canned goods), Relay for Life is a tradition at WSU and in SG

ñBookstore Advisory

ñ10% of purchases come back to University

ñThursday- half off clearance

ñJen will donate Gift Basket for Raiderthon

ñBuy-out option for Renting books

ñ22nd of November: Tutorial of services for Windows 8 (sunglasses and entry for $100 raffle)

ñCampus Climate survey- Demographics (age, gender)

ñCarnegie Classification- working on campus culture/identity section

ñGender Based Violence Task force- changes to Student Org Training- section in Org Constitutions that prevent sexual violence, Looking into bullying, stalking

ñAthletic Council

ñRenegotiation of ESPN contract

ñBelmont joining Horizon League

ñGrading Change for Athletes

ñSoftball field under reconstruction- heated dug outs, lighting

ñPregame Lecture Committee: Recognized COSM Student Athletics

ñStudent Athlete Committee November 4th

ñBranding Committee

ñReal Art, Copernicus are two options

ñReport Discussion

ñ3o to 40 Student Orgs: Priority given to people who have attended most House Meetings

ñDisability Forums

ñThomas Webb- ADA, connections to DC, well-qualified, nationally focused ODS programs, Higher Ed Program experience

ñTykiah Wright- personable, former WSU student, aware of accommodations; internships for students (ensuring capability in the future)

ñKatherine Meyers- Intern

ñReply to email about these candidates!!

ñPublic Forum: none

ñRowdy Bobblehead Award: Rachel Fagan to the Judicial Branch

ñNew Business

ñResolution 13-28 (Emily Bingham): Restrooms- families, Disability students, transgender students

ñEncouraging Building and Grounds to include at least 1 single use universally acceptable restroom in new buildings

ñCurrently one in Allyn, one in SU

ñMatthew Johnson moves to vote. Elizabeth Mathews seconds.

ñIn favor- 11 senators

ñResolution 13-28 has passed.

ñAdvisor Reports

ñVP of Enrollment/Marketing starts Thursday- participate as you can

ñPosition responsible for recruitment/retention of students (Orientation)

ñMarketing component now

ñTalk to Gary if you are looking for documents/information

ñBoard of Trustees November 22nd


ñRachel will be leaving at end of semester. Search of VP will occur before the semester ends.

ñNovember 26th meeting is cancelled.

ñLet Kyle know if Emergency phones are not working on campus.

ñMatthew Johnson moves to adjourn meeting. Jordan Young seconds.

ñIn favor- unanimous

ñAdjournment: 7:45 p.m.

2013-2014 Student Government Members:

ñExecutive Board

ñPresident- Sukhmanjit Singh

ñVice-President- Rachel Fagan

ñChief of Staff- JB Saul

ñChief Justice- Karli Lightner

ñDirector of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora


ñSpeaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk

ñAssistant Speaker of the House- Kaliah Ware

ñSecretary of the House- Peyton Jones

ñDirector of Academic Affairs- Kyle Powell

ñAssociate of Academic Affairs- Preteesh Leo Mylabathula

ñAssociate of Academic Affairs- Zena Fadel

ñDirector of Disability Affairs- Megan Gillespie

ñDirector of Campus Culture- Emily Bingham

ñAssociate of Campus Culture- Amaha Sellassie

ñDirector of International Affairs- Fady Al-Banna

ñAssociate of International Affairs- Jennifer Benson

ñDirector of Public Relations- Megan Ater

ñWeb and Communications Associate- Amanda Short

ñDirector of Student Affairs- Erika Leitz

ñAssociate of Student Affairs- Jackie Kucirka

ñAssociate of Veterans’ Affairs- Anthony Hinojosa

ñAssociate of Athletics- Jordan Young

ñAssociate Justice- Christine Ton

ñAssociate Justice- Gabriel Riegle


ñBoonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Casey Babbitt

ñCollege of Education and Human Services Senator- Michelle Coale

ñCollege of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michelle Callaham

ñCollege of Liberal Arts Senator- Phillip Logan

ñCollege of Nursing and Health Senator- Elizabeth Mathews

ñCollege of Science and Mathematics Senator- Matthew Johnson

ñCommuter Senator- Megan Gray

ñLake Campus Senator- Aaron Baker

ñRaj Soin College of Business Senator- Meridith Brackman

ñResidential Senator- Sienna Spears

ñSchool of Professional Psychology Senator- Andrea Sackett

ñUniversity College Senator- Estrella Alvarez