Exchange Student application form
Academic Yea 2016 / 2017
Student’s personal dataName (first): / Name (family): / Attach 2-inch bust and hatless photo
Date of Birth
______/____/____ (yyyy/ mm/ dd) / Gender
□ Male □ Female
Place of Birth (Nationality) / Passport Number
Telephone/Cell Phone / E-mail
Correspondence address
Emergency Contact Information:
Name / Relationship:
Telephone/Cell phone / Address
Current Status:
☐Undergraduate/Bachelor level
☐Graduate/Masters level / Department at Home University
Study Period
The department you apply for at NTPU?
*The courses in English track only in Business college, if student who do not speak Mandarin, he/she should choose department of Business College for Priority
*Please make sure the program you apply. After the acceptance, the level and year cannot be changed.
Level of Study During Exchange undergraduate graduate
Department/Faculty Affiliation
Please choose Department that is the closest match to your current one
(first choice)Name of department______
(second choice)Name of department______
Year of Study During Exchange ☐1st year ☐2nd year ☐3rd year ☐4th year
■How many semesters do you plan to study at NTPU ?
☐ one semester ☐ two semesters
Home institution
Home University (full, official name):
Name of your coordinator:
Telephone number:
Signature ______Date ______/ _____ /____ (yyyy/ mm/ dd)
APPLICANT SHOULD ALSO SUBMIT1.Application form (Do not forget the Signature)
2. Face photo (Attach 2-inch bust and hatless photo)
3. Copy of applicant's passport
4. Certificate of Enrollment in the home institution
5. Certificate of health in English
6. Recommendation letters written in English or in Chinese
7. Statement of purpose or Study plan
8. English official academic transcript( Transcript of results - Higher education study)
9. Copies of language proficiency test scores (Not necessary)
10. Dormitory application form for foreign freshman
Please send the application documents before Apr. 30 2016 for the Fall semester and October 30th 2017 for the Spring semester to:
Office of international Affairs
National Taipei University
No.151, University Rd., San-Shia Dist., New Taipei City
Postal code: 23741 / Telephone:886-2-86741111 ext.68001
Fax: 886-2-86715429
Renee Pai ()
NTPU Dormitory of San Xia campus
外生新生住宿申請表Dormitory application form for foreign freshman
Name / Gender / Department國 籍
Nationality / 是否願意與台灣學生同寢
Live with local students / oYes oNo
1. 宿舍為2人房至4人房,無單人房,房間安排採隨機方式。(Each of the rooms can accommodate 2~4 residents and there is no single room in the dormitory. We make assignments in random order.)
2. 宿舍收費標準(Charging standards of the dorm) ( )。
(1)宿舍費、宿網費:每學期初繳交乙次。(Dormitory semester fee & internet access charge:Complete payments at the beginning of every semester.)
(2)電費:每學期末結算。(Power fee:Clear the bill at the end of every semester.)
(3)寒、暑假:宿舍費及電費另計。(Summer & winter vacation:Dormitory semester fee and power fee count in addition.)
(4)保證金:第一次入住時繳交,退宿時完成離舍手續後退還。(Deposits:Complete the payment when the first time to check in. The deposits will be refunded after finish the procedure for moving out the dorm.)
3. 個人寢具(床墊、棉被、枕頭等)及盥洗用具須自行準備。(Bring your own bedding (mattress, comforter or pillow…etc.) and toilet articles.)
4. 寢室內提供冷氣、電扇,不提供暖氣。(Each of the rooms has an air conditioner and a fan, except heater.)
5. 宿舍公用設備(Dormitory public facilities):
(1)簡易廚房:僅提供食品加熱,請勿做煎、炸等會產生油煙的料理。(Kitchen:Heat up the foods, except which can produce heavy smoke.)
(2)冰箱、電視、脫水機。(Refrigerators, televisions, extractors.)
(3)洗(烘)衣機:自費,投幣式。(Washer & dryer:Coin-operated)
6. 宿舍全面禁菸,公共空間、房間內、陽台皆禁止吸菸。(Smoking is strictly prohibited in all parts of the dormitory including public area, inside the room and balcony.)
7. 請勿攜帶高耗能電器,如電磁爐、電鍋、電暖器等。(Please don't use high power consumption appliances, such as electric oven, electric pot or electric heater.)
8. 住宿生每年都須參加消防逃生訓練,未參加者依規定可退宿。(Every resident in the dormitories must have to participate in fire drill training every year. Residents who are absent will be kicked out of the dorms according to the regulations of Student Housing Section.)
9. 住宿生必須遵守本校住宿相關規定,違反者,將依規定懲處。(Every resident in the dormitories has to obey the regulations of Student Housing Section. Those who violate the regulations will be dealt with according to the regulations of Students Housing Section.)
10. 秋季班入學學生完成申請方可保留床位;春季班入學學生申請後將視床位狀況保留,不保證住宿。Students who are admitted for the fall semester can reserve the space after submitting a complete application; however, due to space limitations, we do not guarantee that space will be available for admitted spring students. Housing assignments for admitted spring students are dependent upon space availability.
住輔組 Student Housing